
  1. Couser GP, Stevens AM, Arndt HD, Nation JL, Breitinger SA, Lafferty DS, Sawchuk CN. Improving supervisor confidence in responding to distressed health care employees. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2024 Mar; 50 (3):209-18
  2. Whiteside SPH, Sawchuk NR, Brennan E, Lebow JR, Sawchuk CN, Biggs BK, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Hofschulte DR, Reneson-Feeder S, Cunningham M, Allison ML. Using session recordings to understand the content of community-based treatment for childhood anxiety disorders and response to technology-based training. J Clin Psychol. 2023 Oct; 79 (10):2251-2269 Epub 2023 May 20
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  3. Bogucki OE, Sawchuk CN. Cognitive processing therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder due to COVID-19-related traumas: A case study. Psychol Serv. 2023 Aug; 20 (3):533-537 Epub 2022 Feb 03
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  4. Taylor-Desir MJ, Sawchuk CN, Crane SJ, Carroll JL, Evans WS, Bogucki OE, Lewis SE, Lapid MI. Integration of mental health and supportive care in individuals with schizophrenia and cancer: Assertive community treatment model. Psychooncology. 2023 Jul; 32 (7):1142-1144 Epub 2022 Mar 03
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  5. Roche AI, Savitz ST, Kelpin SS, Lebow J, Lombardi N, Bogucki OE, Kurtzhals AA, Drews MS, Trane ST, Allen JS, Williams MD, Sawchuk CN. Study What You Do: Developing a Psychotherapy Tracking Database in a Large-Scale Integrated Behavioral Health Service. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Feb; 21 (Suppl 2):S49-S55
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  6. Skime MK, Puspitasari AJ, Gentry MT, Heredia D Jr, Sawchuk CN, Moore WR, Taylor-Desir MJ, Schak KM. Patient Satisfaction and Recommendations for Delivering a Group-Based Intensive Outpatient Program via Telemental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-sectional Cohort Study. JMIR Ment Health. 2022 Jan 28; 9 (1):e30204
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  7. Bogucki OE, Craner JR, Berg SL, Miller SJ, Wolsey MK, Smyth KT, Sedivy SJ, Mack JD, Johnson MW, Burke LM, Williams MW, Katzelnick DJ, Sawchuk CN. Cognitive behavioral therapy for depressive disorders: Outcomes from a multi-state, multi-site primary care practice. J Affect Disord. 2021 Nov 01; 294:745-752. Epub 2021 Jul 19.
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  8. Bogucki OE, Mattson AB, Leasure WB, Berg SL, Mulholland HL, Sawchuk CN. Adaptations of an Integrated Behavioral Health Program During COVID-19. Cogn Behav Pract. 2021 Nov; 28 (4):481-491 Epub 2021 Mar 22
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  9. Puspitasari AJ, Heredia D Jr, Gentry M, Sawchuk C, Theobald B, Moore W, Tiede M, Galardy C, Schak K. Rapid Adoption and Implementation of Telehealth Group Psychotherapy During COVID 19: Practical Strategies and Recommendations. Cogn Behav Pract. 2021 Nov; 28 (4):492-506 Epub 2021 June 24
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  10. Puspitasari AJ, Heredia D, Coombes BJ, Geske JR, Gentry MT, Moore WR, Sawchuk CN, Schak KM. Feasibility and Initial Outcomes of a Group-Based Teletherapy Psychiatric Day Program for Adults With Serious Mental Illness: Open, Nonrandomized Trial in the Context of COVID-19. JMIR Ment Health. 2021 Mar 11; 8 (3):e25542
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  11. Bogucki OE, Craner JR, Berg SL, Wolsey MK, Miller SJ, Smyth KT, Johnson MW, Mack JD, Sedivy SJ, Burke LM, Glader MA, Williams MW, Katzelnick DJ, Sawchuk CN. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Outcomes From a Multi-State, Multi-Site Primary Care Practice. J Anxiety Disord. 2021 Mar; 78:102345. Epub 2020 Dec 15.
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  12. Gilliam WP, Schumann ME, Craner JR, Cunningham JL, Morrison EJ, Seibel S, Sawchuk C, Sperry JA. Examining the effectiveness of pain rehabilitation on chronic pain and post-traumatic symptoms. J Behav Med. 2020 Dec; 43 (6):956-967 Epub 2020 May 25
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  13. Sawchuk CN, Russo J, Ferguson G, Williamson J, Sabin JA, Goldberg J, Madesclaire O, Bogucki OE, Buchwald D. Health Promotion Programs and Policies in the Workplace: An Exploratory Study With Alaska Businesses. Prev Chronic Dis. 2020 Oct 15; 17:E125
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  14. Bogucki OE, Williams MD, Solberg LI, Rossom RC, Sawchuk CN. The Role of the Patient-Centered Medical Home in Treating Depression. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2020 Jul 14; 22 (9):47 Epub 2020 July 14
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  15. Sawchuk CN, Russo J, Ferguson G, Williamson J, Sabin J, Goldberg J, Madesclaire O, Bogucki O, Buchwald D. Barriers and bridges to implementing a workplace wellness project in Alaska. Rural Remote Health. 2020 Jul; 20 (3):5946 Epub 2020 July 14
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  16. Sawchuk C, Mulholland H, Trane S, Lebow J, Puspitasari A, Lombardi N. What to do when evidence-based treatment manuals are not enough? Adapting evidence-based psychological interventions for primary care Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2020; 27:377-391.
  17. Johnson AK, Hayes SN, Sawchuk C, Johnson MP, Best PJ, Gulati R, Tweet MS. Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and Resiliency Within the Unique Population of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Survivors. J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 May 5; 9 (9):e014372 Epub 2020 Apr 28
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  18. Sawchuk CN, Craner JR, Berg SL, Smyth K, Mack J, Glader M, Burke L, Haggerty S, Johnson M, Miller S, Sedivy S, Morcomb D, Heredia D, Williams MW, Katzelnick DJ. Initial outcomes of a real-world multi-site primary care psychotherapy program. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2018 Sep - Oct; 54:5-11 Epub 2018 June 24
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  19. Williams MD, Sawchuk CN, Shippee ND, Somers KJ, Berg SL, Mitchell JD, Mattson AB, Katzelnick DJ. A quality improvement project aimed at adapting primary care to ensure the delivery of evidence-based psychotherapy for adult anxiety. BMJ Open Qual. 2018; 7 (1):e000066 Epub 2018 Jan 09
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  20. Sawchuk CN, Craner JR. Evidence-Based Psychotherapy in Primary Care. Focus (Am Psychiatr Publ). 2017 Jul; 15 (3):264-270 Epub 2017 July 12
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  21. Craner JR, Sawchuk CN, Mack JD, LeRoy MA. Development and implementation of a psychotherapy tracking database in primary care. Fam Syst Health. 2017 Jun; 35 (2):207-216
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  22. Sawchuk CN, Roy-Byrne P, Noonan C, Craner JR, Goldberg J, Manson S, Buchwald D, AI-SUPERPFP Team. Panic attacks and panic disorder in the American Indian community. J Anxiety Disord. 2017 May; 48:6-12 Epub 2016 Oct 05
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  23. Sawchuk CN, Russo JE, Roy-Byrne P, Goldberg J, Forquera R, Buchwald D. Changes in Physical Activity Barriers among American Indian Elders: A Pilot Study. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2017; 24: (1)127-140.
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  24. Farah WH, Alsawas M, Mainou M, Alahdab F, Farah MH, Ahmed AT, Mohamed EA, Almasri J, Gionfriddo MR, Castaneda-Guarderas A, Mohammed K, Wang Z, Asi N, Sawchuk CN, Williams MD, Prokop LJ, Murad MH, LeBlanc A. Non-pharmacological treatment of depression: a systematic review and evidence map. Evid Based Med. 2016 Dec; 21 (6):214-221 Epub 2016 Nov 11
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  25. Craner JR, Sawchuk CN, Smyth KT. Outcomes of a 6-week cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness group intervention in primary care. Fam Syst Health. 2016 Sep; 34 (3):250-9 Epub 2016 July 14
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  26. Sawchuk CN, Roy-Byrne P, Noonan C, Bogart A, Goldberg J, Manson SM, Buchwald D, AI-SUPERPFP Team. The Association of Panic Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Major Depression With Smoking in American Indians. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Mar; 18 (3):259-66 Epub 2015 Apr 06
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  27. Sawchuk CN, Van Dyke E, Omidpanah A, Russo JE, Tsosie U, Goldberg J, Buchwald D. Barriers to cancer care among American indians and Alaska natives Journal of Health Care for the Poor & Underserved. 2016; 27: (1)84-96.
  28. Wade TW, Oberhelman SS, Angstman KB, Sawchuk CN, Meunier MR, Angstman GL, Rohrer JE. Diabetes and obesity not associated with 6-month remission rates for primary care patients with depression. Psychosomatics. 2015 Jul-Aug; 56: (4)354-61.
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  29. Sawchuk CN, Van Dyke E, Omidpanah A, Russo JE, Tsosie U, Buchwald D. Caregiving among American Indians and Alaska Natives with cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2015 Jun; 23 (6):1607-14 Epub 2014 Nov 22
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  30. Olatunji BO, Ebesutani C, Haidt J, Sawchuk CN. Specificity of disgust domains in the prediction of contamination anxiety and avoidance: a multimodal examination. Behav Ther. 2014 Jul; 45 (4):469-81 Epub 2014 Feb 16
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  31. Olatunji BO, Wolitzky-Taylor KB, Sawchuk CN, Ciesielski B. Worry and the anxiety disorders: a meta-analytic review. Applied and Preventive Psychology. 2013; anxiety disorders:a meta-analysis.
  32. Olatunji BO, Ebesutani C, Sawchuk CN, McKay D, Lohr JM, Kleinknecht RA. Development and initial validation of the medical fear survey-short version. Assessment. 2012 Sep; 19(3):318-36. Epub 2011 Jul 29.
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  33. Sawchuk CN, Roy-Byrne P, Noonan C, Bogart A, Goldberg J, Manson SM, Buchwald D, AI-SUPERPFP Team. Smokeless tobacco use and its relation to panic disorder, major depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder in American Indians. Nicotine Tob Res. 2012 Sep; 14(9):1048-56. Epub 2012 Feb 17.
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  34. Sawchuk CN, Russo JE, Bogart A, Charles S, Goldberg J, Forquera R, Roy-Byrne P, Buchwald D. Barriers and facilitators to walking and physical activity among American Indian elders. Prev Chronic Dis. 2011 May; 8(3):A63. Epub 2011 Apr 15.
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  35. Sawchuk CN, Russo JE, Charles S, Goldberg J, Forquera R, Roy-Byrne P, Buchwald D. Does pedometer goal setting improve physical activity among Native elders? Results from a randomized pilot study. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2011; 18(1):23-41.
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  36. Sawchuk CN, Olatunji BO. Anxiety, health risk factors, and chronic disease. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2011.
  37. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Moretz MW, David B, Armstrong T, Ciesielski BG. Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Injection Phobia Scale-Anxiety. Psychol Assess. 2010 Mar; 22(1):167-79.
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  38. Olatunji BO, Woods CM, de Jong PJ, Teachman BA, Sawchuk CN, David B. Development and initial validation of an abbreviated Spider Phobia Questionnaire using item response theory. Behav Ther. 2009 Jun; 40(2):114-30. Epub 2008 Oct 21.
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  39. Olatunji BO, Lohr JM, Smits JA, Sawchuk CN, Patten K. Evaluative conditioning of fear and disgust in blood-injection-injury phobia: specificity and impact of individual differences in disgust sensitivity. J Anxiety Disord. 2009 Mar; 23(2):153-9. Epub 2008 Jun 17.
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  40. Sawchuk CN, Charles S, Wen Y, Goldberg J, Forquera R, Roy-Byrne P, Buchwald D. A randomized trial to increase physical activity among native elders. Prev Med. 2008 Jul; 47(1):89-94. Epub 2008 Mar 26.
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  41. Broman-Fulks JJ, Green BA, Olatunji BO, Berman ME, Arnau RC, Deacon BJ, Sawchuk CN. The latent structure of anxiety sensitivity--revisited. Assessment. 2008 Jun; 15(2):188-203. Epub 2008 Jan 03.
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  42. Cisler JM, Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM. Specificity of emotional maintenance processes among contamination fears and blood-injection-injury fears. J Anxiety Disord. 2008 Jun; 22(5):915-23. Epub 2007 Sep 18.
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  43. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Lee TC, Lohr JM, Tolin DF. Information processing biases in spider phobia: application of the Stroop and "White Noise" Paradigm. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2008 Jun; 39(2):187-200. Epub 2007 Apr 12.
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  44. Sawchuk CN, Bogart A, Charles S, Goldberg J, Forquera R, Roy-Byrne P, Buchwald D. Education is associated with physical activity among American Indian elders. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2008; 15(1):1-17.
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  45. Olatunji BO, Williams NL, Tolin DF, Abramowitz JS, Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM, Elwood LS. The Disgust Scale: item analysis, factor structure, and suggestions for refinement. Psychol Assess. 2007 Sep; 19(3):281-97.
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  46. Olatunji BO, Lohr JM, Sawchuk CN, Tolin DF. Multimodal assessment of disgust in contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behav Res Ther. 2007 Feb; 45(2):263-76. Epub 2006 May 12.
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  47. Lohr JM, Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN. A functional analysis of danger and safety signals in anxiety disorders. Clin Psychol Rev. 2007 Jan; 27(1):114-26. Epub 2006 Sep 25.
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  48. Olatunji BO, Lohr JM, Sawchuk CN, Patten K. Fear and disgust responding to heterogeneous blood-injection-injury stimuli. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2007.
  49. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, de Jong PJ, Lohr JM. Disgust sensitivity in anxiety disorder symptoms: psychometric properties of the Disgust Emotion Scale Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2007(29):115-124.
  50. Rosen GM, Sawchuk CN, Atkins DC, Brown M, Price JR, Lees-Haley PR. Risk of false positives when identifying malingered profiles using the trauma symptom inventory. J Pers Assess. 2006 Jun; 86(3):329-33.
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  51. Aaron LA, Turner JA, Mancl LA, Sawchuk CN, Huggins KH, Truelove EL. Daily pain coping among patients with chronic temporomandibular disorder pain: an electronic diary study. J Orofac Pain. 2006 Spring; 20(2):125-37.
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  52. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, de Jong PJ, Lohr JM. The structural relation between disgust sensitivity and blood-injection-injury fears: a cross-cultural comparison of US and Dutch data. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2006 Mar; 37(1):16-29. Epub 2005 Nov 07.
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  53. Olatunji BO, Williams NL, Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM. Disgust, anxiety and fainting symptoms associated with blood-injection-injury fears: a structural model. J Anxiety Disord. 2006; 20(1):23-41. Epub 2005 Jan 22.
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  54. Olatunji BO, Lohr JM, Willems J, Sawchuk CN. Expectancy bias for disgust and emotional responding in contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. 2006; 19:383-396.
  55. Sawchuk CN, Olatunji BO, de Jong PJ. Disgust Domains in the Prediction of Contamination Fear: a Comparison of Dutch and U.S. Data. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. 2006(19):397-407.
  56. Sawchuk CN, Roy-Byrne P, Goldberg J, Manson S, Noonan C, Beals J, Buchwald D. The relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and cardiovascular disease in an American Indian tribe. Psychol Med. 2005 Dec; 35(12):1785-94.
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  57. Olatunji BO, Williams NL, Lohr JM, Sawchuk CN. The structure of disgust: domain specificity in relation to contamination ideation and excessive washing. Behav Res Ther. 2005 Aug; 43(8):1069-86.
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  58. Aaron LA, Turner JA, Mancl L, Brister H, Sawchuk CN. Electronic diary assessment of pain-related variables: is reactivity a problem? J Pain. 2005 Feb; 6(2):107-15.
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  59. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Deacon BJ, Tolin DF, Lilienfeld SO, Williams NL, Meunier SA, Lohr JM, Connolly KM. The Anxiety Sensitivity Profile revisited: factor structure and psychometric properties in two nonclinical samples. J Anxiety Disord. 2005; 19(6):603-25.
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  60. Olatunji BO, Lohr JM, Sawchuk CN, Westendorf DH. Using facial expressions as CSs and fearsome and disgusting pictures as UCSs: affective responding and evaluative learning of fear and disgust in blood-injection-injury phobia. J Anxiety Disord. 2005; 19(5):539-55.
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  61. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN. Disgust: Characteristic Features, Social Manifestations, and Clinical Implications Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2005:932-962.
  62. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Arrindell WA, Lohr JM. Disgust Sensitivity as a Mediator of the Sex Differences in Contamination Fears Personality and Individual Differences. 2005:713-722.
  63. Thordarson DS, Radomsky AS, Rachman S, Shafran R, Sawchuk CN, Ralph Hakstian A. The Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI). Behav Res Ther. 2004 Nov; 42(11):1289-314.
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  64. Aaron LA, Mancl L, Turner JA, Sawchuk CN, Klein KM. Reasons for missing interviews in the daily electronic assessment of pain, mood, and stress. Pain. 2004 Jun; 109(3):389-98.
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  65. Olatunji BO, Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM, de Jong PJ. Disgust domains in the prediction of contamination fear. Behav Res Ther. 2004 Jan; 42(1):93-104.
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  66. Wenzel A, Sawchuk CN. Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Blood/Injury Phobia Inventory The Behavior Therapist. 2004:10-15.
  67. Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM, Westendorf DH, Meunier SA, Tolin DF. Emotional responding to fearful and disgusting stimuli in specific phobics. Behav Res Ther. 2002 Sep; 40(9):1031-46.
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  68. Koch MD, O'Neill HK, Sawchuk CN, Connolly K. Domain-specific and generalized disgust sensitivity in blood-injection-injury phobia: the application of behavioral approach/avoidance tasks. J Anxiety Disord. 2002; 16(5):511-27.
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  69. Sawchuk CN, Meunier SA, Lohr JM, Westendorf DH. Fear, disgust, and information processing in specific phobia: the application of signal detection theory. J Anxiety Disord. 2002; 16(5):495-510.
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  70. Sawchuk CN. Book review: Health anxiety: clinical and research perspectives on hypochondriasis and related conditions Anxiety Disorders: A Quarterly Report. 2002:5-8.
  71. Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM, Tolin DF, Lee TC, Kleinknecht RA. Disgust sensitivity and contamination fears in spider and blood-injection-injury phobias. Behav Res Ther. 2000 Aug; 38(8):753-62.
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  72. Sawchuk CN, Lohr JM, Lee TC, Tolin DF. Exposure to disgust-evoking imagery and information processing biases in blood-injection-injury phobia. Behav Res Ther. 1999 Mar; 37(3):249-57.
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  73. Smith DW, Frueh BC, Sawchuk CN, Johnson MR. Relationship between symptom over-reporting and pre- and post-combat trauma history in veterans evaluated for PTSD. Depress Anxiety. 1999; 10(3):119-24.
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  74. Tolin DF, Lohr JM, Lee TC, Sawchuk CN. Visual avoidance in specific phobia. Behav Res Ther. 1999 Jan; 37(1):63-70.
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  75. Kleinknecht RA, Kleinknecht EE, Sawchuk CN, Lee TC, Lohr JM. The Medical Fear Survey: psychometric properties. The Behavior Therapist. 1999:109-112.
  76. Tolin DF, Sawchuk CN, Lee TC. The Role of Disgust in Blood-Injection-Injury Phobia The Behavior Therapist. 1999:96-99.
  77. Tolin DF, Lohr JM, Sawchuk CN, Lee TC. Disgust and disgust sensitivity in blood-injection-injury and spider phobia. Behav Res Ther. 1997 Oct; 35(10):949-53.
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