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  2. Kamboj AK, Goyal R, Vantanasiri K, Sachdeva K, Passe M, Lansing R, Garg N, Chandi PS, Ramirez FC, Kahn A, Fukami N, Wolfsen HC, Krishna M, Pai RK, Hagen C, Lee HE, Wang KK, Leggett CL, Iyer PG. Clinical Outcomes After Endoscopic Management of Low-Risk and High-Risk T1a Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2024 Apr 01; 119(4):662-670. Epub 2023 Oct 05.
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  3. Kahn A, Song K, Dhaliwal L, Thanawala S, Hagen CE, Agarwal S, McDonald NM, Gabre JT, Falk GW, Ginsberg GG, Wolfsen HC, Ramirez FC, Leggett CL, Wang KK, Iyer PG. Long-term outcomes following successful endoscopic treatment of T1 esophageal adenocarcinoma: a multicenter cohort study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023 Nov; 98(5):713-721. Epub 2023 Jun 24.
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  4. Kahn A, Crook J, Heckman MG, Wieczorek MA, Sami S, Snyder D, Agarwal S, Santiago J, Fernandez-Sordo JO, Tan WK, Lansing R, Wang KK, Ragunath K, DiPietro M, Wolfsen H, Ramirez F, Fleischer D, Leggett CL, Iyer PG. Optimized Surveillance Intervals Following Endoscopic Eradication of Dysplastic Barrett's Esophagus: An International Cohort Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Dec; 20 (12):2763-2771.e3 Epub 2022 Mar 01
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  5. Leung FW, Cadoni S, Koo M, Yen AW, Siau K, Hsieh YH, Ishaq S, Cheng CL, Ramirez FC, Bak AW, Karnes W, Bayupurnama P, Leung JW, de Groen PC. A survey of colonoscopists with and without in-depth knowledge of water-aided colonoscopy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Sep; 37 (9):1785-1791 Epub 2022 July 09
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  6. Wallace MB, Sharma P, Bhandari P, East J, Antonelli G, Lorenzetti R, Vieth M, Speranza I, Spadaccini M, Desai M, Lukens FJ, Babameto G, Batista D, Singh D, Palmer W, Ramirez F, Palmer R, Lunsford T, Ruff K, Bird-Liebermann E, Ciofoaia V, Arndtz S, Cangemi D, Puddick K, Derfus G, Johal AS, Barawi M, Longo L, Moro L, Repici A, Hassan C. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Miss Rate of Colorectal Neoplasia. Gastroenterology. 2022 Jul; 163(1):295-304.e5. Epub 2022 Mar 15.
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  7. Turan AS, Pohl H, Matsumoto M, Lee BS, Aizawa M, Desideri F, Albeniz E, Raju GS, Luba D, Barret M, Gurudu SR, Ramirez FC, Lin WR, Atsma F, Siersema PD, van Geenen EJM, Prophylactic Clipping Collaborative Group, Umar SB. The Role of Clips in Preventing Delayed Bleeding After Colorectal Polyp Resection: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Feb; 20 (2):362-371.e23 Epub 2021 May 12
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  8. Cadoni S, Ishaq S, Hassan C, Falt P, Fuccio L, Siau K, Leung JW, Anderson J, Binmoeller KF, Radaelli F, Rutter MD, Sugimoto S, Muhammad H, Bhandari P, Draganov PV, de Groen P, Wang AY, Yen AW, Hamerski C, Thorlacius H, Neumann H, Ramirez F, Mulder CJJ, Albeniz E, Amato A, Arai M, Bak A, Barret M, Bayupurnama P, Cheung R, Ching HL, Cohen H, Dolwani S, Friedland S, Harada H, Hsieh YH, Hayee B, Kuwai T, Lorenzo-Zuniga V, Liggi M, Mizukami T, Mura D, Nylander D, Olafsson S, Paggi S, Pan Y, Parra-Blanco A, Ransford R, Rodriguez-Sanchez J, Senturk H, Suzuki N, Tseng CW, Uchima H, Uedo N, Leung FW. Water-assisted colonoscopy: an international modified Delphi review on definitions and practice recommendations. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 Jun; 93 (6):1411-1420.e18 Epub 2020 Oct 16
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  9. Kahn A, Priyan H, Dierkhising RA, Johnson ML, Lansing RM, Maixner KA, Wolfsen HC, Wallace MB, Ramirez FC, Fleischer DE, Leggett CL, Wang KK, Iyer PG. Outcomes of radiofrequency ablation by manual versus self-sizing circumferential balloon catheters for the treatment of dysplastic Barrett's esophagus: a multicenter comparative cohort study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 Apr; 93 (4):880-887.e1 Epub 2020 July 31
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  10. Snyder DL, Crowell MD, Kahn A, Griffing WL, Umar S, Ramirez FC. Prevalence of Barrett's Esophagus in Female Patients With Scleroderma. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar 1; 116 (3):517-521
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  11. Hernandez PV, Horsley-Silva JL, Snyder DL, Baffy N, Atia M, Koepke L, Buras MR, Lim ES, Ruff K, Umar SB, Islam S, Ramirez FC. Effect of bowel preparation volume in inpatient colonoscopy. Results of a prospective, randomized, comparative pilot study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2020 Jul 13; 20 (1):227 Epub 2020 July 13
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  12. Sami SS, Ravindran A, Kahn A, Snyder D, Santiago J, Ortiz-Fernandez-Sordo J, Tan WK, Dierkhising RA, Crook JE, Heckman MG, Johnson ML, Lansing R, Ragunath K, di Pietro M, Wolfsen H, Ramirez F, Fleischer D, Wang KK, Leggett CL, Katzka DA, Iyer PG. Timeline and location of recurrence following successful ablation in Barrett's oesophagus: an international multicentre study. Gut. 2019 Aug; 68 (8):1379-1385 Epub 2019 Jan 11
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  13. Repici A, Wallace MB, East JE, Sharma P, Ramirez FC, Bruining DH, Young M, Gatof D, Irene Mimi Canto M, Marcon N, Cannizzaro R, Kiesslich R, Rutter M, Dekker E, Siersema PD, Spaander M, Kupcinskas L, Jonaitis L, Bisschops R, Radaelli F, Bhandari P, Wilson A, Early D, Gupta N, Vieth M, Lauwers GY, Rossini M, Hassan C. Efficacy of Per-oral Methylene Blue Formulation for Screening Colonoscopy. Gastroenterology. 2019 Jun; 156 (8):2198-2207.e1 Epub 2019 Feb 10
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  14. Solanky D, Krishnamoorthi R, Crews N, Johnson M, Wang K, Wolfsen H, Fleischer D, Ramirez FC, Katzka D, Buttar N, Iyer PG. Barrett Esophagus Length, Nodularity, and Low-grade Dysplasia are Predictive of Progression to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2019 May/Jun; 53 (5):361-365
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  15. David J, Backstedt D, O'Keefe KJ, Salehpour K, Gerkin RD, Ramirez FC. Effervescent agents in acute esophageal food impaction. Dis Esophagus. 2019 Apr 1; 32 (4)
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  16. Siddiki HA, Lam-Himlin DM, Kahn A, Bandres MV, Burdick GE, Crowell MD, Pannala R, Ramirez FC, Vela MF, Fleischer DE. Intestinal metaplasia of the gastric cardia: findings in patients with versus without Barrett's esophagus. Gastrointest Endosc. 2019 Apr; 89 (4):759-768 Epub 2018 Nov 14
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  17. Yi S, Meng F, Mui P, Xiong F, Leighton JA, Ramirez FC. Augmenting endoscopic instruments with 3D surface imaging Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2019 Feb; 10868:108681J
  18. Kahn A, Al-Qaisi MT, Obeid RA, Katzka DA, Ravi KM, Ramirez FC, Crowell MD, Vela MF. Clinical features and long-term outcomes of lower esophageal sphincter-dependent and lower esophageal sphincter-independent jackhammer esophagus. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 Feb; 31 (2):e13507 Epub 2018 Nov 15
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  19. Al-Qaisi MT, Kahn A, Crowell MD, Burdick GE, Vela MF, Ramirez FC. Do recent reports about the adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors change providers' prescription practice? Dis Esophagus. 2018 Dec 1; 31 (12)
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  20. Siddiki H, Ravi S, Al-Qaisi MT, Fath AR, Ramirez F, Crowell MD, Pannala R, Faigel DO, Gurudu SR. Comparison of Small Versus Large Volume Split Dose Preparation for Colonoscopy: A Study of Colonoscopy Outcomes. Dig Dis Sci. 2018 Sep; 63 (9):2413-2418 Epub 2018 May 07
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  21. Kahn A, Al-Qaisi M, Kommineni VT, Callaway JK, Boroff ES, Burdick GE, Lam-Himlin DM, Temkit M, Vela MF, Ramirez FC. Longitudinal outcomes of radiofrequency ablation versus surveillance endoscopy for Barrett's esophagus with low-grade dysplasia. Dis Esophagus. 2018 Apr 1; 31 (4)
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  22. Adike A, Buras MR, Gurudu SR, Leighton JA, Faigel DO, Ruff KC, Umar SB, Ramirez FC. Is the level of cleanliness using segmental Boston bowel preparation scale associated with a higher adenoma detection rate? Ann Gastroenterol. 2018 Mar-Apr; 31 (2):217-223 Epub 2018 Jan 31
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  23. Gurudu SR, Boroff ES, Crowell MD, Atia M, Umar SB, Leighton JA, Faigel DO, Ramirez FC. Impact of feedback on adenoma detection rates: Outcomes of quality improvement program. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Mar; 33 (3):645-649
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  24. Al-Qaisi MT, Siddiki HA, Crowell MD, Burdick GE, Fleischer DE, Ramirez FC, Vela MF. The clinical significance of hypercontractile peristalsis: comparison of high-resolution manometric features, demographics, symptom presentation, and response to therapy in patients with Jackhammer esophagus versus Nutcracker esophagus. Dis Esophagus. 2017 Dec 1; 30 (12):1-7
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  25. Adike A, El Kurdi BI, Gaddam S, Kosiorek HE, Fukami N, Faigel DO, Collins JM, Ramirez FC. Pancreatitis in Patients With Pancreas Divisum. Pancreas 2017 Nov/Dec; 46 (10):e80-e81
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  26. Gilani N, Rodriguez-Luna H, Hanif MF, Stipho S, Tharalson E, Young M, Ramirez F. Effectiveness of multidisciplinary approach in patients undergoing therapy for chronic hepatitis C. J Pak Med Assoc. 2017 Oct; 67 (10):1487-1492
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  27. Welch G, Ross HJ, Patel NP, Jaroszewski DE, Fleischer DE, Rule WG, Paripati HR, Ramirez FC, Ashman JB. Incidence of brain metastasis from esophageal cancer. Dis Esophagus. 2017 Sep 1; 30 (9):1-6
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  40. Ratuapli SK, Hansel SL, Umar SB, Burdick GE, Ramirez FC, Fleischer DE, Harris LA, Lacy BE, DiBaise JK, Crowell MD. Esophageal peristaltic defects in adults with functional dysphagia. Dysphagia. 2014 Aug; 29 (4):519-26 Epub 2014 June 04
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