
  1. Ali MF, Riviere-Cazaux C, Johnson SH, Salvatori R, Penheiter AR, Smadbeck JB, Murphy SJ, Harris FR, McCune LF, Carlstrom LP, Barrett MT, Kosari F, Jones LA, Ida C, Borad MJ, Bendok BR, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Porter AB, Mrugala MM, Jaeckle KA, Anastasiadis PZ, Kizilbash SH, Cheville JC, Routman DM, Burns TC, Vasmatzis G. Personalized tumor-specific amplified DNA junctions in peripheral blood of patients with glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2025 Feb 28 [Epub ahead of print]
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  2. Moertel CL, Hirbe AC, Shuhaiber HH, Bielamowicz K, Sidhu A, Viskochil D, Weber MD, Lokku A, Smith LM, Foreman NK, Hajjar FM, McNall-Knapp RY, Weintraub L, Antony R, Franson AT, Meade J, Schiff D, Walbert T, Ambady P, Bota DA, Campen CJ, Kaur G, Klesse LJ, Maraka S, Moots PL, Nevel K, Bornhorst M, Aguilar-Bonilla A, Chagnon S, Dalvi N, Gupta P, Khatib Z, Metrock LK, Nghiemphu PL, Roberts RD, Robison NJ, Sadighi Z, Stapleton S, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Gershon TR, ReNeu Trial Investigators//ReNeu Study Investigators. ReNeu: A Pivotal, Phase IIb Trial of Mirdametinib in Adults and Children With Symptomatic Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Associated Plexiform Neurofibroma. J Clin Oncol. 2025 Feb 20; 43 (6):716-729 Epub 2024 Nov 08
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  3. Vora S, Pafundi D, Voss M, Buras M, Ashman J, Bendok B, Breen W, Hu L, Kizilbash S, Laack N, Liu W, Mahajan A, Mrugala M, Porter A, Ruff M, Sio T, Uhm J, Yang M, Brinkmann D, Brown P. Short-course hypofractionated proton beam therapy, incorporating (18)F-DOPA PET and contrast-enhanced MRI targeting, for patients aged 65 years and older with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a single-arm phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2024 Dec; 25 (12):1625-1634 Epub 2024 Nov 18
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  4. Vora SA, Pafundi DH, DeWees TA, Voss MM, Ashman JB, Bendok BR, Laack NN, Liu W, Mahajan A, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Sio TT, Uhm JH, Yang M, Brinkmann DH, Brown PD. Short-Course, Hypofractionated Proton Beam Therapy Incorporating 18F-DOPA PET–MRI for Older Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: A Prospective Phase 2 Trial The Lancet Oncology (Manuscript accepted pending revisions-24-00665R2). 2024.
  5. Vora SA, Pafundi DH, Voss MM, Buras MR, Ashman JB, Bendok BR, Breen W, Hu LS, Kizilbash SH, Laack NN, Liu W, Mahajan A, Mrugala MM, Porter Umphrey AB, Ruff MW, Sio TT, Uhm J, Yang M, Brinkmann DH, Brown PD. Phase 2 Study of Short-Course, Hypofractionated Proton Beam Therapy Incorporating 18F-DOPA PET–MRI for Older Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (In review with Editor, Manuscript Number: D-24-00665R1) The Lancet. 2024.
  6. Mrugala MM, Shi W, Iwomoto F, Lukas RV, Palmer JD, Suh JH, Glas M. Global post‑marketing safety surveillance of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) therapy in over 25,000 patients with CNS malignancies treated between 2011-2022. J Neurooncol. 2024 Aug; 169 (1):25-38 Epub 2024 June 29
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  7. Nathoo N, Uhm JH, Porter AB, Hammack J, Jaeckle KA, Mrugala MM, Crum BA, Flanagan EP, Pittock SJ, Goyal G, Young JR, Koster MJ, Vassallo R, Ryu JH, Davidge-Pitts CJ, Bach C, Ravindran A, Sartori Valinotti JC, Bennani NN, Abeykoon JP, Shah MV, Hook CC, Rech KL, Go RS, Tobin WO, Mayo Clinic-University of Alabama at Birmingham Histiocytosis Working Group. Clinical features and outcomes in primary nervous system histiocytic neoplasms. Blood Cancer J 2024 Jun 20; 14 (1):101 Epub 2024 June 20
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  8. Wang L, Wang H, D'Angelo F, Curtin L, Sereduk CP, Leon G, Singleton KW, Urcuyo J, Hawkins-Daarud A, Jackson PR, Krishna C, Zimmerman RS, Patra DP, Bendok BR, Smith KA, Nakaji P, Donev K, Baxter LC, Mrugala MM, Ceccarelli M, Iavarone A, Swanson KR, Tran NL, Hu LS#, Li J#. Quantifying intra-tumoral genetic heterogeneity of glioblastoma toward precision medicine using MRI and a data-inclusive machine learning algorithm. PLoS One. 2024; 19 (4):e0299267 Epub 2024 Apr 03
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  9. Mendez JS, Cohen AL, Eckenstein M, Jensen RL, Burt LM, Salzman KL, Chamberlain M, Hsu HH, Hutchinson M, Iwamoto F, Ligon KL, Mrugala MM, Pelayo M, Plotkin SR, Puduvalli VK, Raizer J, Reardon DA, Sterba M, Walbert T, West BL, Wong ET, Zhang C, Colman H. Phase 1b/2 study of orally administered pexidartinib in combination with radiation therapy and temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv. 2024 Jan-Dec; 6 (1):vdae202 Epub 2024 Nov 22
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  10. Hu LS, D'Angelo F, Weiskittel TM, Caruso FP, Fortin Ensign SP, Blomquist MR, Flick MJ, Wang L, Sereduk CP, Meng-Lin K, De Leon G, Nespodzany A, Urcuyo JC, Gonzales AC, Curtin L, Lewis EM, Singleton KW, Dondlinger T, Anil A, Semmineh NB, Noviello T, Patel RA, Wang P, Wang J, Eschbacher JM, Hawkins-Daarud A, Jackson PR, Grunfeld IS, Elrod C, Mazza GL, McGee SC, Paulson L, Clark-Swanson K, Lassiter-Morris Y, Smith KA, Nakaji P, Bendok BR, Zimmerman RS, Krishna C, Patra DP, Patel NP, Lyons M, Neal M, Donev K, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Beeman SC, Jensen TR, Schmainda KM, Zhou Y, Baxter LC, Plaisier CL, Li J, Li H, Lasorella A, Quarles CC, Swanson KR, Ceccarelli M, Iavarone A, Tran NL. Integrated molecular and multiparametric MRI mapping of high-grade glioma identifies regional biologic signatures. Nat Commun. 2023 Sep 28; 14 (1):6066 Epub 2023 Sept 28
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  11. Peart R, Melnick K, Cibula J, Walbert T, Gerstner ER, Rahman M, Peters KB, Mrugala M, Ghiaseddin A. Clinical management of seizures in patients with meningiomas: Efficacy of surgical resection for seizure control and patient-tailored postoperative anti-epileptic drug management. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 May; 5 (Suppl 1):i58-i66 Epub 2023 June 03
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  12. Urcuyo JC, Curtin L, Langworthy JM, De Leon G, Anderies B, Singleton KW, Hawkins-Daarud A, Jackson PR, Bond KM, Ranjbar S, Lassiter-Morris Y, Clark-Swanson KR, Paulson LE, Sereduk C, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Baxter L, Salomao M, Donev K, Hudson M, Meyer J, Zeeshan Q, Sattur M, Patra DP, Jones BA, Rahme RJ, Neal MT, Patel N, Kouloumberis P, Turkmani AH, Lyons M, Krishna C, Zimmerman RS, Bendok BR, Tran NL, Hu LS, Swanson KR. Image-localized biopsy mapping of brain tumor heterogeneity: A single-center study protocol. PLoS One. 2023; 18 (12):e0287767 Epub 2023 Dec 20
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  13. Horbinski C, Nabors LB, Portnow J, Baehring J, Bhatia A, Bloch O, Brem S, Butowski N, Cannon DM, Chao S, Chheda MG, Fabiano AJ, Forsyth P, Gigilio P, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Junck L, Kaley T, Merrell R, Mrugala MM, Nagpal S, Nedzi LA, Nevel K, Nghiemphu PL, Parney I, Patel TR, Peters K, Puduvalli VK, Rockhill J, Rusthoven C, Shonka N, Swinnen LJ, Weiss S, Wen PY, Willmarth NE, Bergman MA, Darlow S. NCCN Guidelines(R) Insights: Central Nervous System Cancers, Version 2.2022. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2023 Jan; 21 (1):12-20
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  14. Lukas RV, Mrugala MM, Lesniak MS, Chandler JP. Challenging Cases in Neuro-Oncology. Semin Neurol. 2022 Dec; 42 (6):752-757 Epub 2022 Nov 23
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  15. Fortin Ensign SP, Gaulin C, Hrachova M, Ruff M, Harahsheh E, Vicenti K, Castro J, Munoz J, Rosenthal A, Mrugala MM. Evaluating the Patient with Neurotoxicity after Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2022 Dec; 23 (12):1845-1860 Epub 2022 Dec 16
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  16. Stonnington HO, Turcotte EL, Di Nome MA, Lettieri SC, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Bendok BR. Commentary: Transorbital Endoscopic Eyelid Approach for Resection of Spheno-Orbital Meningioma: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2022 Sep 1; 23 (3):e195-e196 Epub 2022 July 25
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  17. Gritsch D, Mrugala MM, Marks LA, Wingerchuk DM, O'Carroll CB. In Patients With Melanoma Brain Metastases, Is Combination Immune Checkpoint Inhibition a Safe and Effective First-Line Treatment? A Critically Appraised Topic. Neurologist. 2022 Sep 1; 27 (5):290-297 Epub 2022 Sept 01
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  18. Zhu X, Dong S, Tang J, Xie R, Wu H, Hofman P, Mrugala MM, Hu S. Lung cancer with brain metastases remaining in continuous complete remission due to pembrolizumab and temozolomide: a case report. Ann Transl Med. 2022 Sep; 10 (17):942
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  19. Penoncello GP, Gagneur JD, Vora SA, Yu NY, Fatyga M, Mrugala MM, Bendok BR, Rong Y. Comprehensive Commissioning and Clinical Implementation of GammaTiles STaRT for Intracranial Brain Cancer. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2022 Jul-Aug; 7 (4):100910 Epub 2022 Feb 05
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  20. Strowd RE, Dunbar EM, Gan HK, Kurz S, Jordan JT, Mandel JJ, Mohile NA, Nevel KS, Taylor JW, Ullrich NJ, Welch MR, Wasilewski A, Mrugala MM. Practical guidance for telemedicine use in neuro-oncology. Neurooncol Pract. 2022 Apr; 9 (2):91-104 Epub 2022 Jan 17
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  21. Fortin Ensign SP, Gathers D, Wiedmeier JE, Mrugala MM. Central Nervous System Lymphoma: Novel Therapies. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2022 Jan; 23 (1):117-136 Epub 2022 Feb 19
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  22. Mrugala MM. Neoplastic meningitis - a puzzling case with important lessons. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2022; 56 (1):105 Epub 2022 Jan 05
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  23. Curtin L, Whitmire P, White H, Bond KM, Mrugala MM, Hu LS, Swanson KR. Shape matters: morphological metrics of glioblastoma imaging abnormalities as biomarkers of prognosis. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 1; 11 (1):23202 Epub 2021 Dec 01
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  24. Gritsch D, Mrugala MM, Marks LA, Mangipudi K, Neal M, Wingerchuk DM, O'Carroll CB. Is Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation a Safe and Effective Alternative to Whole Brain Radiation as Consolidation Therapy in Patients With Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma?: A Critically Appraised Topic. Neurologist. 2021 Jul 6; 26 (4):137-142 Epub 2021 July 06
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  25. Barajas RF, Politi LS, Anzalone N, Schoder H, Fox CP, Boxerman JL, Kaufmann TJ, Quarles CC, Ellingson BM, Auer D, Andronesi OC, Ferreri AJM, Mrugala MM, Grommes C, Neuwelt EA, Ambady P, Rubenstein JL, Illerhaus G, Nagane M, Batchelor TT, Hu LS. Consensus recommendations for MRI and PET imaging of primary central nervous system lymphoma: guideline statement from the International Primary CNS Lymphoma Collaborative Group (IPCG). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23 (7):1056-1071
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  26. Fortin Ensign S, Hrachova M, Chang S, Mrugala MM. Assessing the utility and attitudes toward molecular testing in neuro-oncology: a survey of the Society for Neuro-Oncology members. Neurooncol Pract. 2021 Jun; 8 (3):310-316 Epub 2021 Feb 17
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  27. Sharma A, Mrugala MM. Supportive care for patients with brain metastases from lung cancer. J Thorac Dis. 2021 May; 13 (5):3258-3268
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  28. Sharma A, Fruth B, Barrera C, Farfour HN, Mrugala MM, Edwin MK, Sloan JA, Porter AB. How much time do we have? Longitudinal perception of prognosis in newly-diagnosed high grade glioma patients and caregivers compared to clinicians. J Neurooncol. 2021 Apr; 152 (2):313-323 Epub 2021 Jan 23
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  29. Hu LS, Wang L, Hawkins-Daarud A, Eschbacher JM, Singleton KW, Jackson PR, Clark-Swanson K, Sereduk CP, Peng S, Wang P, Wang J, Baxter LC, Smith KA, Mazza GL, Stokes AM, Bendok BR, Zimmerman RS, Krishna C, Porter AB, Mrugala MM, Hoxworth JM, Wu T, Tran NL, Swanson KR, Li J. Uncertainty quantification in the radiogenomics modeling of EGFR amplification in glioblastoma. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 16; 11 (1):3932
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  30. Massey SC, Whitmire P, Doyle TE, Ippolito JE, Mrugala MM, Hu LS, Canoll P, Anderson ARA, Wilson MA, Fitzpatrick SM, McCarthy MM, Rubin JB, Swanson KR. Sex differences in health and disease: A review of biological sex differences relevant to cancer with a spotlight on glioma. Cancer Lett. 2021 Feb 1; 498:178-187 Epub 2020 Oct 29
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  31. Kim M, Ladomersky E, Mozny A, Kocherginsky M, O'Shea K, Reinstein ZZ, Zhai L, Bell A, Lauing KL, Bollu L, Rabin E, Dixit K, Kumthekar P, Platanias LC, Hou L, Zheng Y, Wu J, Zhang B, Hrachova M, Merrill SA, Mrugala MM, Prabhu VC, Horbinski C, James CD, Yamini B, Ostrom QT, Johnson MO, Reardon DA, Lukas RV, Wainwright DA. Glioblastoma as an age-related neurological disorder in adults. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab125 Epub 2021 Sept 04
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  32. Mrugala MM, Ostrom QT, Pressley SM, Taylor JW, Thomas AA, Wefel JS, Coven SL, Acquaye AA, Haynes C, Agnihotri S, Lim M, Peters KB, Sulman EP, Salcido JT, Butowski NA, Hervey-Jumper S, Mansouri A, Oliver KR, Porter AB, Nassiri F, Schiff D, Dunbar EM, Hegi ME, Armstrong TS, van den Bent MJ, Chang SM, Zadeh G, Chheda MG. The state of neuro-oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic: a worldwide assessment. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3(1):vdab035. Epub 2021 Feb 20.
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  33. Muthusamy K, Mrugala MM, Bendok BR, Dhamija R. LZTR1-related spinal schwannomatosis and 7q11.23 duplication syndrome: A complex phenotype with dual diagnosis. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2021 Jan; 9 (1):e1560 Epub 2020 Dec 02
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  34. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ahluwalia M, Baehring J, Brem H, Brem S, Butowski N, Campian JL, Clark SW, Fabiano AJ, Forsyth P, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Horbinski C, Junck L, Kaley T, Kumthekar P, Loeffler JS, Mrugala MM, Nagpal S, Pandey M, Parney I, Peters K, Puduvalli VK, Robins I, Rockhill J, Rusthoven C, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Swinnen LJ, Weiss S, Wen PY, Willmarth NE, Bergman MA, Darlow SD. Central Nervous System Cancers, Version 3.2020, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020 Nov 02; 18(11):1537-1570.
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  35. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ahluwalia M, Baehring J, Brem H, Brem S, Butowski N, Campian JL, Clark SW, Fabiano AJ, Forsyth P, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Horbinski C, Junck L, Kaley T, Kumthekar P, Loeffler JS, Mrugala MM, Nagpal S, Pandey M, Parney I, Peters K, Puduvalli VK, Robins I, Rockhill J, Rusthoven C, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Swinnen LJ, Weiss S, Wen PY, Willmarth NE, Bergman MA, Darlow SD. Central nervous system cancers, version 3.2020. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. 2020 Nov; 18 (11):1537-70
  36. Holdhoff M, Mrugala MM, Grommes C, Kaley TJ, Swinnen LJ, Perez-Heydrich C, Nayak L. Challenges in the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020 Nov; 18 (11):1571-1578 Epub 2020 Nov 02
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  37. Sharma A, Dube S, Mountjoy L, Ertz-Archambault N, Porter A, Mrugala MM. Psychiatric Disturbance or Parkinsonism as a Presentation of CNS Lymphoma: Observational Retrospective Study and Review of Literature. Am J Clin Oncol. 2020 Oct; 43 (10):727-733
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  38. Merrill S, Mauler DJ, Richter KR, Raghunathan A, Leis JF, Mrugala MM. Parkinsonism as a late presentation of lymphomatosis cerebri following high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Neurol. 2020 Aug; 267 (8):2239-2244 Epub 2020 Apr 15
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  39. Patra DP, Hess RA, Turcotte EL, Welz ME, Rahme RJ, Maiti TK, Abi-Aad KR, AlMekkawi AK, Keole S, Lal D, Marino M, Mrugala M, Porter A, Vora S, Bendok BR. Surgical Outcomes with Midline versus Lateral Approaches for Cranial Base Chordomas: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug; 140:378-388.e2 Epub 2020 Apr 14
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  40. Mauler DJ, R Richter K, Merrill S, Valencia-Sanchez C, Krishna C, M Mrugala M. Troubleshooting an unusual complication following intrathecal chemotherapy delivered via Ommaya catheter: A case report. Mol Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul; 13 (1):76-79 Epub 2020 Apr 22
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  41. Sharma A, Ertz-Archambault N, Mountjoy L, Porter AB, Mrugala MM. Psychiatric Disturbance as a Presenting Symptom in Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Blood. 2020; Submitted and Under Review.
  42. Whitmire P, Rickertsen CR, Hawkins-Daarud A, Carrasco E Jr, Lorence J, De Leon G, Curtin L, Bayless S, Clark-Swanson K, Peeri NC, Corpuz C, Lewis-de Los Angeles CP, Bendok BR, Gonzalez-Cuyar L, Vora S, Mrugala MM, Hu LS, Wang L, Porter A, Kumthekar P, Johnston SK, Egan KM, Gatenby R, Canoll P, Rubin JB, Swanson KR. Sex-specific impact of patterns of imageable tumor growth on survival of primary glioblastoma patients. BMC Cancer. 2020 May 19; 20 (1):447
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  43. Reardon DA, Desjardins A, Vredenburgh JJ, O'Rourke DM, Tran DD, Fink KL, Nabors LB, Li G, Bota DA, Lukas RV, Ashby LS, Duic JP, Mrugala MM, Cruickshank S, Vitale L, He Y, Green JA, Yellin MJ, Turner CD, Keler T, Davis TA, Sampson JH, ReACT trial investigators. Rindopepimut with Bevacizumab for Patients with Relapsed EGFRvIII-Expressing Glioblastoma (ReACT): Results of a Double-Blind Randomized Phase II Trial. Clin Cancer Res 2020 Apr 1; 26 (7):1586-1594 Epub 2020 Feb 07
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  44. Hoxworth JM, Eschbacher JM, Gonzales AC, Singleton KW, Leon GD, Smith KA, Stokes AM, Zhou Y, Mazza GL, Porter AB, Mrugala MM, Zimmerman RS, Bendok BR, Patra DP, Krishna C, Boxerman JL, Baxter LC, Swanson KR, Quarles CC, Schmainda KM, Hu LS. Performance of Standardized Relative CBV for Quantifying Regional Histologic Tumor Burden in Recurrent High-Grade Glioma: Comparison against Normalized Relative CBV Using Image-Localized Stereotactic Biopsies. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2020 Mar; 41 (3):408-415 Epub 2020 Mar 12
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  45. Sharma A, Mountjoy LJ, Butterfield RJ, Zhang N, Ross HJ, Schild SE, Sio TT, Daniels TB, Paripati HR, Mrugala MM, Vora SA, Patel NP, Zimmerman RS, Ashman JB, Porter AB. Expanding the Spectrum of Radiation Necrosis After Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Intracranial Metastases From Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Review. Am J Clin Oncol. 2020 Feb; 43 (2):128-132
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  46. Massey SC, White H, Whitmire P, Doyle T, Johnston SK, Singleton KW, Jackson PR, Hawkins-Daarud A, Bendok BR, Porter AB, Vora S, Sarkaria JN, Hu LS, Mrugala MM, Swanson KR. Image-based metric of invasiveness predicts response to adjuvant temozolomide for primary glioblastoma. PLoS One. 2020; 15 (3):e0230492 Epub 2020 Mar 27
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  47. Kalen BD, Hess RA, Abi-Aad KR, Welz ME, Patra DP, Sharma A, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Bendok BR, Acierno MD. Addressing Misdiagnosis of Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas. World Neurosurg 2020 Jan; 133:419-420
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  48. Mackintosh C, Butterfield R, Zhang N, Lorence J, Zlomanczuk P, Bendok BR, Zimmerman RS, Swanson K, Porter A, Mrugala MM. Does location matter? Characterisation of the anatomic locations, molecular profiles, and clinical features of gliomas. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2020; 54 (5):456-465 Epub 2020 Sept 11
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  49. Singleton KW, Porter AB, Hu LS, Johnston SK, Bond KM, Rickertsen CR, De Leon G, Whitmire SA, Clark-Swanson KR, Mrugala MM, Swanson KR. Days gained response discriminates treatment response in patients with recurrent glioblastoma receiving bevacizumab-based therapies. Neurooncol Adv. 2020 Jan-Dec; 2 (1):vdaa085 Epub 2020 July 09
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  50. Curtin L, Whitmire P, Rickertsen CR, Mazza GL, Canoll P, Johnston SK, Mrugala MM, Swanson KR, Hu LS. Assessment of Prognostic Value of Cystic Features in Glioblastoma Relative to Sex and Treatment With Standard-of-Care. Front Oncol. 2020; 10:580750 Epub 2020 Nov 16
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  51. Valencia-Sanchez C, Gorelkin VC, Mrugala MM, Sharma A, Vora SA, Ashman JB, Daniels TB, Halyard MY, Rule WG, Zhang N, Butterfield RJ, Schild SE, Porter AB. Clinical evaluation of fitness to drive in patients with brain metastases. Neurooncol Pract. 2019 Dec; 6 (6):484-489 Epub 2019 July 03
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  52. Mrugala MM, Kim B, Sharma A, Johnson N, Graham C, Kurland BF, Gralow J. Phase II Study of Systemic High-dose Methotrexate and Intrathecal Liposomal Cytarabine for Treatment of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis From Breast Cancer. Clin Breast Cancer. 2019 Oct; 19 (5):311-316 Epub 2019 Apr 18
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  53. Johnston SK, Whitmire P, Massey SC, Kumthekar P, Porter AB, Raghunand N, Gonzalez-Cuyar LF, Mrugala MM, Hawkins-Daarud A, Jackson PR, Hu LS, Sarkaria JN, Wang L, Gatenby RA, Egan KM, Canoll P, Swanson KR, ENDURES consortium. ENvironmental Dynamics Underlying Responsive Extreme Survivors (ENDURES) of Glioblastoma: A Multidisciplinary Team-based, Multifactorial Analytical Approach. Am J Clin Oncol. 2019 Aug; 42 (8):655-661
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  54. Chang SM, Messersmith H, Ahluwalia M, Andrews D, Brastianos PK, Gaspar LE, Gatson NTN, Jordan JT, Khasraw M, Lassman AB, Maues J, Mrugala M, Raizer J, Schiff D, Stevens G, Sumrall A, van den Bent M, Vogelbaum MA. Anticonvulsant Prophylaxis and Steroid Use in Adults With Metastatic Brain Tumors: ASCO and SNO Endorsement of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Guidelines. J Clin Oncol. 2019 May 1; 37 (13):1130-1135 Epub 2019 Mar 18
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  55. Chang SM, Messersmith H, Ahluwalia M, Andrews D, Brastianos PK, Gaspar LE, Gatson NN, Jordan JT, Khasraw M, Lassman AB, Maues J, Mrugala M, Raizer J, Schiff D, Stevens G, Sumrall A, Van den Bent M, Vogelbaum MA. Anticonvulsant prophylaxis and steroid use in adults with metastatic brain tumors: summary of SNO and ASCO endorsement of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons guidelines. Neuro Oncol. 2019 Mar 18; 21 (4):424-427
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  56. Grimsrud KW, Mrugala MM. Next-generation Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis: Review of 2 Cases. Neurologist. 2019 Mar; 24 (2):59-61
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  57. Hu LS, Yoon H, Eschbacher JM, Baxter LC, Dueck AC, Nespodzany A, Smith KA, Nakaji P, Xu Y, Wang L, Karis JP, Hawkins-Daarud AJ, Singleton KW, Jackson PR, Anderies BJ, Bendok BR, Zimmerman RS, Quarles C, Porter-Umphrey AB, Mrugala MM, Sharma A, Hoxworth JM, Sattur MG, Sanai N, Koulemberis PE, Krishna C, Mitchell JR, Wu T, Tran NL, Swanson KR, Li J. Accurate Patient-Specific Machine Learning Models of Glioblastoma Invasion Using Transfer Learning. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Mar; 40 (3):418-425 Epub 2019 Feb 28
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  58. Sharma A, Low J, Mrugala MM. Neuro-oncologists have spoken - the role of bevacizumab in the inpatient setting. A clinical and economic conundrum. Neurooncol Pract. 2019 Jan; 6 (1):30-36 Epub 2018 Apr 19
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  59. Porter AB, Sio TT, Nelson KD, Raghunathan A, Bendok BR, Mrugala MM. Disseminated High-grade Glioma in a Long-term Survivor of Medulloblastoma: Implications and Management of Radiation-induced Malignancies. Neurologist. 2018 Nov; 23 (6):191-193
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  60. Wenger C, Miranda PC, Salvador R, Thielscher A, Bomzon Z, Giladi M, Mrugala MM, Korshoej AR. A Review on Tumor-Treating Fields (TTFields): Clinical Implications Inferred From Computational Modeling. IEEE Rev Biomed Eng. 2018; 11:195-207 Epub 2018 Feb 13
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  61. Lukas RV, Mrugala MM. Pivotal therapeutic trials for infiltrating gliomas and how they affect clinical practice. Neurooncol Pract. 2017 Dec; 4 (4):209-219 Epub 2016 Aug 26
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  62. Mrugala MM, Lucas RV. Low grade tumors. American Academy of Neurology Continuum Neuro-Oncology. 2017 Dec; 23(6).
  63. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ammirati M, Baehring J, Brem H, Butowski N, Fenstermaker RA, Forsyth P, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Howard S, Junck L, Kaley T, Kumthekar P, Loeffler JS, Moots PL, Mrugala MM, Nagpal S, Pandey M, Parney I, Peters K, Puduvalli VK, Ragsdale J 3rd, Rockhill J, Rogers L, Rusthoven C, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr, Swinnen LJ, Tsien C, Weiss S, Wen PY, Willmarth N, Bergman MA, Engh A. NCCN Guidelines Insights: Central Nervous System Cancers, Version 1.2017. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2017 Nov; 15 (11):1331-1345
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  64. Kumthekar P, Patel V, Bridge C, Rademaker A, Helenowski I, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Grimm S, Swanson KR, Raizer J. Prognosis of older patients with low-grade glioma: A retrospective study. Integr Cancer Sci Ther. 2017 Oct; 4 (5) Epub 2017 Oct 23
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  65. Mrugala MM, Ruzevick J, Zlomanczuk P, Lukas RV. Tumor Treating Fields in Neuro-Oncological Practice. Curr Oncol Rep. 2017 Aug; 19 (8):53
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  66. Lukas RV, Buerki R, Mrugala MM. Management of Leptomeningeal Disease From Solid Tumors. Oncology (Williston Park). 2016 Aug; 30: (8).
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  67. Ly KI, Crew LL, Graham CA, Mrugala MM. Primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with high-dose methotrexate and rituximab: A single-institution experience. Oncol Lett. 2016 May; 11: (5)3471-3476.
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  68. Elinzano H, Glantz M, Mrugala M, Kesari S, Piccioni DE, Kim L, Pan E, Yunus S, Coyle T, Timothy K, Evans D, Mantripragada K, Boxerman J, DiPetrillo T, Donahue JE, Hebda N, Mitchell KM, Rosati KL, Safran H. PPX and Concurrent Radiation for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Without MGMT Methylation: A Randomized Phase II Study: BrUOG 244. Am J Clin Oncol. 2015 Dec 09;
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  69. Ly KI, Hamilton SR, Rostomily RC, Rockhill JK, Mrugala MM. Improvement in Visual Fields After Treatment of Intracranial Meningioma With Bevacizumab. J Neuroophthalmol. 2015 Dec; 35: (4)382-6.
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  70. Rockne RC, Trister AD, Jacobs J, Hawkins-Daarud AJ, Neal ML, Hendrickson K, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Kinahan P, Krohn KA, Swanson KR. Addendum to 'A patient-specific computational model of hypoxia-modulated radiation resistance in glioblastoma using 18F-FMISO-PET'. J R Soc Interface. 2015 Nov 06; 12 (112)
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  71. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ammirati M, Baehring J, Brem H, Brown P, Butowski N, Chamberlain MC, Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Junck L, Kaley T, Lawson R, Loeffler JS, Lovely MP, Moots PL, Mrugala MM, Newton HB, Parney I, Raizer JJ, Recht L, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr, Swinnen LJ, Tran D, Tran N, Vrionis FD, Weiss S, Wen PY, McMillian N, Engh AM. Central Nervous System Cancers, Version 1.2015. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2015 Oct; 13 (10):1191-202
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  72. Schuster J, Lai RK, Recht LD, Reardon DA, Paleologos NA, Groves MD, Mrugala MM, Jensen R, Baehring JM, Sloan A, Archer GE, Bigner DD, Cruickshank S, Green JA, Keler T, Davis TA, Heimberger AB, Sampson JH. A phase II, multicenter trial of rindopepimut (CDX-110) in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: the ACT III study. Neuro Oncol. 2015 Jun; 17: (6)854-61.
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  73. Malek N, Mrugala M, Makuch W, Kolosowska N, Przewlocka B, Binkowski M, Czaja M, Morera E, Di Marzo V, Starowicz K. A multi-target approach for pain treatment: dual inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase and TRPV1 in a rat model of osteoarthritis. Pain. 2015 May; 156 (5):890-903
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  74. Rockne RC, Trister AD, Jacobs J, Hawkins-Daarud AJ, Neal ML, Hendrickson K, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Kinahan P, Krohn KA, Swanson KR. A patient-specific computational model of hypoxia-modulated radiation resistance in glioblastoma using 18F-FMISO-PET. J R Soc Interface. 2015 Feb 06; 12: (103).
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  75. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ammirati M, Brem H, Brown P, Butowski N, Chamberlain MC, DeAngelis LM, Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Hesser D, Holdhoff M, Junck L, Lawson R, Loeffler JS, Moots PL, Mrugala MM, Newton HB, Raizer JJ, Recht L, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr, Swinnen LJ, Tran D, Tran N, Vrionis FD, Wen PY, McMillian NR, Ho M. Central nervous system cancers, version 2.2014. Featured updates to the NCCN Guidelines. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2014 Nov; 12: (11)1517-23.
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  76. Mrugala MM, Engelhard HH, Dinh Tran D, Kew Y, Cavaliere R, Villano JL, Annenelie Bota D, Rudnick J, Love Sumrall A, Zhu JJ, Butowski N. Clinical practice experience with NovoTTF-100A system for glioblastoma: The Patient Registry Dataset (PRiDe). Semin Oncol. 2014 Oct; 41 Suppl 6:S4-S13.
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  77. Adair JE, Johnston SK, Mrugala MM, Beard BC, Guyman LA, Baldock AL, Bridge CA, Hawkins-Daarud A, Gori JL, Born DE, Gonzalez-Cuyar LF, Silbergeld DL, Rockne RC, Storer BE, Rockhill JK, Swanson KR, Kiem HP. Gene therapy enhances chemotherapy tolerance and efficacy in glioblastoma patients. J Clin Invest. 2014 Sep; 124(9):4082-92. Epub 2014 Aug 08.
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  78. Baldock AL, Yagle K, Born DE, Ahn S, Trister AD, Neal M, Johnston SK, Bridge CA, Basanta D, Scott J, Malone H, Sonabend AM, Canoll P, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Rockne RC, Swanson KR. Invasion and proliferation kinetics in enhancing gliomas predict IDH1 mutation status. Neuro Oncol. 2014 Jun; 16(6):779-86.
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  79. Raizer JJ, Grimm SA, Rademaker A, Chandler JP, Muro K, Helenowski I, Rice L, McCarthy K, Johnston SK, Mrugala MM, Chamberlain M. A phase II trial of PTK787/ZK 222584 in recurrent or progressive radiation and surgery refractory meningiomas. J Neurooncol. 2014 Mar; 117: (1)93-101.
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  80. Baldock AL, Ahn S, Rockne R, Johnston S, Neal M, Corwin D, Clark-Swanson K, Sterin G, Trister AD, Malone H, Ebiana V, Sonabend AM, Mrugala M, Rockhill JK, Silbergeld DL, Lai A, Cloughesy T, McKhann GM 2nd, Bruce JN, Rostomily RC, Canoll P, Swanson KR. Patient-specific metrics of invasiveness reveal significant prognostic benefit of resection in a predictable subset of gliomas. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10):e99057. Epub 2014 Oct 28.
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  81. Nabors LB, Ammirati M, Bierman PJ, Brem H, Butowski N, Chamberlain MC, DeAngelis LM, Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Hesser D, Holdhoff M, Junck L, Lawson R, Loeffler JS, Maor MH, Moots PL, Morrison T, Mrugala MM, Newton HB, Portnow J, Raizer JJ, Recht L, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr, Tran D, Tran N, Vrionis FD, Wen PY, McMillian N, Ho M, National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Central nervous system cancers. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2013 Sep 01; 11: (9)1114-51.
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  82. Saria MG, Corle C, Hu J, Rudnick JD, Phuphanich S, Mrugala MM, Crew LK, Bota DA, Dan Fu B, Kim RY, Brown T, Feely H, Brechlin J, Brown BD, Drappatz J, Wen PY, Chen CC, Carter B, Lee JW, Kesari S. Retrospective analysis of the tolerability and activity of lacosamide in patients with brain tumors: clinical article. J Neurosurg. 2013 Jun; 118: (6)1183-7.
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  83. Neal ML, Trister AD, Ahn S, Baldock A, Bridge CA, Guyman L, Lange J, Sodt R, Cloke T, Lai A, Cloughesy TF, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Rockne RC, Swanson KR. Response classification based on a minimal model of glioblastoma growth is prognostic for clinical outcomes and distinguishes progression from pseudoprogression. Cancer Res. 2013 May 15; 73(10):2976-86. Epub 2013 Feb 11.
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  84. Mrugala MM. Advances and challenges in the treatment of glioblastoma: a clinician's perspective. Discov Med. 2013 Apr; 15: (83)221-30.
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  85. Neal ML, Trister AD, Cloke T, Sodt R, Ahn S, Baldock AL, Bridge CA, Lai A, Cloughesy TF, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Rockne RC, Swanson KR. Discriminating survival outcomes in patients with glioblastoma using a simulation-based, patient-specific response metric. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e51951. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
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  86. Baldock AL, Rockne RC, Boone AD, Neal ML, Hawkins-Daarud A, Corwin DM, Bridge CA, Guyman LA, Trister AD, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Swanson KR. From patient-specific mathematical neuro-oncology to precision medicine. Front Oncol. 2013; 3:62. Epub 2013 Apr 02.
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  87. Corwin D, Holdsworth C, Rockne RC, Trister AD, Mrugala MM, Rockhill JK, Stewart RD, Phillips M, Swanson KR. Toward patient-specific, biologically optimized radiation therapy plans for the treatment of glioblastoma. PLoS One. 2013; 8: (11)e79115.
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  88. Mrugala MM, Crew LK, Fink JR, Spence AM. Carboplatin and bevacizumab for recurrent malignant glioma. Oncol Lett. 2012 Nov; 4: (5)1082-1086.
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  89. Adair JE, Beard BC, Trobridge GD, Neff T, Rockhill JK, Silbergeld DL, Mrugala MM, Kiem HP. Extended survival of glioblastoma patients after chemoprotective HSC gene therapy. Sci Transl Med. 2012 May 09; 4: (133)133ra57.
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  90. Mrugala MM, Adair JE, Kiem HP. Outside the box--novel therapeutic strategies for glioblastoma. Cancer J. 2012 Jan-Feb; 18: (1)51-8.
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  91. Brem SS, Bierman PJ, Brem H, Butowski N, Chamberlain MC, Chiocca EA, DeAngelis LM, Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Hesser D, Junck L, Linette GP, Loeffler JS, Maor MH, Michael M, Moots PL, Morrison T, Mrugala M, Nabors LB, Newton HB, Portnow J, Raizer JJ, Recht L, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr, Vrionis FD, Wen PY, National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Central nervous system cancers. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2011 Apr; 9: (4)352-400.
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  92. Mrugala MM, Adair J, Kiem HP. Temozolomide: Expanding its role in brain cancer. Drugs Today (Barc). 2010 Nov; 46: (11)833-46.
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  93. Rockne R, Rockhill JK, Mrugala M, Spence AM, Kalet I, Hendrickson K, Lai A, Cloughesy T, Alvord EC Jr, Swanson KR. Predicting the efficacy of radiotherapy in individual glioblastoma patients in vivo: a mathematical modeling approach. Phys Med Biol. 2010 Jun 21; 55(12):3271-85. Epub 2010 May 18.
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  94. Wang CH, Rockhill JK, Mrugala M, Peacock DL, Lai A, Jusenius K, Wardlaw JM, Cloughesy T, Spence AM, Rockne R, Alvord EC Jr, Swanson KR. Prognostic significance of growth kinetics in newly diagnosed glioblastomas revealed by combining serial imaging with a novel biomathematical model. Cancer Res. 2009 Dec 01; 69: (23)9133-40.
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  95. Stankovic KM, Mrugala MM, Martuza RL, Silver M, Betensky RA, Nadol JB Jr, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO. Genetic determinants of hearing loss associated with vestibular schwannomas. Otol Neurotol. 2009 Aug; 30: (5)661-7.
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  96. Zhu JJ, Gerstner ER, Engler DA, Mrugala MM, Nugent W, Nierenberg K, Hochberg FH, Betensky RA, Batchelor TT. High-dose methotrexate for elderly patients with primary CNS lymphoma. Neuro Oncol. 2009 Apr; 11: (2)211-5.
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  97. Mrugala MM, Rubenstein JL, Ponzoni M, Batchelor TT. Insights into the biology of primary central nervous system lymphoma. Curr Oncol Rep. 2009 Jan; 11: (1)73-80.
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  98. Mrugala MM, Chamberlain MC. Mechanisms of disease: temozolomide and glioblastoma--look to the future. Nat Clin Pract Oncol. 2008 Aug; 5: (8)476-86.
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  99. Brem SS, Bierman PJ, Black P, Brem H, Chamberlain MC, Chiocca EA, DeAngelis LM, Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Glass J, Grossman SA, Heimberger AB, Junck L, Linette GP, Loeffler JJ, Maor MH, Moots P, Mrugala M, Nabors LB, Newton HB, Olivi A, Portnow J, Prados M, Raizer JJ, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr. Central nervous system cancers. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2008 May; 6: (5)456-504.
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  100. Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, di Tomaso E, Zhang WT, Duda DG, Cohen KS, Kozak KR, Cahill DP, Chen PJ, Zhu M, Ancukiewicz M, Mrugala MM, Plotkin S, Drappatz J, Louis DN, Ivy P, Scadden DT, Benner T, Loeffler JS, Wen PY, Jain RK. AZD2171, a pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, normalizes tumor vasculature and alleviates edema in glioblastoma patients. Cancer Cell. 2007 Jan; 11: (1)83-95.
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  101. Rockhill J, Mrugala M, Chamberlain MC. Intracranial meningiomas: an overview of diagnosis and treatment. Neurosurg Focus. 2007; 23: (4)E1.
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  102. Mrugala MM, Batchelor TT, Plotkin SR. Peripheral and cranial nerve sheath tumors. Curr Opin Neurol. 2005 Oct; 18: (5)604-10.
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  103. Mrugala MM, Kesari S, Ramakrishna N, Wen PY. Therapy for recurrent malignant glioma in adults. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2004 Oct; 4: (5)759-82.
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  104. Recht L, Mrugala M. Neurologic complications of hematologic neoplasms. Neurol Clin. 2003 Feb; 21: (1)87-105.
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  105. Zlomanczuk P, Mrugala M, de la Iglesia HO, Ourednik V, Quesenberry PJ, Snyder EY, Schwartz WJ. Transplanted clonal neural stem-like cells respond to remote photic stimulation following incorporation within the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Exp Neurol. 2002 Apr; 174: (2)162-8.
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  106. Mrugala M, Zlomanczuk P, Jagota A, Schwartz WJ. Rhythmic multiunit neural activity in slices of hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus reflect prior photoperiod. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Apr; 278: (4)R987-94.
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