
  1. Norasi H, Kim J, Hallbeck MS, Cerri PE, Elli EF, Tollefson MK, Harold KL, Pathak RA, Pak R. Surgeons' dominant surgical modality: Impacts on wellbeing, burnout, and interventions for neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Am J Surg. 2024 Nov; 237:115769 Epub 2024 May 18
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  2. Lim PW, Stucky CH, Wasif N, Etzioni DA, Harold KL, Madura JA 2nd, Ven Fong Z. Bariatric Surgery and Longitudinal Cancer Risk: A Review. JAMA Surg. 2024 Mar 1; 159 (3):331-338
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  3. Han GR, Johnson ER, Jogerst KM, Calderon E, Hewitt WR, Pearson DG, Harold KL. Outcomes of a Large Series of Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repairs after Liver Transplantation. Am Surg. 2023 Dec; 89 (12):5520-5526 Epub 2023 Feb 24
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  4. Norasi H, Hallbeck MS, Elli EF, Tollefson MK, Harold KL, Pak R. Impact of preferred surgical modality on surgeon wellness: a survey of workload, physical pain/discomfort, and neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Surg Endosc. 2023 Dec; 37 (12):9244-9254 Epub 2023 Oct 23
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  5. Harrington MT, Hammond JB, Janbieh J, Haglin JM, Thornburg DA, Pearson D, Harold K, Rebecca AM, Howard MA, Teven CM. A 20-Year Analysis of Medicare Reimbursement for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (2000 to 2020). Plast Reconstr Surg. 2023 Sep 1; 152 (3):644-651 Epub 2023 Jan 24
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  6. Seman MT, Malan SH, Buras MR, Butterfield RJ, Harold KL, Madura JA, Rosenfeld DM, Gorlin AW. Low-Dose Ketamine Infusion for Perioperative Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2021; 2021:5520517 Epub 2021 July 21
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  7. Hammond JB, Webb CJ, Pulivarthi VSKK, Pearson DG, Harold KL, Madura JA 2nd. Is There an Upper Age Limit for Bariatric Surgery? Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Outcomes in Septuagenarians. Obes Surg. 2020 Jul; 30 (7):2482-2486
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  8. Rose KM, Carras K, Arora K, Pearson D, Harold K, Tyson M. Robot-assisted repair of ureterosciatic hernia with mesh. J Robot Surg. 2020 Feb; 14 (1):221-225 Epub 2019 Apr 30
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  9. Sheaffer WW, Day RW, Harold KL, Kidwell JT, Tiede JL, Benjamin TR, Bersoux S, Madura JA 2nd. Decreasing length of stay in bariatric surgery: The power of suggestion. Am J Surg. 2018 Mar; 215 (3):452-455 Epub 2017 Nov 29
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  10. Rowse PG, Jaroszewski DE, Thomas M, Harold K, Harmsen WS, Shen KR. Sex Disparities After Induction Chemoradiotherapy and Esophagogastrectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Oct; 104 (4):1147-1152 Epub 2017 Aug 22
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  11. Ashfaq A, Ahmadieh K, Shah AA, Garvey EM, Chapital AB, Johnson DJ, Harold KL. Incidence and outcomes of ventral hernia repair after robotic retropubic prostatectomy: A retrospective cohort of 570 consecutive cases. Int J Surg. 2017 Feb; 38:74-77 Epub 2016 Dec 26
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  12. Ashfaq A, Ahmadieh K, Shah AA, Chapital AB, Harold KL, Johnson DJ. The difficult gall bladder: Outcomes following laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the need for open conversion. Am J Surg. 2016 Dec; 212 (6):1261-1264 Epub 2016 Oct 20
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  13. Ashfaq A, Chapital AB, Johnson DJ, Staley LL, Arabia FA, Harold KL. Safety and Feasibility of Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery in Patients With Mechanical Circulatory Assist Devices. Surg Innov. 2016 Oct; 23: (5)469-73.
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  14. Day RW, Jaroszewski D, Chang YH, Ross HJ, Paripati H, Ashman JB, Rule WG, Harold KL. Incidence and impact of postoperative atrial fibrillation after minimally invasive esophagectomy. Dis Esophagus. 2016 Aug; 29 (6):583-8 Epub 2015 Mar 30
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  15. Scott PD, Harold KL, Craft RO, Roberts CC. Postoperative seroma deep to mesh after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: computed tomography appearance and implications for treatment Radiology Case Reports. 2015 Nov; 3: (1)128.
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  16. Benjamin G, Ashfaq A, Chang YH, Harold K, Jaroszewski D. Diaphragmatic hernia post-minimally invasive esophagectomy: a discussion and review of literature. Hernia. 2015 Aug; 19 (4):635-43 Epub 2015 Mar 05
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  17. Zarrinkhoo E, Miller J, Walker A, Weisman M, Towfigh S, Tushev R, Petkov I, Tsutsumi G, Leija C, Castillo E, Moncada F, Mendoza M, Morua AG, Bravo R, Azcarate A, Zavala H, Coman IS, Radu EV, David OI, Stoian AR, Strambu VE, Iancu C, Gheorghiu LI, Grigorean VT, Sinescu DR, Plesa E, Lupascu C, Straja DN, Iacobini MA, Ponten J, Luyer M, Nienhuijs S, Permekerlis A, Petousis S, Miroforidis A, Milias K, Kouridakis P, Park J, Kim D, Nakata R, Chihara N, Suzuki H, Watanabe M, Uchida E, Nakanaga H, Irie S, Endo Y, Sonoda H, Minamimura K, Kobayashi T, Hirata T, Mafune K, Milosevic P, Babovic M, Sorat D, Light D, Aawsaj Y, Horgan L, Latham L, Ceriani I, Livraghi L, Berselli M, Gambitta B, Galvanin J, Cotronea C, Pagano G, Farassino L, Ambrosoli A, Crespi A, Cocozza E, Kulic V, Matkovic M, Percevic G, Katayama T, Kumata Y, Ogawa E, Horikawa M, Yaguchi Y, Inaba T, Fukushima R, Jaroszewski D, Johnson K, Harold K, Mori M, Kumata M, Guarnieri F, Smaldone W, Gaspard M, Bomben F, Ceranto S, Gamarra MF, Soria MP, Olivero CF, Martinez MJ, Contin MP, Gomez JC, Jimenez-Valladolid D, Torres Garcia A, Descloux A, Pohle S, Schramm B, Schneider U, Nocito A, Navarrete MC, Solis A, Ortega N, Bergamini S, Semeraro C, Armengol M, Cano ML, Torrecilla NO, Cavallaro G, Iorio O, Avallone M, Ruscio S, Rizzello M, Silecchia G, Butron T, Rubio E, Passas J, Sopena R, Lagaron E, Silan F, Garcia V, Bernal J, Ortiz M, Guadarrama J, Shirai K, Lomas M, Shah BB, Degloorkar SS. Topic: Rare and Special Cases, The Real "Strange Cases". Hernia. 2015 Apr; 19 Suppl 1:S317-27.
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  18. Stucky CC, Garvey EM, Johnson DJ, Chapital AB, Gossage CM, Wasif N, Harold KL. Challenging a surgical dictum: results from a 10-year experience on the safety of open inguinal herniorrhaphy in patients on chronic warfarin therapy. Hernia. 2015 Feb; 19 (1):83-7 Epub 2014 Apr 23
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  19. Ashfaq A, Rhee HK, Harold KL. Revision of failed transoral incisionless fundoplication by subsequent laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Dec 7; 20 (45):17115-9
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  20. Ashfaq A, McGhan LJ, Chapital AB, Harold KL, Johnson DJ. Inguinal hernia repair in women: is the laparoscopic approach superior? Hernia. 2014 Jun; 18 (3):369-73 Epub 2013 June 18
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  21. Warner S, Chang YH, Paripati H, Ross H, Ashman J, Harold K, Day R, Stucky CC, Rule W, Jaroszewski D. Outcomes of minimally invasive esophagectomy in esophageal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Feb; 97 (2):439-45 Epub 2013 Nov 20
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  22. Shah NR, Craft RO, Harold KL. Parastomal hernia repair. Surg Clin North Am. 2013 Oct; 93(5):1185-98. Epub 2013 Jul 24.
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  23. Harold KL. Mesenteric Meckel's diverticulum: a real variant. Int J Anatomical Variations, 2013 Sep 11; 6:145-8.
  24. Johnson KN, Chapital AB, Harold KL, Merritt MV, Johnson DJ. Laparoscopic management of acute small bowel obstruction: evaluating the need for resection. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jan; 72(1):25-30; discussion 30-1; quiz 317.
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  25. Jaroszewski DE, Williams DG, Fleischer DE, Ross HJ, Romero Y, Harold KL. An early experience using the technique of transoral OrVil EEA stapler for minimally invasive transthoracic esophagectomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Nov; 92(5):1862-9. Epub 2011 Sep 25.
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  26. Mekeel KL, Moss AA, Reddy KS, Mulligan DC, Harold KL. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: does splenic preservation affect outcomes? Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2011 Oct; 21(5):362-5.
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  27. Craft RO, Rebecca AM, Flahive C, Casey WJ, Dueck A, Harold KL. Does size matter? Technical considerations of a regenerative tissue matrix for use in reconstructive surgery. Can J Plast Surg. 2011 Summer; 19(2):51-2.
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  28. Williams DG, Castle EP, Harold KL. An unusual presentation of abdominal distension. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Mar 3; 2011 Epub 2011 Mar 03
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  29. Coverdill JE, Carbonell AM, Cogbill TH, Fryer J, Fuhrman GM, Harold KL, Hiatt JR, Moore RA, Nakayama DK, Nelson MT, Schlatter M, Sidwell RA, Tarpley JL, Termuhlen PM, Wohltmann C, Mellinger JD. Professional values, value conflicts, and assessments of the duty-hour restrictions after six years: a multi-institutional study of surgical faculty and residents. Am J Surg. 2011 Jan; 201(1):16-23.
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  30. Stucky CC, Mason MC, Madura JA 2nd, Harold KL. A technique to address peritoneal dialysis catheter malfunction. JSLS. 2010 Oct-Dec; 14 (4):608-10
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  31. Coverdill JE, Carbonell AM, Fryer J, Fuhrman GM, Harold KL, Hiatt JR, Jarman BT, Moore RA, Nakayama DK, Nelson MT, Schlatter M, Sidwell RA, Tarpley JL, Termuhlen PM, Wohltmann C, Mellinger JD. A new professionalism? Surgical residents, duty hours restrictions, and shift transitions. Acad Med. 2010 Oct; 85(10 Suppl):S72-5.
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  32. Craft RO, Aguilar BE, Flahive C, Merritt MV, Chapital AB, Schlinkert RT, Harold KL. Outcomes of minimally invasive myotomy for the treatment of achalasia in the elderly. JSLS. 2010 Jul-Sep; 14 (3):342-7
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  33. Aguilar B, Chapital AB, Madura JA, Harold KL. Conservative management of mesh-site infection in hernia repair. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010 Apr; 20(3):249-52.
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  34. Laxa BU, Harold KL, Jaroszewski DE. Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy: Esophagogastric Anastomosis Using the Transoral Orvil for the End-to-Side Ivor-Lewis Technique. Innovations (Phila). 2009 Nov; 4(6):319-25.
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  35. Laxa BU, Harold KL, Jaroszewski DE. Transoral OrvilTM EEA stapler use for Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy. Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery. 2009 Nov/Dec; 4(6):319-35.
  36. Harold K, Mekeel K, Spitler J, Frisella M, Merritt M, Tessier D, Matthews B. Outcomes analysis of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in transplant patients. Surg Endosc. 2009 Aug; 23 (8):1835-8 Epub 2009 Jan 01
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  37. Blount AL, Craft RO, Harold KL. Safety of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in octogenarians. JSLS. 2009 Jul-Sep; 13(3):323-6.
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  38. Scott PD, Harold KL, Heniford BT, Jaroszewski DE. Results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for extreme megaesophagus: an alternative to esophagectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2009 Jun; 19(3):198-200.
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  39. Gunderson LL, Callister MD, Jaroszewski DE, Ross HJ, Borad MJ, Gray RJ, Lanza LA, Harold KL, Pockaj BA, Trastek VF. Localized gastric or gastroesophageal cancer - chemoradiation is a pertinent component of adjuvant treatment for patients at high risk of relapse. Gastrointest Cancer Res. 2009 Mar; 3(2 Suppl):S26-32.
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  40. Fraser JD, Craft RO, Harold KL, Jaroszewski DE. Minimally invasive repair of a congenital right-sided diaphragmatic hernia in an adult. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2009 Feb; 19(1):e5-7.
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  41. Blount AL, Craft RO, Harold KL, Roberts CC. Laparoscopic Repair of a Chronic Iatrogenic Diaphragmatic Hernia. Radiol Case Rep. 2009; 4: (3)304.
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  42. Klee VM, Craft RO, Zimmerman RS, Harold KL. A laparoscopic technique for retrieval and prevention of migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt tubing. JSLS. 2009 Jan-Mar; 13(1):101-3.
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  43. Pasha SF, Leighton JA, Williams JW, De Petris G, Harold K, Shiff AA. Capsule retention in a patient with eosinophilic gastroenteritis mimicking diaphragm disease of the small bowel. Endoscopy. 2009; 41 Suppl 2:E290-1. Epub 2009 Nov 06.
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  44. Craft RO, Harold KL. Laparoscopic repair of incisional and other complex abdominal wall hernias. The Permanente Journal. 2009; 13(3):38-41.
  45. Yee JA, Harold KL, Cobb WS, Carbonell AM. Bone anchor mesh fixation for complex laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Surg Innov. 2008 Dec; 15 (4):292-6 Epub 2008 Oct 22
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  46. Mekeel KL, Moss AA, Reddy KS, Mulligan DC, Harold KL. Laparoscopic fenestration of giant hepatic cysts. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2008 Oct; 18(5):511-3.
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  47. Mason M, Swain J, Matthews BD, Harold KL. Use of video capsule endoscopy in the setting of recurrent subacute small-bowel obstruction. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2008 Oct; 18(5):713-6.
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  48. Huguet KL, Rush RM Jr, Tessier DJ, Schlinkert RT, Hinder RA, Grinberg GG, Kendrick ML, Harold KL. Laparoscopic gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor resection: the mayo clinic experience. Arch Surg. 2008 Jun; 143 (6):587-90; discussion 591
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  49. Laxa BU, Carbonell AM 2nd, Cobb WS, Rosen MJ, Hardacre JM, Mekeel KL, Harold KL. Laparoscopic and hand-assisted distal pancreatectomy. Am Surg. 2008 Jun; 74(6):481-6; discussion 486-7.
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  50. Craft RO, Huguet KL, McLemore EC, Harold KL. Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair. Hernia. 2008 Apr; 12 (2):137-40 Epub 2007 Nov 13
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  51. Mekeel K, Mulligan D, Reddy KS, Moss A, Harold K. Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair after liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2007 Nov; 13: (11)1576-81.
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  52. McLemore EC, Harold KL, Efron JE, Laxa BU, Young-Fadok TM, Heppell JP. Parastomal hernia: short-term outcome after laparoscopic and conventional repairs. Surg Innov. 2007 Sep; 14(3):199-204.
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  53. Ravipati NB, Pockaj BA, Harold KL. Laparoscopic mesh repair of transverse rectus abdominus muscle and deep inferior epigastric flap harvest site hernias. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2007 Aug; 17(4):345-8.
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  54. Huguet KL, Harold KL. Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair. Operative Techniques in General Surgery. 2007; 9(3):113-22.
  55. McLemore EC, Harold KL, Cha SS, Johnson DJ, Fowl RJ. The safety of open inguinal herniorraphy in patients on chronic warfarin therapy. Am J Surg. 2006 Dec; 192(6):860-4.
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  56. Ravipati N, Mason M, Harold KL. Endometriosis presenting in a surgical scar. Resident and Staff Physician. 2006 May; 52(5):41-2.
  57. Tessier DJ, Swain JM, Harold KL. Safety of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in older adults. Hernia. 2006 Mar; 10 (1):53-7 Epub 2006 Feb 23
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  58. Coverdill JE, Finlay W, Adrales GL, Mellinger JD, Anderson KD, Bonnell BW, Cofer JB, Dorner DB, Haisch C, Harold KL, Termuhlen PM, Webb AL. Duty-hour restrictions and the work of surgical faculty: results of a multi-institutional study. Acad Med. 2006 Jan; 81(1):50-6.
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  59. Coverdill JE, Adrales GL, Finlay W, Mellinger JD, Anderson KD, Bonnell BW, Cofer JB, Dorner DB, Haisch C, Harold KL, Termuhlen PM, Webb AL. How surgical faculty and residents assess the first year of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty-hour restrictions: results of a multi-institutional study. Am J Surgery. 2006; 191:11-16.
  60. Tessier DJ, Harold KL. Combined laparoscopic near-total gastrectomy and colectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2005 Sep; 15 (5):290-3
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  61. Tessier DJ, McMahon L, Harold KL. Cholecystomegaly: laparoscopic treatment. J Minim Access Surg. 2005 Jun; 1 (2):82-3
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  62. Tessier DJ, McMahon L, Harold KL. Laparoscopic treatment of cholecystomegaly. J Min Access Surg. 2005:82-3.
  63. McMahon L, Harold KL, Gray RJ, Ngyun CC, De Petris G. Schwannoma presenting as a persistent gastric ulcer in a patient previously treated for gastric MALToma. Surgical Rounds. 2005; 28:28-31.
  64. Carbonell AM, Burns JM, Lincourt AE, Harold KL. Outcomes of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy. Am Surg. 2004 Sep; 70(9):759-65.
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  65. Tessier DJ, Stone WM, Harold KL, Fowl RJ, Oldenburg AW, Hakaim AG, Bower TC, Gloviczki P. Sexual function and quality of life in women after elective aortic surgery. Ann Vasc Surg. 2004 Jul; 18 (4):428-32
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  66. Harold KL, Matthews BD, Kercher KW, Sing RF, Heniford BT. Surgical treatment of achalasia in the 21st century. South Med J. 2004 Jan; 97(1):7-10.
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  67. Harold K, Goldstein S, Nelms C, Matthews B, Sing R, Kercher K, Heniford BT. Optimal Closure Method of Five-millimeter Trocar Sites. Am J Surg. 2004; 187:24-7.
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  68. Kercher K, Nguyen T, Matthews B, Harold K, Poplin M, Sing R, Heniford BT. Plastic wound protectors do not affect wound infection rates following laparoscopic-assisted colectomy. Surg Endosc. 2004; 18(1):148-51.
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  69. Pollinger HS, Mostafa G, Harold KL, Austin CE, Kercher KW, Matthews BD. Comparison of wound-healing characteristics with feedback circuit electrosurgical generators in a porcine model. Am Surg. 2003 Dec; 69(12):1054-60.
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  70. Carbonell AM, Harold KL, Mahmutovic AJ, Hassan R, Matthews BD, Kercher KW, Sing RF, Heniford BT. Local injection for the treatment of suture site pain after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Am Surg. 2003 Aug; 69(8):688-91; discussion 691-2.
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  71. Harold K, Irby P, Kercher K. Laparoscopic resection of synchronous pheochromocytoma and renal cell carcinoma. Surg Rounds. 2003 Jul; 26(7):317-20.
  72. Matthews BD, Bui H, Harold KL, Kercher KW, Adrales G, Park A, Sing RF, Heniford BT. Laparoscopic repair of traumatic diaphragmatic injuries. Surg Endosc. 2003 Feb; 17(2):254-8.
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  73. Matthews B, Nelms C, Lohr C, Harold K, Kercher K, Heniford BT. Minimally invasive management of epiphrenic esophageal diverticula. Am Surg. 2003; 69:465-70.
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  74. Matthews B, Bui H, Harold K, Kercher K, Cowan M, Van der Veer C, Heniford BT. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy for palmaris hyperhidrosis. South Med J. 2003; 96:254-8.
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  75. Harold K, Matthews B, Yavorski R, Heniford BT. Meckel's Diverticulum Presenting with Mucosal Ulceration and Hemorrhage. Resid Staff Physician. 2003; 49(9):29-32.
  76. Harold K, Pollinger H, Matthews B, Kercher K, Sing R, Heniford BT. Comparison of Ultrasonic Energy, Bipolar Thermal Energy, and Vascular Clips for the Hemostasis of Small, Medium, and Large-Sized Arteries. Surg Endosc. 2003; 17:1228-30.
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  77. Harold KL, Matthews BD, Backus CL, Pratt BL, Heniford BT. Prospective randomized evaluation of surgical resident proficiency with laparoscopic suturing after course instruction. Surg Endosc. 2002 Dec; 16(12):1729-31.
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  78. Adrales GL, Harold KL, Matthews BD, Sing RF, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Laparoscopic "radical appendectomy" is an effective alternative to endoscopic removal of cecal polyps. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2002 Dec; 12(6):449-52.
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  79. Goldstein S, Harold K, Lentzner A, Matthews B, Kercher K, Sing R, Heniford BT. Comparison of Thermal Spread after Ureteral Ligation with The Ultrasonic Shears and the Ligasure System. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech. 2002 Feb; 12(1):61-3.
  80. Harold K, Sturdevant M, Matthews BD, Mishra G, Heniford BT. Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue Presenting as Submucosal Gastric Mass. J Laparoendo Adv Surg Tech. 2002; 12(5):333-8.
  81. Hasan R, Harold K, Matthews B, Kercher K, Sing R, Heniford BT. Outcomes for Laparoscopic Bilateral Adrenalectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech. 2002; 12(4):233-6.
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  83. Adrales G, Harold K, Matthews B, Sugg W, Heniford BT. Laparoscopic Resection of a Bleeding Ileal Lymphangioma. Surg Rounds. 2002; 25:331-3.
  84. Carbonell A, Harold K, Smith T, Matthews B, Sing R, Kercher K, Heniford BT. Umbilical Stalk Technique for Establishing Pneumoperitoneum. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech. 2002; 12(3):203-6.
  85. Matthews BD, Mostafa G, Harold KL, Kercher KW, Reardon PR, Heniford BT. Minilaparoscopic appendectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2001 Dec; 11(6):351-5.
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  86. Harold KL, Kelly KA. Duodenal Crohn disease. Probl Gen Surg. 1999; 16(2):50-7.
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