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  8. Wang HL, Sine SM. Function of the acetylcholine receptor at the atomic scale. Journal Of Computational And Theoretical Nanoscience. 2010 Dec; 7(12):2538-42.
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  10. Mukhtasimova N, Lee WY, Wang HL, Sine SM. Detection and trapping of intermediate states priming nicotinic receptor channel opening. Nature. 2009 May 21; 459 (7245):451-4 Epub 2009 Apr 01
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  11. Wang HL, Toghraee R, Papke D, Cheng XL, McCammon JA, Ravaioli U, Sine SM. Single-channel current through nicotinic receptor produced by closure of binding site C-loop. Biophys J. 2009 May 6; 96 (9):3582-90
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  13. Lu T, Ye D, He T, Wang XL, Wang HL, Lee HC. Impaired Ca2+-dependent activation of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels in the coronary artery smooth muscle cells of Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats. Biophys J. 2008 Dec; 95 (11):5165-77 Epub 2008 Sept 12
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  17. Cheng X-L, Ivanov I, Wang H-L, Sine SM, McCammon JA. Nanosecond Time Scale Conformational Dynamics of the Human alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor. J. Biophysics. 2007 Jun 15.
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  20. Ellison M, Gao F, Wang HL, Sine SM, Mclntosh JM, Olivera BM. Alpha-conotoxins ImI and ImII target distinct regions of the human alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and distinguish human nicotinic receptor subtypes. Biochemistry. 2004 Dec 28; 43(51):16019-26.
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  21. Sine SM, Wang HL, Gao F. Toward atomic-scale understanding of ligand recognition in the muscle nicotinic receptor. Curr Med Chem. 2004 Mar; 11 (5):559-67
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  22. Bouzat C, Gumilar F, Spitzmaul G, Wang H-L, Rayes D, Hansen SB, Taylor P, Sine SM. Structural Network Coupling Agonist Binding to Channel Gating Revealed by ACh-binding Protein Linked to Ion Channel. Nature. 2004; 430:896-900.
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  24. Sine SM, Wang HL, Ohno K, Shen XM, Lee WY, Engel AG. Mechanistic diversity underlying fast channel congenital myasthenic syndromes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Sep; 998:128-37
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  25. Wang HL, Gao F, Bren N, Sine SM. Curariform antagonists bind in different orientations to the nicotinic receptor ligand binding domain. J Biol Chem. 2003 Aug 22; 278 (34):32284-91 Epub 2003 June 10
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  27. Sine SM, Shen XM, Wang HL, Ohno K, Lee WY, Tsujino A, Brengmann J, Bren N, Vajsar J, Engel AG. Naturally occurring mutations at the acetylcholine receptor binding site independently alter ACh binding and channel gating. J Gen Physiol. 2002 Oct; 120 (4):483-96
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  30. Wang HL, Ohno K, Milone M, Brengman JM, Evoli A, Batocchi AP, Middleton LT, Christodoulou K, Engel AG, Sine SM. Fundamental gating mechanism of nicotinic receptor channel revealed by mutation causing a congenital myasthenic syndrome. J Gen Physiol. 2000 Sep; 116 (3):449-62
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  31. Wang HL, Milone M, Ohno K, Shen XM, Tsujino A, Batocchi AP, Tonali P, Brengman J, Engel AG, Sine SM. Acetylcholine receptor M3 domain: stereochemical and volume contributions to channel gating. Nat Neurosci. 1999 Mar; 2 (3):226-33
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  32. Milone M, Wang HL, Ohno K, Prince R, Fukudome T, Shen XM, Brengman JM, Griggs RC, Sine SM, Engel AG. Mode switching kinetics produced by a naturally occurring mutation in the cytoplasmic loop of the human acetylcholine receptor epsilon subunit. Neuron. 1998 Mar; 20 (3):575-88
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