
  1. Schiavon M, Cobelli C, Nair KS, Klaus K, Toffolo G, Zhang L, Moran A. Exogenous insulin does not reduce protein catabolism in pre-diabetic cystic fibrosis patients: A randomized clinical trial. J Cyst Fibros. 2025 Jan; 24 (1):57-65 Epub 2024 Nov 08
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  2. Chang AY, Asokan AK, Lalia AZ, Sakrikar D, Lanza IR, Petterson XM, Nair KS. Insulin Regulation of Lysine and a-Aminoadipic Acid Dynamics and Amino Metabolites in Women With and Without Insulin Resistance. Diabetes. 2024 Oct 01; 73(10):1592-1604.
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  3. Vanderboom PM, Chawla Y, Dasari S, Kapoor I, Kumar SK, Nair KS, Gonsalves WI. Differences in the proteome within extracellular vesicles between premalignant and malignant plasma cell disorders. Eur J Haematol. 2024 Sep; 113 (3):351-356 Epub 2024 May 28
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  4. Pataky MW, Nair KS. Response to Comment on Pataky et al. Divergent Skeletal Muscle Metabolomic Signatures of Different Exercise Training Modes Independently Predict Cardiometabolic Risk Factors. Diabetes 2024;73:23-37. Diabetes 2024 Jun 1; 73 (6):e4-e5
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  5. Many GM, Sanford JA, Sagendorf TJ, Hou Z, Nigro P, Whytock KL, Amar D, Caputo T, Gay NR, Gaul DA, Hirshman MF, Jimenez-Morales D, Lindholm ME, Muehlbauer MJ, Vamvini M, Bergman BC, Fernandez FM, Goodyear LJ, Hevener AL, Ortlund EA, Sparks LM, Xia A, Adkins JN, Bodine SC, Newgard CB, Schenk S. Sexual dimorphism and the multi-omic response to exercise training in rat subcutaneous white adipose tissue. Nat Metab. 2024 May; 6 (5):963-979 Epub 2024 May 01
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  6. Zhang L, Vella A, Nair KS, Jensen MD. Characteristics of Normal Weight Insulin-Resistant Adults with Unfavorable Health Outcomes. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2024 Jan 16 [Epub ahead of print]
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  7. Pataky MW, Kumar AP, Gaul DA, Moore SG, Dasari S, Robinson MM, Klaus KA, Kumar AA, Fernandez FM, Nair KS. Divergent Skeletal Muscle Metabolomic Signatures of Different Exercise Training Modes Independently Predict Cardiometabolic Risk Factors. Diabetes. 2024 Jan 1; 73 (1):23-37
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  8. Marcotte GR, Miller MJ, Kunz HE, Ryan ZC, Strub MD, Vanderboom PM, Heppelmann CJ, Chau S, Von Ruff ZD, Kilroe SP, McKeen AT, Dierdorff JM, Stern JI, Nath KA, Grueter CE, Lira VA, Judge AR, Rasmussen BB, Nair KS, Lanza IR, Ebert SM, Adams CM. GADD45A is a mediator of mitochondrial loss, atrophy, and weakness in skeletal muscle. JCI Insight. 2023 Nov 22; 8 (22)
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  9. Pataky MW, Dasari S, Michie KL, Sevits KJ, Kumar AA, Klaus KA, Heppelmann CJ, Robinson MM, Carter RE, Lanza IR, Nair KS. Impact of biological sex and sex hormones on molecular signatures of skeletal muscle at rest and in response to distinct exercise training modes. Cell Metab. 2023 Nov 07; 35(11):1996-2010.e6.
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  10. Ruegsegger GN, Pataky MW, Simha S, Robinson MM, Klaus KA, Nair KS. High-intensity aerobic, but not resistance or combined, exercise training improves both cardiometabolic health and skeletal muscle mitochondrial dynamics. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Oct 1; 135 (4):763-774 Epub 2023 Aug 24
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  11. LaRocca TJ, Smith ME, Freeberg KA, Craighead DH, Helmuth T, Robinson MM, Nair KS, Bryan AD, Seals DR. Novel whole blood transcriptome signatures of changes in maximal aerobic capacity in response to endurance exercise training in healthy women. Physiol Genomics. 2023 Aug 1; 55 (8):338-344 Epub 2023 June 19
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  12. James H, Gonsalves WI, Manjunatha S, Dasari S, Lanza IR, Klaus KA, Vella A, Andrews JC, Nair KS. The Effect of Glucagon on Protein Catabolism During Insulin Deficiency: Exchange of Amino Acids Across Skeletal Muscle and the Splanchnic Bed. Diabetes. 2022 Aug 1; 71 (8):1636-1648
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  13. Marelli A, Beauchesne L, Colman J, Ducas R, Grewal J, Keir M, Khairy P, Oechslin E, Therrien J, Vonder Muhll IF, Wald RM, Silversides C, Barron DJ, Benson L, Bernier PL, Horlick E, Ibrahim R, Martucci G, Nair K, Poirier NC, Ross HJ, Baumgartner H, Daniels CJ, Gurvitz M, Roos-Hesselink JW, Kovacs AH, McLeod CJ, Mulder BJ, Warnes CA, Webb GD. Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2022 Guidelines for Cardiovascular Interventions in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. Can J Cardiol. 2022 Jul; 38 (7):862-896 Epub 2022 Apr 20
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  14. Zhang X, Habiballa L, Aversa Z, Ng YE, Sakamoto AE, Englund DA, Pearsall VM, White TA, Robinson MM, Rivas DA, Dasari S, Hruby AJ, Lagnado AB, Jachim SK, Granic A, Sayer AA, Jurk D, Lanza IR, Khosla S, Fielding RA, Nair KS, Schafer MJ, Passos JF, LeBrasseur NK. Characterization of cellular senescence in aging skeletal muscle. Nat Aging. 2022 Jul; 2 (7):601-615 Epub 2022 July 15
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  15. Koh JH, Pataky MW, Dasari S, Klaus KA, Vuckovic I, Ruegsegger GN, Kumar AP, Robinson MM, Nair KS. Enhancement of anaerobic glycolysis - a role of PGC-1alpha4 in resistance exercise. Nat Commun. 2022 Apr 28; 13 (1):2324
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  16. Simha V, Lanza IR, Dasari S, Klaus KA, Le Brasseur N, Vuckovic I, Laurenti MC, Cobelli C, Port JD, Nair KS. Impaired Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Familial Partial Lipodystrophy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 18; 107 (2):346-362
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  17. Apostolopoulou M, Mastrototaro L, Hartwig S, Pesta D, Strassburger K, de Filippo E, Jelenik T, Karusheva Y, Gancheva S, Markgraf D, Herder C, Nair KS, Reichert AS, Lehr S, Mussig K, Al-Hasani H, Szendroedi J, Roden M. Metabolic responsiveness to training depends on insulin sensitivity and protein content of exosomes in insulin-resistant males. Sci Adv. 2021 Oct 8; 7 (41):eabi9551 Epub 2021 Oct 08
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  18. Nakao Y, Amrollahi P, Parthasarathy G, Mauer AS, Sehrawat TS, Vanderboom P, Nair KS, Nakao K, Allen AM, Hu TY, Malhi H. Circulating extracellular vesicles are a biomarker for NAFLD resolution and response to weight loss surgery. Nanomedicine. 2021 Aug; 36:102430 Epub 2021 June 24
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  19. Vanderboom PM, Dasari S, Ruegsegger GN, Pataky MW, Lucien F, Heppelmann CJ, Lanza IR, Nair KS. A size-exclusion-based approach for purifying extracellular vesicles from human plasma. Cell Rep Methods. 2021 Jul 26; 1 (3)
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  20. Pataky MW, Nair KS. Too much of a good thing: Excess exercise can harm mitochondria. Cell Metab 2021 May 4; 33 (5):847-848
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  21. Creo AL, Cortes TM, Jo HJ, Huebner AR, Dasari S, Tillema JM, Lteif AN, Klaus KA, Ruegsegger GN, Kudva YC, Petersen RC, Port JD, Nair KS. Brain functions and cognition on transient insulin deprivation in type 1 diabetes. JCI Insight. 2021 Mar 08; 6(5).
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  22. Pataky MW, Young WF, Nair KS. Hormonal and Metabolic Changes of Aging and the Influence of Lifestyle Modifications. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):788-814
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  23. Barazzoni R, Gortan Cappellari G, Zanetti M, Klaus KA, Semolic A, Johnson ML, Nair KS. Higher unacylated ghrelin and insulin sensitivity following dietary restriction and weight loss in obese humans. Clin Nutr. 2021 Feb; 40 (2):638-644 Epub 2020 June 25
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  24. Bhardwaj G, Penniman CM, Klaus K, Weatherford ET, Pan H, Dreyfuss JM, Nair KS, Kahn CR, O'Neill BT. Transcriptomic Regulation of Muscle Mitochondria and Calcium Signaling by Insulin/IGF-1 Receptors Depends on FoxO Transcription Factors. Front Physiol. 2021; 12:779121 Epub 2022 Feb 04
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  25. Russin KJ, Nair KS, Montine TJ, Baker LD, Craft S. Diet Effects on Cerebrospinal Fluid Amino Acids Levels in Adults with Normal Cognition and Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021; 84 (2):843-853
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  26. Nakao Y, Fukushima M, Mauer AS, Liao CY, Ferris A, Dasgupta D, Heppelmann CJ, Vanderboom PM, Saraswat M, Pandey A, Nair KS, Allen AM, Nakao K, Malhi H. A Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles Associated With Lipotoxicity. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021; 9:735001 Epub 2021 Nov 04
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  27. Gonsalves WI, Jang JS, Jessen E, Hitosugi T, Evans LA, Jevremovic D, Pettersson XM, Bush AG, Gransee J, Anderson EI, Kumar SK, Nair KS. In vivo assessment of glutamine anaplerosis into the TCA cycle in human pre-malignant and malignant clonal plasma cells. Cancer Metab. 2020 Dec 11; 8 (1):29
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  28. Sanford JA, Nogiec CD, Lindholm ME, Adkins JN, Amar D, Dasari S, Drugan JK, Fernandez FM, Radom-Aizik S, Schenk S, Snyder MP, Tracy RP, Vanderboom P, Trappe S, Walsh MJ, Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium. Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC): Mapping the Dynamic Responses to Exercise. Cell. 2020 Jun 25; 181 (7):1464-1474
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  29. Chow LS, Manoogian ENC, Alvear A, Fleischer JG, Thor H, Dietsche K, Wang Q, Hodges JS, Esch N, Malaeb S, Harindhanavudhi T, Nair KS, Panda S, Mashek DG. Time-Restricted Eating Effects on Body Composition and Metabolic Measures in Humans who are Overweight: A Feasibility Study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 May; 28 (5):860-869 Epub 2020 Apr 09
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  30. Coll AP, Chen M, Taskar P, Rimmington D, Patel S, Tadross JA, Cimino I, Yang M, Welsh P, Virtue S, Goldspink DA, Miedzybrodzka EL, Konopka AR, Esponda RR, Huang JT, Tung YCL, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Tomaz RA, Harding HP, Melvin A, Yeo GSH, Preiss D, Vidal-Puig A, Vallier L, Nair KS, Wareham NJ, Ron D, Gribble FM, Reimann F, Sattar N, Savage DB, Allan BB, O'Rahilly S. Publisher Correction: GDF15 mediates the effects of metformin on body weight and energy balance. Nature. 2020 Feb; 578 (7796):E24
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  31. Coll AP, Chen M, Taskar P, Rimmington D, Patel S, Tadross JA, Cimino I, Yang M, Welsh P, Virtue S, Goldspink DA, Miedzybrodzka EL, Konopka AR, Esponda RR, Huang JT, Tung YCL, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Tomaz RA, Harding HP, Melvin A, Yeo GSH, Preiss D, Vidal-Puig A, Vallier L, Nair KS, Wareham NJ, Ron D, Gribble FM, Reimann F, Sattar N, Savage DB, Allan BB, O'Rahilly S. GDF15 mediates the effects of metformin on body weight and energy balance. Nature. 2020 Feb; 578 (7795):444-448 Epub 2019 Dec 25
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  32. Kudva YC, Nair KS. Diabetes Mellitus: A Perspective on the Post-Insulin Era. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Jan; 95 (1):15-21
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  33. Kelahmetoglu Y, Jannig PR, Cervenka I, Koch LG, Britton SL, Zhou J, Wang H, Robinson MM, Nair KS, Ruas JL. Comparative Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Signatures Associated With Aerobic Exercise Capacity or Response to Training in Humans and Rats. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020; 11:591476 Epub 2020 Oct 26
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  34. Ferreira DMS, Cheng AJ, Agudelo LZ, Cervenka I, Chaillou T, Correia JC, Porsmyr-Palmertz M, Izadi M, Hansson A, Martinez-Redondo V, Valente-Silva P, Pettersson-Klein AT, Estall JL, Robinson MM, Nair KS, Lanner JT, Ruas JL. LIM and cysteine-rich domains 1 (LMCD1) regulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy, calcium handling, and force. Skelet Muscle. 2019 Oct 31; 9 (1):26
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  35. Ruegsegger GN, Vanderboom PM, Dasari S, Klaus KA, Kabiraj P, McCarthy CB, Lucchinetti CF, Nair KS. Exercise and metformin counteract altered mitochondrial function in the insulin-resistant brain. JCI Insight. 2019 Sep 19; 4(18).
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  36. Koh JH, Johnson ML, Dasari S, LeBrasseur NK, Vuckovic I, Henderson GC, Cooper SA, Manjunatha S, Ruegsegger GN, Shulman GI, Lanza IR, Nair KS. TFAM Enhances Fat Oxidation and Attenuates High-Fat Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle. Diabetes. 2019 Aug; 68 (8):1552-1564 Epub 2019 May 14
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  37. Koh JH, Hancock CR, Han DH, Holloszy JO, Nair KS, Dasari S. AMPK and PPARbeta positive feedback loop regulates endurance exercise training-mediated GLUT4 expression in skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019 May 1; 316 (5):E931-E939 Epub 2019 Mar 19
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  38. Ruegsegger GN, Manjunatha S, Summer P, Gopala S, Zabeilski P, Dasari S, Vanderboom PM, Lanza IR, Klaus KA, Nair KS. Insulin deficiency and intranasal insulin alter brain mitochondrial function: a potential factor for dementia in diabetes. FASEB J. 2019 Mar; 33 (3):4458-4472 Epub 2019 Jan 24
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  39. O'Neill BT, Bhardwaj G, Penniman CM, Krumpoch MT, Suarez Beltran PA, Klaus K, Poro K, Li M, Pan H, Dreyfuss JM, Nair KS, Kahn CR. FoxO Transcription Factors Are Critical Regulators of Diabetes-Related Muscle Atrophy. Diabetes. 2019 Mar; 68 (3):556-570 Epub 2018 Dec 06
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  40. Jankowski CM, Wolfe P, Schmiege SJ, Nair KS, Khosla S, Jensen M, von Muhlen D, Laughlin GA, Kritz-Silverstein D, Bergstrom J, Bettencourt R, Weiss EP, Villareal DT, Kohrt WM. Sex-specific effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on bone mineral density and body composition: A pooled analysis of four clinical trials. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2019 Feb; 90 (2):293-300 Epub 2018 Dec 09
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  41. Chaanine AH, Joyce LD, Stulak JM, Maltais S, Joyce DL, Dearani JA, Klaus K, Nair KS, Hajjar RJ, Redfield MM. Mitochondrial Morphology, Dynamics, and Function in Human Pressure Overload or Ischemic Heart Disease With Preserved or Reduced Ejection Fraction. Circ Heart Fail. 2019 Feb; 12(2):e005131.
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  42. Moran A, Toffolo G, Schiavon M, Vella A, Klaus K, Cobelli C, Nair KS. A novel triple-tracer approach to assess postprandial protein turnover. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Oct 01; 315(4):E469-E477. Epub 2018 Jun 05.
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  43. Ruegsegger GN, Creo AL, Cortes TM, Dasari S, Nair KS. Altered mitochondrial function in insulin-deficient and insulin-resistant states. J Clin Invest. 2018 Aug 31; 128 (9):3671-3681
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  44. Luthra G, Vuckovic I, Bangdiwala A, Gray H, Redmon JB, Barrett ES, Sathyanarayana S, Nguyen RHN, Swan SH, Zhang S, Dzeja P, Macura SI, Nair KS. First and second trimester urinary metabolic profiles and fetal growth restriction: an exploratory nested case-control study within the infant development and environment study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2018 Feb 8; 18 (1):48 Epub 2018 Feb 08
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  45. Gonsalves WI, Ramakrishnan V, Hitosugi T, Ghosh T, Jevremovic D, Dutta T, Sakrikar D, Petterson XM, Wellik L, Kumar SK, Nair KS. Glutamine-derived 2-hydroxyglutarate is associated with disease progression in plasma cell malignancies. JCI Insight. 2018 Jan 11; 3 (1)
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  46. Robinson MM, Lowe VJ, Nair KS. Increased Brain Glucose Uptake After 12 Weeks of Aerobic High-Intensity Interval Training in Young and Older Adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Jan 1; 103 (1):221-227
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  47. Wilson I. Gonsalves, Vijay Ramakrishnan, Taro Hitosugi, Toshi Ghosh, Dragan Jevremovic, Tumpa Dutta, Dhanajay Sakrikar, Xuan-Mai Persson, Linda Wellik, Shaji K. Kumar, K. Sreekumaran Nair. 2-Hydroxyglutarate Derived from Glutamine is Associated with Disease Progression in Plasma Cell Malignancies JCI Insight.In press;
  48. James HA, O'Neill BT, Nair KS. Insulin Regulation of Proteostasis and Clinical Implications. Cell Metab. 2017 Aug 1; 26 (2):310-323 Epub 2017 July 14
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  49. Chaanine AH, Sreekumaran Nair K, Bergen RH 3rd, Klaus K, Guenzel AJ, Hajjar RJ, Redfield MM. Mitochondrial Integrity and Function in the Progression of Early Pressure Overload-Induced Left Ventricular Remodeling. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Jun 15; 6 (6) Epub 2017 June 15
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  50. Chang AY, Lalia AZ, Jenkins GD, Dutta T, Carter RE, Singh RJ, Nair KS. Combining a nontargeted and targeted metabolomics approach to identify metabolic pathways significantly altered in polycystic ovary syndrome. Metabolism. 2017 Jun; 71:52-63 Epub 2017 Mar 08
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  51. Robinson MM, Dasari S, Konopka AR, Johnson ML, Manjunatha S, Esponda RR, Carter RE, Lanza IR, Nair KS. Enhanced Protein Translation Underlies Improved Metabolic and Physical Adaptations to Different Exercise Training Modes in Young and Old Humans. Cell Metab. 2017 Mar 7; 25 (3):581-592
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  52. Chaanine AH, Kohlbrenner E, Gamb SI, Guenzel AJ, Klaus K, Fayyaz AU, Nair KS, Hajjar RJ, Redfield MM. FOXO3a regulates BNIP3 and modulates mitochondrial calcium, dynamics, and function in cardiac stress. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2016 Dec 1; 311 (6):H1540-H1559 Epub 2016 Sept 30
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  53. Manjunatha S, Distelmaier K, Dasari S, Carter RE, Kudva YC, Nair KS. Functional and proteomic alterations of plasma high density lipoproteins in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism. 2016 Sep; 65 (9):1421-31 Epub 2016 June 29
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  54. Robinson MM, Dasari S, Karakelides H, Bergen HR 3rd, Nair KS. Release of skeletal muscle peptide fragments identifies individual proteins degraded during insulin deprivation in type 1 diabetic humans and mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Sep 1; 311 (3):E628-37 Epub 2016 July 19
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  55. O'Neill BT, Lee KY, Klaus K, Softic S, Krumpoch MT, Fentz J, Stanford KI, Robinson MM, Cai W, Kleinridders A, Pereira RO, Hirshman MF, Abel ED, Accili D, Goodyear LJ, Nair KS, Kahn CR. Insulin and IGF-1 receptors regulate FoxO-mediated signaling in muscle proteostasis. J Clin Invest. 2016 Sep 1; 126 (9):3433-46 Epub 2016 Aug 15
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  56. Conover CA, Bale LK, Nair KS. Comparative gene expression and phenotype analyses of skeletal muscle from aged wild-type and PAPP-A-deficient mice. Exp Gerontol. 2016 Jul; 80:36-42 Epub 2016 Apr 13
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  57. Konopka AR, Esponda RR, Robinson MM, Johnson ML, Carter RE, Schiavon M, Cobelli C, Wondisford FE, Lanza IR, Nair KS. Hyperglucagonemia Mitigates the Effect of Metformin on Glucose Production in Prediabetes. Cell Rep. 2016 May 17; 15 (7):1394-1400 Epub 2016 May 05
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  58. Espinosa De Ycaza AE, Rizza RA, Nair KS, Jensen MD. Effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone and Testosterone Supplementation on Systemic Lipolysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Apr; 101 (4):1719-28 Epub 2016 Feb 17
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  59. Zabielski P, Lanza IR, Gopala S, Heppelmann CJ, Bergen HR 3rd, Dasari S, Nair KS. Altered Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Proteome As the Basis of Disruption of Mitochondrial Function in Diabetic Mice. Diabetes. 2016 Mar; 65 (3):561-73 Epub 2015 Dec 30
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  60. Dutta T, Kudva YC, Persson XM, Schenck LA, Ford GC, Singh RJ, Carter R, Nair KS. Impact of Long-Term Poor and Good Glycemic Control on Metabolomics Alterations in Type 1 Diabetic People. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Mar; 101 (3):1023-33 Epub 2016 Jan 21
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  61. Lalia AZ, Dasari S, Johnson ML, Robinson MM, Konopka AR, Distelmaier K, Port JD, Glavin MT, Esponda RR, Nair KS, Lanza IR. Predictors of Whole-Body Insulin Sensitivity Across Ages and Adiposity in Adult Humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Feb; 101 (2):626-34 Epub 2015 Dec 28
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  62. Ryan ZC, Craig TA, Folmes CD, Wang X, Lanza IR, Schaible NS, Salisbury JL, Nair KS, Terzic A, Sieck GC, Kumar R. 1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Regulates Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption and Dynamics in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells. J Biol Chem. 2016 Jan 15; 291 (3):1514-28 Epub 2015 Nov 24
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  63. Sud M, Fahy E, Cotter D, Azam K, Vadivelu I, Burant C, Edison A, Fiehn O, Higashi R, Nair KS, Sumner S, Subramaniam S. Metabolomics Workbench: An international repository for metabolomics data and metadata, metabolite standards, protocols, tutorials and training, and analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4; 44 (D1):D463-70 Epub 2015 Oct 13
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  64. Johnson ML, Distelmaier K, Lanza IR, Irving BA, Robinson MM, Konopka AR, Shulman GI, Nair KS. Mechanism by Which Caloric Restriction Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Sedentary Obese Adults. Diabetes. 2016 Jan; 65 (1):74-84 Epub 2015 Aug 31
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  65. Johnson ML, Irving BA, Lanza IR, Vendelbo MH, Konopka AR, Robinson MM, Henderson GC, Klaus KA, Morse DM, Heppelmann C, Bergen HR 3rd, Dasari S, Schimke JM, Jakaitis DR, Nair KS. Differential Effect of Endurance Training on Mitochondrial Protein Damage, Degradation, and Acetylation in the Context of Aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 Nov; 70(11):1386-93. Epub 2014 Dec 10.
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  66. Hebert SL, Marquet-de Rouge P, Lanza IR, McCrady-Spitzer SK, Levine JA, Middha S, Carter RE, Klaus KA, Therneau TM, Highsmith EW, Nair KS. Mitochondrial Aging and Physical Decline: Insights From Three Generations of Women. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 Nov; 70 (11):1409-17 Epub 2015 Aug 22
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  67. Jedrychowski MP, Wrann CD, Paulo JA, Gerber KK, Szpyt J, Robinson MM, Nair KS, Gygi SP, Spiegelman BM. Detection and Quantitation of Circulating Human Irisin by Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Cell Metab. 2015 Oct 6; 22 (4):734-740 Epub 2015 Aug 13
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  68. Irving BA, Carter RE, Soop M, Weymiller A, Syed H, Karakelides H, Bhagra S, Short KR, Tatpati L, Barazzoni R, Nair KS. Effect of insulin sensitizer therapy on amino acids and their metabolites. Metabolism. 2015 Jun; 64 (6):720-8 Epub 2015 Jan 22
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  69. Konopka AR, Asante A, Lanza IR, Robinson MM, Johnson ML, Dalla Man C, Cobelli C, Amols MH, Irving BA, Nair KS. Defects in mitochondrial efficiency and H2O2 emissions in obese women are restored to a lean phenotype with aerobic exercise training. Diabetes. 2015 Jun; 64 (6):2104-15 Epub 2015 Jan 20
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  70. Jourdan M, Nair KS, Carter RE, Schimke J, Ford GC, Marc J, Aussel C, Cynober L. Citrulline stimulates muscle protein synthesis in the post-absorptive state in healthy people fed a low-protein diet - A pilot study. Clin Nutr. 2015 Jun; 34 (3):449-56 Epub 2014 May 04
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  71. González F, Sreekumaran Nair K, Basal E, Bearson DM, Schimke JM, Blair HE. Induction of hyperandrogenism in lean reproductive-age women stimulates proatherogenic inflammation. Horm Metab Res. 2015 Jun; 47(6):439-44. Epub 2014 Sep 17.
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  72. Hines KM, Ford GC, Klaus KA, Irving BA, Ford BL, Johnson KL, Lanza IR, Nair KS. Application of high-resolution mass spectrometry to measure low abundance isotope enrichment in individual muscle proteins. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2015 May; 407 (14):4045-52 Epub 2015 Apr 02
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  73. Irving BA, Lanza IR, Henderson GC, Rao RR, Spiegelman BM, Nair KS. Combined training enhances skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity independent of age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Apr; 100 (4):1654-63 Epub 2015 Jan 19
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  74. Acosta A, Camilleri M, Shin A, Vazquez-Roque MI, Iturrino J, Lanza IR, Nair KS, Burton D, O'Neill J, Eckert D, Carlson P, Vella A, Zinsmeister AR. Association of UCP-3 rs1626521 with obesity and stomach functions in humans. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Apr; 23 (4):898-906 Epub 2015 Mar 07
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  75. Deutz NE, Bauer JM, Barazzoni R, Biolo G, Boirie Y, Bosy-Westphal A, Cederholm T, Cruz-Jentoft A, Krznaric Z, Nair KS, Singer P, Teta D, Tipton K, Calder PC. Protein intake and exercise for optimal muscle function with aging: recommendations from the ESPEN Expert Group. Clin Nutr. 2014 Dec; 33 (6):929-36 Epub 2014 Apr 24
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  76. Johnson ML, Lanza IR, Short DK, Asmann YW, Nair KS. Chronically endurance-trained individuals preserve skeletal muscle mitochondrial gene expression with age but differences within age groups remain. Physiol Rep. 2014 Dec 1; 2 (12) Epub 2014 Dec 18
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  77. Robinson MM, Soop M, Sohn TS, Morse DM, Schimke JM, Klaus KA, Nair KS. High insulin combined with essential amino acids stimulates skeletal muscle mitochondrial protein synthesis while decreasing insulin sensitivity in healthy humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec; 99(12):E2574-83.
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  78. Liebau F, Jensen MD, Nair KS, Rooyackers O. Upper-body obese women are resistant to postprandial stimulation of protein synthesis. Clin Nutr. 2014 Oct; 33 (5):802-7 Epub 2013 Nov 13
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  79. Walrand S, Short KR, Heemstra LA, Novak CM, Levine JA, Coenen-Schimke JM, Nair KS. Altered regulation of energy homeostasis in older rats in response to thyroid hormone administration. FASEB J. 2014 Mar; 28 (3):1499-510 Epub 2013 Dec 16
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  80. Zabielski P, Blachnio-Zabielska A, Lanza IR, Gopala S, Manjunatha S, Jakaitis DR, Persson XM, Gransee J, Klaus KA, Schimke JM, Jensen MD, Nair KS. Impact of insulin deprivation and treatment on sphingolipid distribution in different muscle subcellular compartments of streptozotocin-diabetic C57Bl/6 mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Mar 1; 306 (5):E529-42 Epub 2013 Dec 24
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  81. Yin X, Lanza IR, Swain JM, Sarr MG, Nair KS, Jensen MD. Adipocyte mitochondrial function is reduced in human obesity independent of fat cell size. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Feb; 99 (2):E209-16 Epub 2013 Nov 25
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  82. Vendelbo MH, Moller AB, Christensen B, Nellemann B, Clasen BF, Nair KS, Jorgensen JO, Jessen N, Moller N. Fasting increases human skeletal muscle net phenylalanine release and this is associated with decreased mTOR signaling. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (7):e102031 Epub 2014 July 14
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  83. Johnson ML, Nair KS. Assessment of old and new proteins: a novel methodology. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Dec; 23 Suppl 1:S6-11 Epub 2012 July 10
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  84. Konopka AR, Sreekumaran Nair K. Mitochondrial and skeletal muscle health with advancing age. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2013 Oct 15; 379 (1-2):19-29 Epub 2013 May 16
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  85. McCoy RG, Nair KS. The 2010 ESPEN Sir David Cuthbertson Lecture: new and old proteins: clinical implications. Clin Nutr 2013 Oct; 32 (5):728-36 Epub 2013 Jan 18
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  86. Lanza IR, Blachnio-Zabielska A, Johnson ML, Schimke JM, Jakaitis DR, Lebrasseur NK, Jensen MD, Sreekumaran Nair K, Zabielski P. Influence of fish oil on skeletal muscle mitochondrial energetics and lipid metabolites during high-fat diet. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jun 15; 304 (12):E1391-403 Epub 2013 Apr 30
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  87. Johnson ML, Robinson MM, Nair KS. Skeletal muscle aging and the mitochondrion. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2013 May; 24 (5):247-56 Epub 2013 Feb 01
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  88. Renaud G, Llano-Diez M, Ravara B, Gorza L, Feng HZ, Jin JP, Cacciani N, Gustafson AM, Ochala J, Corpeno R, Li M, Hedstrom Y, Ford GC, Nair KS, Larsson L. Sparing of muscle mass and function by passive loading in an experimental intensive care unit model. J Physiol. 2013 Mar 1; 591(Pt 5):1385-402. Epub 2012 Dec 24.
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  89. Zabielski P, Ford GC, Persson XM, Jaleel A, Dewey JD, Nair KS. Comparison of different mass spectrometry techniques in the measurement of L-[ring-(13)C6]phenylalanine incorporation into mixed muscle proteins. J Mass Spectrom. 2013 Feb; 48 (2):269-75
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  90. Bhattacharyya S, Saha S, Giri K, Lanza IR, Nair KS, Jennings NB, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Lopez-Berestein G, Basal E, Weaver AL, Visscher DW, Cliby W, Sood AK, Bhattacharya R, Mukherjee P. Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) contributes to advanced ovarian cancer progression and drug resistance. PLoS One. 2013; 8 (11):e79167 Epub 2013 Nov 13
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  91. Lanza IR, Zabielski P, Klaus KA, Morse DM, Heppelmann CJ, Bergen HR 3rd, Dasari S, Walrand S, Short KR, Johnson ML, Robinson MM, Schimke JM, Jakaitis DR, Asmann YW, Sun Z, Nair KS. Chronic caloric restriction preserves mitochondrial function in senescence without increasing mitochondrial biogenesis. Cell Metab. 2012 Dec 05; 16(6):777-88.
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  92. Short KR, Irving BA, Basu A, Johnson CM, Nair KS, Basu R. Effects of type 2 diabetes and insulin on whole-body, splanchnic, and leg protein metabolism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Dec; 97 (12):4733-41 Epub 2012 Oct 02
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  93. Barazzoni R, Short KR, Asmann Y, Coenen-Schimke JM, Robinson MM, Nair KS. Insulin fails to enhance mTOR phosphorylation, mitochondrial protein synthesis, and ATP production in human skeletal muscle without amino acid replacement. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov 1; 303 (9):E1117-25 Epub 2012 Sept 11
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  94. Bush NC, Basu R, Rizza RA, Nair KS, Khosla S, Jensen MD. Insulin-mediated FFA suppression is associated with triglyceridemia and insulin sensitivity independent of adiposity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov; 97 (11):4130-8 Epub 2012 Aug 29
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  95. González F, Nair KS, Daniels JK, Basal E, Schimke JM, Blair HE. Hyperandrogenism sensitizes leukocytes to hyperglycemia to promote oxidative stress in lean reproductive-age women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Aug; 97(8):2836-43. Epub 2012 May 08.
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  96. Chow LS, Seaquist ER, Eberly LE, Mashek MT, Schimke JM, Nair KS, Mashek DG. Acute free fatty acid elevation eliminates endurance training effect on insulin sensitivity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Aug; 97(8):2890-7. Epub 2012 May 25.
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  97. Irving BA, Robinson MM, Nair KS. Age effect on myocellular remodeling: response to exercise and nutrition in humans. Ageing Res Rev. 2012 Jul; 11 (3):374-89 Epub 2011 Nov 07
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  98. Soop M, Nehra V, Henderson GC, Boirie Y, Ford GC, Nair KS. Coingestion of whey protein and casein in a mixed meal: demonstration of a more sustained anabolic effect of casein. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Jul 1; 303 (1):E152-62 Epub 2012 May 08
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  99. Giannoulis MG, Martin FC, Nair KS, Umpleby AM, Sonksen P. Hormone replacement therapy and physical function in healthy older men. Time to talk hormones? Endocr Rev. 2012 Jun; 33(3):314-77. Epub 2012 Mar 20.
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  100. McCoy RG, Irving BA, Soop M, Srinivasan M, Tatpati L, Chow L, Weymiller AJ, Carter RE, Nair KS. Effect of insulin sensitizer therapy on atherothrombotic and inflammatory profiles associated with insulin resistance. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Jun; 87 (6):561-70
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  101. Nemutlu E, Juranic N, Zhang S, Ward LE, Dutta T, Nair KS, Terzic A, Macura S, Dzeja PP. Electron spray ionization mass spectrometry and 2D 31P NMR for monitoring 18O/16O isotope exchange and turnover rates of metabolic oligophosphates. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2012 May; 403 (3):697-706 Epub 2012 Mar 18
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  102. Dutta T, Chai HS, Ward LE, Ghosh A, Persson XM, Ford GC, Kudva YC, Sun Z, Asmann YW, Kocher JP, Nair KS. Concordance of changes in metabolic pathways based on plasma metabolomics and skeletal muscle transcriptomics in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes. 2012 May; 61: (5)1004-16.
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  103. Gonzalez F, Nair KS, Daniels JK, Basal E, Schimke JM. Hyperandrogenism sensitizes mononuclear cells to promote glucose-induced inflammation in lean reproductive-age women. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Feb 1; 302 (3):E297-306 Epub 2011 Nov 01
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  104. Ruas JL, White JP, Rao RR, Kleiner S, Brannan KT, Harrison BC, Greene NP, Wu J, Estall JL, Irving BA, Lanza IR, Rasbach KA, Okutsu M, Nair KS, Yan Z, Leinwand LA, Spiegelman BM. A PGC-1alpha isoform induced by resistance training regulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Cell. 2012; 151(6):1319-31.
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  105. Di Camillo B, Irving BA, Schimke J, Sanavia T, Toffolo G, Cobelli C, Nair KS. Function-based discovery of significant transcriptional temporal patterns in insulin stimulated muscle cells. PLoS One. 2012; 7(3):e32391. Epub 2012 Mar 01.
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  106. Nair KS. Changing of the guards. Diabetes. 2012; 61(1):1-3.
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  108. Singh M, Rihal CS, Lennon RJ, Spertus JA, Nair KS, Roger VL. Influence of frailty and health status on outcomes in patients with coronary disease undergoing percutaneous revascularization. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2011 Sep; 4 (5):496-502 Epub 2011 Aug 30
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  109. Irving BA, Short KR, Nair KS, Stump CS. Nine days of intensive exercise training improves mitochondrial function but not insulin action in adult offspring of mothers with type 2 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jul; 96 (7):E1137-41 Epub 2011 Apr 20
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  110. Ochala J, Gustafson AM, Diez ML, Renaud G, Li M, Aare S, Qaisar R, Banduseela VC, Hedstrom Y, Tang X, Dworkin B, Ford GC, Nair KS, Perera S, Gautel M, Larsson L. Preferential skeletal muscle myosin loss in response to mechanical silencing in a novel rat intensive care unit model: underlying mechanisms. J Physiol. 2011 Apr 15; 589(Pt 8):2007-26. Epub 2011 Feb 14.
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  111. Irving BA, Nair KS, Srinivasan M. Effects of insulin sensitivity, body composition, and fitness on lipoprotein particle sizes and concentrations determined by nuclear magnetic resonance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Apr; 96 (4):E713-8 Epub 2011 Jan 26
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  112. Vendelbo MH, Nair KS. Mitochondrial longevity pathways. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Apr; 1813 (4):634-44 Epub 2011 Feb 02
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  113. Rostambeigi N, Lanza IR, Dzeja PP, Deeds MC, Irving BA, Reddi HV, Madde P, Zhang S, Asmann YW, Anderson JM, Schimke JM, Nair KS, Eberhardt NL, Kudva YC. Unique cellular and mitochondrial defects mediate FK506-induced islet beta-cell dysfunction. Transplantation. 2011 Mar 27; 91 (6):615-23
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  114. Koutsari C, Basu R, Rizza RA, Nair KS, Khosla S, Jensen MD. Nonoxidative free fatty acid disposal is greater in young women than men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Feb; 96 (2):541-7 Epub 2010 Dec 01
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  115. Eckel-Passow JE, Mahoney DW, Oberg AL, Zenka RM, Johnson KL, Nair KS, Kudva YC, Bergen HR 3rd, Therneau TM. Bi-Linear Regression for O Quantification: Modeling across the Elution Profile. J Proteomics Bioinform. 2010 Dec 15; 3(12):314-320.
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  116. Muniyappa R, Irving BA, Unni US, Briggs WM, Nair KS, Quon MJ, Kurpad AV. Limited predictive ability of surrogate indices of insulin sensitivity/resistance in Asian-Indian men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Dec; 299(6):E1106-12. Epub 2010 Oct 13.
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  117. Jaleel A, Henderson GC, Madden BJ, Klaus KA, Morse DM, Gopala S, Nair KS. Identification of de novo synthesized and relatively older proteins: accelerated oxidative damage to de novo synthesized apolipoprotein A-1 in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes. 2010 Oct; 59 (10):2366-74 Epub 2010 July 09
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  118. Lanza IR, Nair KS. Mitochondrial metabolic function assessed in vivo and in vitro. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 Sep; 13 (5):511-7
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  119. Lanza IR, Sreekumaran Nair K. Regulation of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function: genes to proteins. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2010 Aug; 199 (4):529-47 Epub 2010 Mar 25
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  120. Hebert SL, Lanza IR, Nair KS. Mitochondrial DNA alterations and reduced mitochondrial function in aging. Mech Ageing Dev. 2010 Jul-Aug; 131 (7-8):451-62 Epub 2010 Mar 20
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  121. Henderson GC, Nadeau D, Horton ES, Nair KS. Effects of adiposity and 30 days of caloric restriction upon protein metabolism in moderately vs. severely obese women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Jun; 18 (6):1135-42 Epub 2010 Feb 04
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  122. Lanza IR, Zhang S, Ward LE, Karakelides H, Raftery D, Nair KS. Quantitative metabolomics by H-NMR and LC-MS/MS confirms altered metabolic pathways in diabetes. PLoS One. 2010 May 10; 5 (5):e10538
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  123. Srinivasan M, Irving BA, Frye RL, O'Brien P, Hartman SJ, McConnell JP, Nair KS. Effects on lipoprotein particles of long-term dehydroepiandrosterone in elderly men and women and testosterone in elderly men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Apr; 95 (4):1617-25 Epub 2010 Feb 05
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  124. Tatpati LL, Irving BA, Tom A, Bigelow ML, Klaus K, Short KR, Nair KS. The effect of branched chain amino acids on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in young and elderly adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Feb; 95(2):894-902. Epub 2009 Dec 18.
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  125. Hebert SL, Nair KS. Protein and energy metabolism in type 1 diabetes. Clin Nutr. 2010 Feb; 29 (1):13-7 Epub 2009 Sept 27
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  126. Lanza IR, Nair KS. Mitochondrial function as a determinant of life span. Pflugers Arch. 2010 Jan; 459 (2):277-89 Epub 2009 Sept 11
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  127. Karakelides H, Irving BA, Short KR, O'Brien P, Nair KS. Age, obesity, and sex effects on insulin sensitivity and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function. Diabetes. 2010 Jan; 59 (1):89-97 Epub 2009 Oct 15
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  128. Short KR, Bigelow ML, Nair KS. Short-term prednisone use antagonizes insulin's anabolic effect on muscle protein and glucose metabolism in young healthy people. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Dec; 297 (6):E1260-8 Epub 2009 Sept 08
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  129. Jourdan M, Jaleel A, Karakelides H, Ford GC, Kahn BB, Nair KS. Impact of type 1 diabetes and insulin treatment on plasma levels and fractional synthesis rate of retinol-binding protein 4. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Dec; 94 (12):5125-30 Epub 2009 Oct 22
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  130. Liu L, Shi X, Choi CS, Shulman GI, Klaus K, Nair KS, Schwartz GJ, Zhang Y, Goldberg IJ, Yu YH. Paradoxical coupling of triglyceride synthesis and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle overexpressing DGAT1. Diabetes. 2009 Nov; 58(11):2516-24. Epub 2009 Aug 12.
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  131. Jaleel A, Klaus KA, Morse DM, Karakelides H, Ward LE, Irving BA, Nair KS. Differential effects of insulin deprivation and systemic insulin treatment on plasma protein synthesis in type 1 diabetic people. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Oct; 297(4):E889-97. Epub 2009 Aug 04.
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  132. Koutsari C, Ali AH, Nair KS, Rizza RA, O'Brien P, Khosla S, Jensen MD. Fatty acid metabolism in the elderly: effects of dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone replacement in hormonally deficient men and women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Sep; 94 (9):3414-23 Epub 2009 June 30
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  133. Zhang S, Zheng C, Lanza IR, Nair KS, Raftery D, Vitek O. Interdependence of signal processing and analysis of urine 1H NMR spectra for metabolic profiling. Anal Chem. 2009 Aug 1; 81(15):6080-8.
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  134. Deshmukh A, Salehzadeh F, Metayer-Coustard S, Fahlman R, Nair KS, Al-Khalili L. Post-transcriptional gene silencing of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 restores insulin action in leucine-treated skeletal muscle. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2009 Apr; 66(8):1457-66.
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  135. Srinivasan M, Irving BA, Dhatariya K, Klaus KA, Hartman SJ, McConnell JP, Nair KS. Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement on lipoprotein profile in hypoadrenal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Mar; 94(3):761-4. Epub 2008 Dec 09.
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  136. Henderson GC, Dhatariya K, Ford GC, Klaus KA, Basu R, Rizza RA, Jensen MD, Khosla S, O'Brien P, Nair KS. Higher muscle protein synthesis in women than men across the lifespan, and failure of androgen administration to amend age-related decrements. FASEB J. 2009 Feb; 23(2):631-41. Epub 2008 Sep 30.
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  137. Allemand MC, Irving BA, Asmann YW, Klaus KA, Tatpati L, Coddington CC, Nair KS. Effect of testosterone on insulin stimulated IRS1 Ser phosphorylation in primary rat myotubes--a potential model for PCOS-related insulin resistance. PLoS One. 2009; 4(1):e4274. Epub 2009 Jan 26.
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  138. Lanza IR, Nair KS. Functional assessment of isolated mitochondria in vitro. Methods Enzymol. 2009; 457:349-72
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  139. You YN, Short KR, Jourdan M, Klaus KA, Walrand S, Nair KS. The effect of high glucocorticoid administration and food restriction on rodent skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and protein metabolism. PLoS One. 2009; 4(4):e5283. Epub 2009 Apr 20.
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  140. Lanza IR, Nair KS. Muscle mitochondrial changes with aging and exercise. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jan; 89 (1):467S-71S Epub 2008 Dec 03
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  141. Dhatariya KK, Greenlund LJ, Bigelow ML, Thapa P, Oberg AL, Ford GC, Schimke JM, Nair KS. Dehydroepiandrosterone replacement therapy in hypoadrenal women: protein anabolism and skeletal muscle function. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Nov; 83 (11):1218-25
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  142. Greenlund LJ, Nair KS, Brennan MD. Changes in body composition in women following treatment of overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism. Endocr Pract. 2008 Nov; 14 (8):973-8
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  143. Jaleel A, Short KR, Asmann YW, Klaus KA, Morse DM, Ford GC, Nair KS. In vivo measurement of synthesis rate of individual skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteins. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Nov; 295(5):E1255-68. Epub 2008 Sep 02.
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  144. Lanza IR, Short DK, Short KR, Raghavakaimal S, Basu R, Joyner MJ, McConnell JP, Nair KS. Endurance exercise as a countermeasure for aging. Diabetes. 2008 Nov; 57 (11):2933-42 Epub 2008 Aug 20
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  145. Singh M, Alexander K, Roger VL, Rihal CS, Whitson HE, Lerman A, Jahangir A, Nair KS. Frailty and its potential relevance to cardiovascular care. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Oct; 83 (10):1146-53
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  146. Walrand S, Short KR, Bigelow ML, Sweatt AJ, Hutson SM, Nair KS. Functional impact of high protein intake on healthy elderly people. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Oct; 295 (4):E921-8 Epub 2008 Aug 12
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  147. Giannoulis MG, Jackson N, Shojaee-Moradie F, Nair KS, Sonksen PH, Martin FC, Umpleby AM. The effects of growth hormone and/or testosterone on whole body protein kinetics and skeletal muscle gene expression in healthy elderly men: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Aug; 93(8):3066-74. Epub 2008 May 13.
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  148. Rossetti P, Porcellati F, Busciantella Ricci N, Candeloro P, Cioli P, Nair KS, Santeusanio F, Bolli GB, Fanelli CG. Effect of oral amino acids on counterregulatory responses and cognitive function during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in nondiabetic and type 1 diabetic people. Diabetes. 2008 Jul; 57(7):1905-17. Epub 2008 Apr 04.
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  149. Bhagra S, Nippoldt TB, Nair KS. Dehydroepiandrosterone in adrenal insufficiency and ageing. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2008 Jun; 15 (3):239-43
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  150. Nair KS, Bigelow ML, Asmann YW, Chow LS, Coenen-Schimke JM, Klaus KA, Guo ZK, Sreekumar R, Irving BA. Asian Indians have enhanced skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity to produce ATP in association with severe insulin resistance. Diabetes. 2008 May; 57 (5):1166-75 Epub 2008 Feb 19
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  151. Igwebuike A, Irving BA, Bigelow ML, Short KR, McConnell JP, Nair KS. Lack of dehydroepiandrosterone effect on a combined endurance and resistance exercise program in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Feb; 93 (2):534-8 Epub 2007 Nov 20
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  152. Short KR, Moller N, Bigelow ML, Coenen-Schimke J, Nair KS. Enhancement of muscle mitochondrial function by growth hormone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Feb; 93 (2):597-604 Epub 2007 Nov 13
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  153. Karakelides H, Asmann YW, Bigelow ML, Short KR, Dhatariya K, Coenen-Schimke J, Kahl J, Mukhopadhyay D, Nair KS. Effect of insulin deprivation on muscle mitochondrial ATP production and gene transcript levels in type 1 diabetic subjects. Diabetes. 2007 Nov; 56 (11):2683-9 Epub 2007 July 27
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  154. Irving BA, Nair KS. Aging and diabetes: mitochondrial dysfunction. Curr Diab Rep. 2007 Aug; 7 (4):249-51
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  155. Basu R, Dalla Man C, Campioni M, Basu A, Nair KS, Jensen MD, Khosla S, Klee G, Toffolo G, Cobelli C, Rizza RA. Effect of 2 years of testosterone replacement on insulin secretion, insulin action, glucose effectiveness, hepatic insulin clearance, and postprandial glucose turnover in elderly men. Diabetes Care. 2007 Aug; 30 (8):1972-8 Epub 2007 May 11
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  159. Chow LS, Greenlund LJ, Asmann YW, Short KR, McCrady SK, Levine JA, Nair KS. Impact of endurance training on murine spontaneous activity, muscle mitochondrial DNA abundance, gene transcripts, and function. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2007 Mar; 102(3):1078-89. Epub 2006 Nov 16.
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  160. Short KR, Nygren J, Nair KS. Effect of T(3)-induced hyperthyroidism on mitochondrial and cytoplasmic protein synthesis rates in oxidative and glycolytic tissues in rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Feb; 292(2):E642-7. Epub 2006 Oct 17.
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  161. Mason CJ, Therneau TM, Eckel-Passow JE, Johnson KL, Oberg AL, Olson JE, Nair KS, Muddiman DC, Bergen HR 3rd. A method for automatically interpreting mass spectra of 18O-labeled isotopic clusters. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2007 Feb; 6 (2):305-18 Epub 2006 Oct 26
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  162. Asmann YW, Stump CS, Short KR, Coenen-Schimke JM, Guo Z, Bigelow ML, Nair KS. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial functions, mitochondrial DNA copy numbers, and gene transcript profiles in type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic subjects at equal levels of low or high insulin and euglycemia. Diabetes. 2006 Dec; 55(12):3309-19.
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  163. Brennan MD, Coenen-Schimke JM, Bigelow ML, Nair KS. Changes in skeletal muscle protein metabolism and myosin heavy chain isoform messenger ribonucleic acid abundance after treatment of hyperthyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Nov; 91 (11):4650-6 Epub 2006 Aug 29
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  165. Chow LS, Albright RC, Bigelow ML, Toffolo G, Cobelli C, Nair KS. Mechanism of insulin's anabolic effect on muscle: measurements of muscle protein synthesis and breakdown using aminoacyl-tRNA and other surrogate measures. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Oct; 291 (4):E729-36 Epub 2006 May 16
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  166. Abu-Lebdeh HS, Barazzoni R, Meek SE, Bigelow ML, Persson XM, Nair KS. Effects of insulin deprivation and treatment on homocysteine metabolism in people with type 1 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep; 91 (9):3344-8 Epub 2006 June 13
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  167. Moller N, Jensen MD, Rizza RA, Andrews JC, Nair KS. Renal amino acid, fat and glucose metabolism in type 1 diabetic and non-diabetic humans: effects of acute insulin withdrawal. Diabetologia. 2006 Aug; 49 (8):1901-8 Epub 2006 May 23
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  168. Jaleel A, Nehra V, Persson XM, Boirie Y, Bigelow M, Nair KS. In vivo measurement of synthesis rate of multiple plasma proteins in humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Jul; 291(1):E190-7. Epub 2006 Jan 31.
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  169. Ostergard T, Andersen JL, Nyholm B, Lund S, Nair KS, Saltin B, Schmitz O. Impact of exercise training on insulin sensitivity, physical fitness, and muscle oxidative capacity in first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 May; 290(5):E998-1005. Epub 2005 Dec 13.
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  171. Freyse EJ, Fischer U, Knospe S, Ford GC, Nair KS. Differences in protein and energy metabolism following portal versus systemic administration of insulin in diabetic dogs. Diabetologia. 2006 Mar; 49(3):543-51. Epub 2006 Jan 31.
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  172. Tom A, Nair KS. Assessment of branched-chain amino Acid status and potential for biomarkers. J Nutr. 2006 Jan; 136 (1 Suppl):324S-30S
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  174. Chow LS, Nair KS. Sarcopenia of male aging. Endocrinology & Metabolism Clinics of North America. 2005 Dec; 34(4):833-52.
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  175. Short KR, Vittone JL, Bigelow ML, Proctor DN, Coenen-Schimke JM, Rys P, Nair KS. Changes in myosin heavy chain mRNA and protein expression in human skeletal muscle with age and endurance exercise training. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Jul; 99 (1):95-102 Epub 2005 Mar 03
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  176. Riis ALD, Jorgensen JOL, Gjedde S, Norrelund H, Jurik AG, Nair KS, Ivarsen P, Weeke J, Moller N. Whole body and forearm substrate metabolism in hyperthyroidism: evidence of increased basal muscle protein breakdown. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jun; 288(6):E1067-73.
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  180. Jaleel A, Halvatsiotis P, Williamson B, Juhasz P, Martin S, Nair KS. Identification of Amadori-modified plasma proteins in type 2 diabetes and the effect of short-term intensive insulin treatment. Diabetes Care. 2005 Mar; 28 (3):645-52
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  181. Dhatariya K, Bigelow ML, Nair KS. Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement on insulin sensitivity and lipids in hypoadrenal women. Diabetes. 2005 Mar; 54 (3):765-9
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  182. Nair KS. Amino acid and protein metabolism in chronic renal failure. J Ren Nutr. 2005 Jan; 15 (1):28-33
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  185. Boirie Y, Albright R, Bigelow M, Nair KS. Impairment of phenylalanine conversion to tyrosine in end-stage renal disease causing tyrosine deficiency. Kidney Int. 2004 Aug; 66(2):591-6.
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  186. Jaleel A, Nair KS. Identification of multiple proteins whose synthetic rates are enhanced by high amino acid levels in rat hepatocytes. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jun; 286(6):E950-7. Epub 2004 Feb 10.
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  187. Nair KS, Jaleel A, Asmann YW, Short KR, Raghavakaimal S. Proteomic research: potential opportunities for clinical and physiological investigators. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jun; 286(6):E863-74.
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  188. Brodsky IG, Suzara D, Furman M, Goldspink P, Ford GC, Nair KS, Kukowski J, Bedno S. Proteasome production in human muscle during nutritional inhibition of myofibrillar protein degradation. Metabolism: Clinical & Experimental. 2004 Mar; 53(3):340-7.
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  189. Short KR, Vittone JL, Bigelow ML, Proctor DN, Nair KS. Age and aerobic exercise training effects on whole body and muscle protein metabolism. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jan; 286 (1):E92-101 Epub 2003 Sept 23
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  192. Norrelund H, Djurhuus C, Jorgensen JOL, Nielsen S, Nair KS, Schmitz O, Christiansen JS, Moller N. Effects of GH on urea, glucose and lipid metabolism, and insulin sensitivity during fasting in GH-deficient patients. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2003 Oct 1; 285(4):E737-43.
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  195. Short KR, Vittone JL, Bigelow ML, Proctor DN, Rizza RA, Coenen-Schimke JM, Nair KS. Impact of aerobic exercise training on age-related changes in insulin sensitivity and muscle oxidative capacity. Diabetes. 2003 Aug; 52 (8):1888-96
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  196. Stump CS, Short KR, Bigelow ML, Schimke JM, Nair KS. Effect of insulin on human skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production, protein synthesis, and mRNA transcripts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Jun 24; 100 (13):7996-8001 Epub 2003 June 13
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  197. Nygren J, Nair KS. Differential regulation of protein dynamics in splanchnic and skeletal muscle beds by insulin and amino acids in healthy human subjects. Diabetes. 2003 Jun; 52 (6):1377-85
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  198. Greenlund LJ, Greenlund LJ, Nair KS. Sarcopenia--consequences, mechanisms, and potential therapies. Mech Ageing Dev. 2003 Mar; 124 (3):287-99
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  200. Levine JA, Nygren J, Short KR, Nair KS. Effect of hyperthyroidism on spontaneous physical activity and energy expenditure in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2003 Jan; 94(1):165-70.
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  201. Shah P, Vella A, Basu A, Basu R, Adkins A, Schwenk WF, Johnson CM, Schwenk WF, Johnson CM, Nair KS, Jensen MD, Rizza RA. Elevated free fatty acids impair glucose metabolism in women: decreased stimulation of muscle glucose uptake and suppression of splanchnic glucose production during combined hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Diabetes. 2003 Jan; 52 (1):38-42
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  203. Halvatsiotis P, Short KR, Bigelow M, Nair KS. Synthesis rate of muscle proteins, muscle functions, and amino acid kinetics in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 2002 Aug; 51 (8):2395-404
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  204. Sreekumar R, Unnikrishnan J, Fu A, Nygren J, Short KR, Schimke J, Barazzoni R, Nair KS. Effects of caloric restriction on mitochondrial function and gene transcripts in rat muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jul; 283: (1)E38-43.
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  205. Halvatsiotis PG, Turk D, Alzaid A, Dinneen S, Rizza RA, Nair KS. Insulin effect on leucine kinetics in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Nutr Metab. 2002 Jun; 15: (3)136-42.
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  209. Charlton N, Sreekumar R, Rasmussen D, Lindor K, Nair KS. Apolipoprotein synthesis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology. 2002 Apr; 35(4):898-904.
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  210. Sato J, O'Brien T, Katusic ZS, Fu A, Nygren J, Singh R, Nair KS. Dietary antioxidants preserve endothelium dependent vasorelaxation in overfed rats. Atherosclerosis. 2002 Apr; 161 (2):327-33
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  211. Shah P, Vella A, Basu A, Basu R, Adkins A, Schwenk WF, Johnson CM, Schwenk WF, Johnson CM, Nair KS, Jensen MD, Rizza RA. Effects of free fatty acids and glycerol on splanchnic glucose metabolism and insulin extraction in nondiabetic humans. Diabetes. 2002 Feb; 51 (2):301-10
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  212. Basu R, Basu A, Nair KS. Muscle changes in aging. J Nutr Health Aging. 2002; 6(5):336-41.
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  213. Boirie Y, Short KR, Ahlman B, Charlton M, Charlton M, Nair KS. Tissue-specific regulation of mitochondrial and cytoplasmic protein synthesis rates by insulin. Diabetes. 2001 Dec; 50 (12):2652-8
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  214. Short KR, Nair KS. Muscle protein metabolism and the sarcopenia of aging. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2001 Dec; 11 Suppl:S119-27
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  215. Norrelund H, Moller N, Nair KS, Christiansen JS, Jorgensen JO. Continuation of growth hormone (GH) substitution during fasting in GH-deficient patients decreases urea excretion and conserves protein synthesis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Jul; 86(7):3120-9.
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  216. Short KR, Nair KS. Does aging adversely affect muscle mitochondrial function? Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2001 Jul; 29 (3):118-23
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  217. Caso G, Ford GC, Nair KS, Vosswinkel JA, Garlick PJ, McNurlan MA. Increased concentration of tracee affects estimates of muscle protein synthesis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Jun; 280(6):E937-46.
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  218. Moran A, Milla C, Ducret R, Nair KS. Protein metabolism in clinically stable adult cystic fibrosis patients with abnormal glucose tolerance. Diabetes. 2001 Jun; 50(6):1336-43.
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  219. Basu A, Basu R, Shah P, Vella A, Johnson CM, Jensen M, Johnson CM, Jensen M, Nair KS, Schwenk WF, Schwenk WF, Rizza RA. Type 2 diabetes impairs splanchnic uptake of glucose but does not alter intestinal glucose absorption during enteral glucose feeding: additional evidence for a defect in hepatic glucokinase activity. Diabetes. 2001 Jun; 50 (6):1351-62
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  220. Ahlman B, Charlton M, Fu A, Charlton M, Berg C, O'Brien P, O'Brien P, Nair KS. Insulin's effect on synthesis rates of liver proteins. A swine model comparing various precursors of protein synthesis. Diabetes. 2001 May; 50 (5):947-54
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  221. Short KR, Nygren J, Barazzoni R, Levine J, Nair KS. T(3) increases mitochondrial ATP production in oxidative muscle despite increased expression of UCP2 and -3. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 May; 280 (5):E761-9
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  222. Moller N, Rizza RA, Ford GC, Nair KS. Assessment of postabsorptive renal glucose metabolism in humans with multiple glucose tracers. Diabetes. 2001 Apr; 50 (4):747-51
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  223. Morley JE, Baumgartner RN, Roubenoff R, Mayer J, Nair KS. Sarcopenia. Journal of Laboratory & Clinical Medicine. 2001 Apr; 137(4):231-43.
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  224. Barazzoni R, Nair KS. Changes in uncoupling protein-2 and -3 expression in aging rat skeletal muscle, liver, and heart. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Mar; 280 (3):E413-9
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  225. Balagopal P, Schimke JC, Ades P, Adey D, Nair KS. Age effect on transcript levels and synthesis rate of muscle MHC and response to resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Feb; 280 (2):E203-8
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  226. Norrelund H, Nair KS, Jorgensen JO, Christiansen JS, Moller N. The protein-retaining effects of growth hormone during fasting involve inhibition of muscle-protein breakdown. Diabetes. 2001 Jan; 50(1):96-104.
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  227. Balagopal P, Schimke, Ades P, Adey, D, Nair KS. Age effect on gene expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms and the effect of resistance effect on gene expression and synthesis of MHC. Am J Physiol. 2001; 280:E203-8.
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  230. Lee JS, Camilleri M, Zinsmeister AR, Burton DD, Choi MG, Nair KS, Verlinden M. Toward office-based measurement of gastric emptying in symptomatic diabetics using [13C]octanoic acid breath test. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Oct; 95 (10):2751-61
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  236. Basu A, Basu R, Shah P, Vella A, Johnson CM, Johnson CM, Nair KS, Jensen MD, Schwenk WF, Schwenk WF, Rizza RA. Effects of type 2 diabetes on the ability of insulin and glucose to regulate splanchnic and muscle glucose metabolism: evidence for a defect in hepatic glucokinase activity. Diabetes. 2000 Feb; 49 (2):272-83
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  237. Charlton M, Ahlman B, Charlton M, Nair KS. The effect of insulin on human small intestinal mucosal protein synthesis. Gastroenterology. 2000 Feb; 118 (2):299-306
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  238. Moller N, Meek S, Bigelow M, Andrews J, Nair KS. The kidney is an important site for in vivo phenylalanine-to-tyrosine conversion in adult humans: A metabolic role of the kidney. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Feb 1; 97 (3):1242-6
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  239. Adey D, Kumar R, McCarthy JT, Nair KS. Reduced synthesis of muscle proteins in chronic renal failure. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Feb; 278 (2):E219-25
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  240. Short KR, Nair KS. The effect of age on protein metabolism. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2000 Jan; 3 (1):39-44
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  243. Proctor DN, O'Brien PC, Atkinson EJ, Nair KS. Comparison of techniques to estimate total body skeletal muscle mass in people of different age groups. Am J Physiol. 1999 Sep; 277 (3):E489-95
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  245. Barazzoni R, Meek SE, Ekberg K, Wahren J, Nair KS. Arterial KIC as marker of liver and muscle intracellular leucine pools in healthy and type 1 diabetic humans. Am J Physiol. 1999 Aug; 277 (2):E238-44
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  246. Wahren JP6, Ekberg K, Fernqvist-Forbes E, Nair S. Brain substrate utilisation during acute hypoglycaemia. Diabetologia. 1999 Jul; 42(7):812-8.
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  247. Short KR, Meek SE, Moller N, Ekberg K, Nair KS. Whole body protein kinetics using Phe and Tyr tracers: an evaluation of the accuracy of approximated flux values. Am J Physiol. 1999 Jun; 276 (6):E1194-200
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  248. Coenen Schimke JM, Ljungqvist OH, Sarkar G, Conover CA, Nair KS. A quantitative PCR measurement of messenger RNA expression of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-5 in human skeletal muscle. Growth Horm IGF Res. 1999 Jun; 9(3):179-86.
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  249. Thorell A, Nygren J, Hirshman MF, Hayashi T, Nair KS, Horton ES, Goodyear LJ, Ljungqvist O. Surgery-induced insulin resistance in human patients: relation to glucose transport and utilization. Am J Physiol. 1999 Apr; 276(4 Pt 1):E754-61.
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