
  1. Priorello LJ, Sperry JA, Yee CI, Kapoor S, Patchett DC, Townsend CO. Pilot study of an integrative telehealth group intervention for chronic pain. Medicine (Baltimore). 2025 Mar 21; 104 (12):e41952
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  2. Villarroel LR, Mardian AS, Townsend CO, Brown SR. Brick Walls and Broken Hearts: Physicians Draw how they Feel About Treating Pain and Addiction. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 Dec 10 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. McMurtry M, Viswanath O, Cernich M, Strand N, Freeman J, Townsend C, Kaye AD, Cornett EM, Wie C. The Impact of the Quantity and Quality of Social Support on Patients with Chronic Pain. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2020 Oct 15; 24 (11):72
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  4. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Sletten CD. The triallelic serotonin transporter gene polymorphism is associated with depressive symptoms in adults with chronic pain. J Pain Res. 2017; 10:1071-1078 Epub 2017 May 09
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  5. Tabibian A, Grothe KB, Mundi MS, Kellogg TA, Clark MM, Townsend CO. Bariatric Surgery Patients' Response to a Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program. Obes Surg. 2015 Oct; 25 (10):1917-22
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  6. Greensky C, Stapleton MA, Walsh K, Gibbs L, Abrahamson J, Finnie DM, Hathaway JC, Vickers-Douglas KS, Cronin JB, Townsend CO, Hooten WM. A qualitative study of traditional healing practices among American Indians with chronic pain. Pain Med. 2014 Oct; 15(10):1795-802.
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  7. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Hays JT, Ebnet KL, Gauvin TR, Gehin JM, Laures HJ, Patten CA, Warner DO. A cognitive behavioral smoking abstinence intervention for adults with chronic pain: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Addict Behav. 2014 Mar; 39 (3):593-9 Epub 2013 Nov 21
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  8. Nash VR, Ponto J, Townsend C, Nelson P, Bretz MN. Cognitive behavioral therapy, self-efficacy, and depression in persons with chronic pain. Pain Manag Nurs. 2013 Dec; 14 (4):e236-e243 Epub 2012 Dec 28
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  9. Hooten WM, Knight-Brown M, Townsend CO, Laures HJ. Clinical outcomes of multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation among african american compared with caucasian patients with chronic pain. Pain Med. 2012 Nov; 13 (11):1499-508 Epub 2012 Sept 19
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  10. Cunningham JL, Hayes SE, Townsend CO, Laures HJ, Hooten WM. Associations between spousal or significant other solicitous responses and opioid dose in patients with chronic pain. Pain Med. 2012 Aug; 13(8):1034-9. Epub 2012 Jul 09.
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  11. Hooten WM, Qu W, Townsend CO, Judd JW. Effects of strength vs aerobic exercise on pain severity in adults with fibromyalgia: a randomized equivalence trial. Pain. 2012 Apr; 153 (4):915-923 Epub 2012 Feb 15
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  12. Hooten WM, Vickers KS, Shi Y, Ebnet KL, Townsend CO, Patten CA, Warner DO. Smoking cessation and chronic pain: patient and pain medicine physician attitudes. Pain Pract. 2011 Nov-Dec; 11 (6):552-63 Epub 2011 Apr 25
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  13. Wahner-Roedler DL, Thompson JM, Luedtke CA, King SM, Cha SS, Elkin PL, Bruce BK, Townsend CO, Bergeson JR, Eickhoff AL, Loehrer LL, Sood A, Bauer BA. Dietary soy supplement on fibromyalgia symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, early phase trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011; 2011:350697 Epub 2011 June 23
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  14. Hooten WM, Mantilla CB, Sandroni P, Townsend CO. Associations between heat pain perception and opioid dose among patients with chronic pain undergoing opioid tapering. Pain Med. 2010 Nov; 11 (11):1587-98 Epub 2010 Oct 01
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  15. Hooten WM, Sandroni P, Mantilla CB, Townsend CO. Associations between heat pain perception and pain severity among patients with chronic pain. Pain Med. 2010 Oct; 11(10):1554-63. Epub 2010 Aug 30.
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  16. Darchuk KM, Townsend CO, Rome JD, Bruce BK, Hooten WM. Longitudinal treatment outcomes for geriatric patients with chronic non-cancer pain at an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program. Pain Med. 2010 Sep; 11(9):1352-64. Epub 2010 Aug 23.
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  17. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Shi Y, Warner DO. Sex differences in characteristics of smokers with chronic pain undergoing multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2009 Nov; 10: (8)1416-25.
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  18. Cunningham JL, Rome JD, Kerkvliet JL, Townsend CO. Reduction in medication costs for patients with chronic nonmalignant pain completing a pain rehabilitation program: a prospective analysis of admission, discharge, and 6-month follow-up medication costs. Pain Med. 2009 Jul-Aug; 10(5):787-96. Epub 2009 Mar 19.
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  19. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Schmidt JE, Kerkvliet JL, Patten CA, Warner DO. Effects of smoking status on immediate treatment outcomes of multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2009 Mar; 10 (2):347-55 Epub 2008 Aug 18
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  20. Bruce BK, Townsend CO, Hooten WM, Rome JD, Moon JS, Swanson JW. Chronic pain rehabilitation in chronic headache disorders. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2009 Feb; 13 (1):67-72
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  21. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Warner DO. The effects of smoking status on opioid tapering among patients with chronic pain. Anesth Analg. 2009 Jan; 108(1):308-15.
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  22. Townsend CO, Kerkvliet JL, Bruce BK, Rome JD, Hooten WM, Luedtke CA, Hodgson JE. A longitudinal study of the efficacy of a comprehensive pain rehabilitation program with opioid withdrawal: comparison of treatment outcomes based on opioid use status at admission. Pain. 2008 Nov 15; 140 (1):177-189 Epub 2008 Sept 19
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  23. Wahner-Roedler D, Thompson J, Luedtke C, King S, Cha S, Elkin P, Bruce B, Townsend C, Bergeson J, Eickhoff A, Loehrer L, Sood A, Bauer B. Effect of Dietary Soy Supplement on Fibromyalgia Symptoms: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Early Phase Trial. Evidence-based Complementary Alternative Medicine. 2008 Nov 6.
  24. Turner MK, Hooten WM, Schmidt JE, Kerkvliet JL, Townsend CO, Bruce BK. Prevalence and clinical correlates of vitamin D inadequacy among patients with chronic pain. Pain Med. 2008 Nov; 9(8):979-84. Epub 2008 Mar 11.
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  25. Crisostomo RA, Schmidt JE, Hooten WM, Kerkvliet JL, Townsend CO, Bruce BK. Withdrawal of analgesic medication for chronic low-back pain patients: improvement in outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation regardless of surgical history. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Jul; 87: (7)527-36.
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  26. Bruce BK, Townsend CO, Hooten WM, Rome JD, Moon JS, Swanson JW. Chronic pain rehabilitation in chronic headache disorders. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2008 Mar; 8 (2):94-9
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  27. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Decker PA. Gender differences among patients with fibromyalgia undergoing multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2007 Nov-Dec; 8(8):624-32.
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  28. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Sletten CD, Bruce BK, Rome JD. Treatment outcomes after multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation with analgesic medication withdrawal for patients with fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2007 Jan-Feb; 8 (1):8-16
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  29. Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Hooten WM, Rome JD. The role of mental health professionals in multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation programs. J Clin Psychol. 2006 Nov; 62(11):1433-43.
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  30. Townsend CO, Clark MM, Jett JR, Patten CA, Schroeder DR, Nirelli LM, Swensen SJ, Hurt RD. Relation between smoking cessation and receiving results from three annual spiral chest computed tomography scans for lung carcinoma screening. Cancer. 2005 May 15; 103: (10)2154-62.
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  31. Townsend CO, Sletten CD, Bruce BK, Rome JD, Luedtke CA, Hodgson JE. Physical and emotional functioning of adult patients with chronic abdominal pain: comparison with patients with chronic back pain. J Pain. 2005 Feb; 6(2):75-83.
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  32. Townsend CO, Clark MM, Jett JR, Patten CA, Schroeder DR, Nirelli LM, Swensen SJ, Hurt RD. Smoking Cessation in Individuals Receiving Three Annual Spiral Chest Computed Tomography Scans for Lung Cancer Screening. Cancer.. 2005; 103: (10)2154-62.
  33. Rome JD, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, et al. Chronic non-cancer pain rehabilitation with opioid withdrawal: Comparison of treatment outcomes based on opioid use status at admission. Yearbook of Anesthesiology and Pain Management.. 2005;
  34. Rome JD, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Sletten CD, Luedtke CA, Hodgson JE. Chronic noncancer pain rehabilitation with opioid withdrawal: comparison of treatment outcomes based on opioid use status at admission. Mayo Clin Proc. 2004 Jun; 79(6):759-68.
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  35. Schwartz SM, Trask PC, Shanmugham K, Townsend C. Conducting psychological research in medical settings: Challenges, limitations, and recommendations for effectiveness research. Prof Psychol Res Pr. 2004; 35:500-8.
  36. Fries E, Meyer A, Danish S, Stanton C, Figueiredo M, Green S, Brunelle J, Townsend C, Buzzard M. Cancer prevention in rural youth: teaching goals for health: the pilot. J Cancer Educ. 2001 Summer; 16(2):99-104.
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