
  1. Choi D, Gwon K, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Lee S, Nguyen KM, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. An Ultrathin Coating of Microcapsules Enhances the Function of Encapsulated Hepatocyte Spheroids. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024 Sep 25; 16 (38):51411-51420 Epub 2024 Sept 13
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  2. Gwon K, Dharmesh E, Nguyen KM, Schornack AMR, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Ceylan H, Stybayeva G, Peterson QP, Revzin A. Designing magnetic microcapsules for cultivation and differentiation of stem cell spheroids. Microsyst Nanoeng. 2024 Sep 12; 10 (1):127 Epub 2024 Sept 12
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  3. Taroncher M, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Gwon K, Romero S, Reyes-Figueroa AD, Rodriguez-Carrasco Y, Ruiz MJ, Stybayeva G, Revzin A, de Hoyos-Vega JM. Using Microfluidic Hepatic Spheroid Cultures to Assess Liver Toxicity of T-2 Mycotoxin. Cells. 2024 May 24; 13 (11)
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  4. Desai A, Xiao AH, Choi D, Toruner MD, Walden D, Halfdanarson TR, Alberts S, McWilliams RR, Mahipal A, Ahn D, Babiker H, Stybayeva G, Revzin A, Kizilbash S, Adjei A, Bekaii-Saab T, Mansfield AS, Carr RM, Ma WW. Molecular Characterization and Therapeutic Opportunities in KRAS Wildtype Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2024 May 13; 16 (10)
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  5. de Hoyos-Vega JM, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Cedillo-Alcantar DF, Stybayeva G, Matveyenko A, Malhi H, Garcia-Cordero JL, Revzin A. Microfluidic 3D hepatic cultures integrated with a droplet-based bioanalysis unit. Biosens Bioelectron. 2024 Mar 15; 248:115896 Epub 2023 Nov 30
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  6. Choi D, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Dumbrava MG, Medlyn M, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Cichocki F, Miller JS, Ding L, Zhu M, Stybayeva G, Gaspar-Maia A, Billadeau DD, Ma WW, Revzin A. Microfluidic Organoid Cultures Derived from Pancreatic Cancer Biopsies for Personalized Testing of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Feb; 11 (5):e2303088 Epub 2023 Nov 29
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  7. Lee S, Verkhoturov DS, Eller MJ, Verkhoturov SV, Shaw MA, Gwon K, Kim Y, Lucien F, Malhi H, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. Nanoprojectile Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Enables Multiplexed Analysis of Individual Hepatic Extracellular Vesicles. ACS Nano. 2023 Dec 12; 17 (23):23584-23594 Epub 2023 Nov 30
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  8. Gwon K, Choi D, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Baskaran H, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Lee S, Hong HJ, Nguyen KM, Dharmesh E, Sugahara G, Ishida Y, Saito T, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Function of hepatocyte spheroids in bioactive microcapsules is enhanced by endogenous and exogenous hepatocyte growth factor. Bioact Mater. 2023 Oct; 28:183-195 Epub 2023 May 24
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  9. Fattahi P, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Choi JH, Duffy CD, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Ishida Y, Nguyen KM, Gwon K, Peterson QP, Saito T, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Guiding Hepatic Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells Using 3D Microfluidic Co-Cultures with Human Hepatocytes. Cells. 2023 Aug 1; 12 (15) Epub 2023 Aug 01
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  10. Zhu M, Zhang H, Pedersen KS, Foster NR, Jaszewski BL, Liu X, Hirdler JB, An Z, Bekaii-Saab TS, Halfdanarson TR, Boland PM, Yan Y, Hubbard JH, Ma WW, Yoon HH, Revzin A, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Overman MJ, McWilliams RR, Dong H. Understanding Suboptimal Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Adv Biol (Weinh). 2023 Apr; 7 (4):e2101319 Epub 2022 Mar 27
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  11. Mohammed Ismail W, Mazzone A, Ghiraldini FG, Kaur J, Bains M, Munankarmy A, Bagwell MS, Safgren SL, Moore-Weiss J, Buciuc M, Shimp L, Leach KA, Duarte LF, Nagi CS, Carcamo S, Chung CY, Hasson D, Dadgar N, Zhong J, Lee JH, Couch FJ, Revzin A, Ordog T, Bernstein E, Gaspar-Maia A. MacroH2A histone variants modulate enhancer activity to repress oncogenic programs and cellular reprogramming. Commun Biol. 2023 Feb 23; 6 (1):215
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  12. Lee S, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Huang X, Calvo-Lozano O, Suvakov S, Lechuga LM, Garovic VD, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Using Electrochemical Immunoassay in a Novel Microtiter Plate to Detect Surface Markers of Preeclampsia on Urinary Extracellular Vesicles. ACS Sens. 2023 Jan 27; 8(1):207-217. Epub 2022 Dec 22.
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  13. Vega JMH, Hong HJ, Loutherback K, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. A Microfluidic Device for Long-Term Maintenance of Organotypic Liver Cultures. Adv Mater Technol. 2023 Jan 24; 8 (2) Epub 2022 Oct 03
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  14. de Hoyos-Vega JM, Yu X, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Chen S, Mercado-Perez A, Krueger E, Hernandez J, Fedyshyn Y, Druliner BR, Linden DR, Beyder A, Revzin A. Modeling gut neuro-epithelial connections in a novel microfluidic device. Microsyst Nanoeng. 2023; 9:144. Epub 2023 Nov 14.
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  15. De Hoyos-Vega JM, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Cedillo-Alcantar DF, Stybayeva G, Matveyenko A, Malhi H, Garcia-Cordero JL, Revzin A. Microfluidic 3D hepatic cultures integrated with droplet-based bioanalysis unit for monitoring glucose metabolism upon hormonal stimulation. 2023 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2023. 2023; 1982-5
  16. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Medlyn M, Choi D, Stybayeva G, Billadeau DD, Revzin A. Microfluidic co-cultures of cancer spheroids and NK cells for testing immunotherapy. 2023 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2023. 2023; 654-7
  17. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Long A, Huang X, Revzin A. A Compact Control System to Enable Automated Operation of Microfluidic Bioanalytical Assays. Biosensors (Basel). 2022 Dec 13; 12 (12)
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  18. Zhang X, Pearsall VM, Carver CM, Atkinson EJ, Clarkson BDS, Grund EM, Baez-Faria M, Pavelko KD, Kachergus JM, White TA, Johnson RK, Malo CS, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Ayasoufi K, Johnson KO, Tritz ZP, Fain CE, Khadka RH, Ogrodnik M, Jurk D, Zhu Y, Tchkonia T, Revzin A, Kirkland JL, Johnson AJ, Howe CL, Thompson EA, LeBrasseur NK, Schafer MJ. Rejuvenation of the aged brain immune cell landscape in mice through p16-positive senescent cell clearance. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 27; 13 (1):5671 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  19. Gwon K, Hong HJ, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Slama MQ, Choi D, Hong J, Baskaran H, Stybayeva G, Peterson QP, Revzin A. Bioactive hydrogel microcapsules for guiding stem cell fate decisions by release and reloading of growth factors. Bioact Mater. 2022 Sep; 15:1-14. Epub 2021 Dec 20.
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  20. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Carey WA, Revzin A. Automated Microfluidic System with Active Mixing Enables Rapid Analysis of Biomarkers in 5 muL of Whole Blood. Anal Chem. 2022 Jul 12; 94 (27):9706-9714 Epub 2022 May 23
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  21. Choi D, Gwon K, Hong HJ, Baskaran H, Calvo-Lozano O, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Park K, de Hoyos-Vega JM, Lechuga LM, Hong J, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Coating Bioactive Microcapsules with Tannic Acid Enhances the Phenotype of the Encapsulated Pluripotent Stem Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2022 Jun 4 Epub 2022 June 04
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  22. Verkhoturov DS, Eller MJ, Han YD, Crulhas B, Verkhoturov SV, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. New Methodology for Accurate Determination of Molecular Co-localization at the Nanoscale. Langmuir. 2022 May 10; 38 (18):5626-5632 Epub 2022 Apr 24
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  23. de Hoyos-Vega JM, Hong HJ, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Hepatocyte cultures: From collagen gel sandwiches to microfluidic devices with integrated biosensors. APL Bioeng. 2021 Dec; 5 (4):041504 Epub 2021 Oct 14
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  24. Lee S, Crulhas BP, Suvakov S, Verkhoturov SV, Verkhoturov DS, Eller MJ, Malhi H, Garovic VD, Schweikert EA, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Nanoparticle-Enabled Multiplexed Electrochemical Immunoassay for Detection of Surface Proteins on Extracellular Vesicles. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 Nov 10; 13 (44):52321-52332 Epub 2021 Oct 28
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  25. Gwon K, Hong HJ, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Microfluidic Fabrication of Core-Shell Microcapsules carrying Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Spheroids. J Vis Exp. 2021 Oct 13; (176).
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  26. Liu M, Cao S, He L, Gao J, Arab JP, Cui H, Xuan W, Gao Y, Sehrawat TS, Hamdan FH, Ventura-Cots M, Argemi J, Pomerantz WCK, Johnsen SA, Lee JH, Gao F, Ordog T, Mathurin P, Revzin A, Bataller R, Yan H, Shah VH. Super enhancer regulation of cytokine-induced chemokine production in alcoholic hepatitis. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 27; 12 (1):4560 Epub 2021 July 27
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  27. Verkhoturov DS, Crulhas BP, Eller MJ, Han YD, Verkhoturov SV, Bisrat Y, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. Nanoprojectile Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles. Anal Chem. 2021 May 25; 93 (20):7481-7490 Epub 2021 May 14
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  28. Fattahi P, Rahimian A, Slama MQ, Gwon K, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Wolf J, Baskaran H, Duffy CD, Stybayeva G, Peterson QP, Revzin A. Core-shell hydrogel microcapsules enable formation of human pluripotent stem cell spheroids and their cultivation in a stirred bioreactor. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 30; 11(1):7177.
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  29. Hwang SH, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Prospects and Opportunities for Microsystems and Microfluidic Devices in the Field of Otorhinolaryngology. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2021 Feb; 14 (1):29-42 Epub 2020 Aug 11
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  30. de Hoyos-Vega JM, Hong HJ, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. A microfluidic device for culturing intact liver tissue. MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. 2021; 443-4
  31. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Carey WA, Revzin A. Automated microfluidic device for whole blood plasma separation and biomarkers analysis in microliter samples. MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. 2021; 647-8
  32. Dasgupta D, Nakao Y, Mauer AS, Thompson JM, Sehrawat TS, Liao CY, Krishnan A, Lucien F, Guo Q, Liu M, Xue F, Fukushima M, Katsumi T, Bansal A, Pandey MK, Maiers JL, DeGrado T, Ibrahim SH, Revzin A, Pavelko KD, Barry MA, Kaufman RJ, Malhi H. IRE1A Stimulates Hepatocyte-Derived Extracellular Vesicles That Promote Inflammation in Mice With Steatohepatitis. Gastroenterology. 2020 Oct; 159 (4):1487-1503.e17 Epub 2020 June 20
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  33. Choi JH, Loarca L, De Hoyos-Vega JM, Dadgar N, Loutherback K, Shah VH, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Microfluidic confinement enhances phenotype and function of hepatocyte spheroids. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2020 Sep 1; 319 (3):C552-C560 Epub 2020 July 22
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  34. Fattahi P, Haque A, Son KJ, Guild J, Revzin A. Microfluidic devices, accumulation of endogenous signals and stem cell fate selection. Differentiation. 2020 Mar-Apr; 112:39-46 Epub 2019 Dec 10
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  35. Dadgar N, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Fattahi P, Hou X, Weroha JS, Gaspar-Maia A, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. A microfluidic platform for cultivating ovarian cancer spheroids and testing their responses to chemotherapies. Microsyst Nanoeng. 2020; 6:93 Epub 2020 Oct 19
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  36. Guo Q, Furuta K, Lucien F, Gutierrez Sanchez LH, Hirsova P, Krishnan A, Kabashima A, Pavelko KD, Madden B, Alhuwaish H, Gao Y, Revzin A, Ibrahim SH. Integrin beta(1)-enriched extracellular vesicles mediate monocyte adhesion and promote liver inflammation in murine NASH. J Hepatol. 2019 Dec; 71 (6):1193-1205 Epub 2019 Aug 06
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  37. Hilscher MB, Sehrawat T, Arab Verdugo JP, Arab JP, Zeng Z, Gao J, Liu M, Kostallari E, Gao Y, Simonetto DA, Yaqoob U, Cao S, Revzin A, Beyder A, Wang RA, Kamath PS, Kubes P, Shah VH. Mechanical Stretch Increases Expression of CXCL1 in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells to Recruit Neutrophils, Generate Sinusoidal Microthombi, and Promote Portal Hypertension. Gastroenterology. 2019 Jul; 157 (1):193-209.e9 Epub 2019 Mar 11
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  38. Xie H, Hogenson TL, Horn IP, Almada L, Marks D, Koenig A, Tolosa E, Barrett MT, Boyum JH, Mahipal A, Hubbard JM, Scheffler Hanson TJ, Yin J, Petersen GM, Revzin A, Billadeau DD, Bekaii-Saab TS, Adjei AA, Ma WW, Fernandez-Zapico M. Patient-derived organoid (pdo), a new personalized therapy selection tool for prompt clinical decision making in metastatic gastrointestinal (mgi) cancer patients Journal Of Clinical Oncology. 2019 May 20; 37(15):3101. Epub 2019 May 26.
  39. Cedillo-Alcantar DF, Han YD, Choi J, Garcia-Cordero JL, Revzin A. Automated Droplet-Based Microfluidic Platform for Multiplexed Analysis of Biochemical Markers in Small Volumes. Anal Chem. 2019 Apr 16; 91 (8):5133-5141 Epub 2019 Mar 27
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  40. Rahimian A, Siltanen C, Feyzizarnagh H, Escalante P, Revzin A. Microencapsulated Immunoassays for Detection of Cytokines in Human Blood. ACS Sens. 2019 Mar 22; 4 (3):578-585 Epub 2019 Feb 18
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  41. Gao Y, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Fabrication of composite microfluidic devices for local control of oxygen tension in cell cultures. Lab Chip. 2019 Jan 15; 19 (2):306-315
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  42. Cedillo-Alcantar DF, Stybayeva G, De Hoyos-Vega JM, Han YD, Choi J, Garcia-Cordero JL, Revzin A. A microfluidic system combining valve automation and spheroid cultures to characterize hepatic glucose metabolism during hormonal stimulation 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII. 2019; 488-91
  43. Guicciardi ME, Trussoni CE, Krishnan A, Bronk SF, Lorenzo Pisarello MJ, O'Hara SP, Splinter PL, Gao Y, Vig P, Revzin A, LaRusso NF, Gores GJ. Macrophages contribute to the pathogenesis of sclerosing cholangitis in mice. J Hepatol. 2018 Sep; 69 (3):676-686 Epub 2018 May 24
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  44. Siltanen C, Diakatou M, Lowen J, Haque A, Rahimian A, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Corrigendum to "One step fabrication of hydrogel microcapsules with hollow core for assembly and cultivation of hepatocyte spheroids" [Acta Biomater. 50 (2017) 428-436]. Acta Biomater. 2018 Apr 15; 71:522 Epub 2017 Nov 11
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  45. Liao CY, Song MJ, Gao Y, Mauer AS, Revzin A, Malhi H. Hepatocyte-Derived Lipotoxic Extracellular Vesicle Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Induces Macrophage Chemotaxis. Front Immunol. 2018; 9:2980 Epub 2018 Dec 19
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  46. Drinane MC, Yaqoob U, Yu H, Luo F, Greuter T, Arab JP, Kostallari E, Verma VK, Maiers J, De Assuncao TM, Simons M, Mukhopadhyay D, Kisseleva T, Brenner DA, Urrutia R, Lomberk G, Gao Y, Ligresti G, Tschumperlin DJ, Revzin A, Cao S, Shah VH. Synectin promotes fibrogenesis by regulating PDGFR isoforms through distinct mechanisms. JCI Insight. 2017 Dec 21; 2 (24)
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  47. Liu Y, Rahimian A, Krylyuk S, Vu T, Crulhas B, Stybayeva G, Imanbekova M, Shin DS, Davydov A, Revzin A. Nanowire Aptasensors for Electrochemical Detection of Cell-Secreted Cytokines. ACS Sens. 2017 Nov 22; 2 (11):1644-1652 Epub 2017 Oct 09
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  48. Gheibi P, Zeng S, Son KJ, Vu T, Ma AH, Dall'Era MA, Yap SA, de Vere White RW, Pan CX, Revzin A. Microchamber Cultures of Bladder Cancer: A Platform for Characterizing Drug Responsiveness and Resistance in PDX and Primary Cancer Cells. Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 25; 7 (1):12277 Epub 2017 Sept 25
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  49. Crulhas BP, Hadley D, Liu Y, Shin D-S, Stybayeva G, Imanbekova M, Hill AE, Pedrosa V, Revzin A. An electromechanical aptasensor for detection of bovine interferon gamma. Analytical Methods.2017;9:(31):4527-4532.
  50. Byndloss MX, Olsan EE, Rivera-Chavez F, Tiffany CR, Cevallos SA, Lokken KL, Torres TP, Byndloss AJ, Faber F, Gao Y, Litvak Y, Lopez CA, Xu G, Napoli E, Giulivi C, Tsolis RM, Revzin A, Lebrilla CB, Baumler AJ. Microbiota-activated PPAR-gamma signaling inhibits dysbiotic Enterobacteriaceae expansion. Science. 2017 Aug 11; 357 (6351):570-575
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  51. Gheibi P, Son KJ, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. Harnessing endogenous signals from hepatocytes using a low volume multi-well plate. Integr Biol (Camb). 2017 May 22; 9: (5)427-435.
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  52. Siltanen C, Diakatou M, Lowen J, Haque A, Rahimian A, Stybayeva G, Revzin A. One step fabrication of hydrogel microcapsules with hollow core for assembly and cultivation of hepatocyte spheroids. Acta Biomater. 2017 Mar 1; 50:428-436 Epub 2017 Jan 06
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  53. Son KJ, Gheibi P, Stybayeva G, Rahimian A, Revzin A. Detecting cell-secreted growth factors in microfluidic devices using bead-based biosensors. Microsyst Nanoeng. 2017; 3 Epub 2017 July 03
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  54. Imanbekova M, Stybayeva G, Revzin A, Zholdybaeva E. APTAMERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. 2017.
  55. Haque A, Gheibi P, Stybayeva G, Gao Y, Torok N, Revzin A. Ductular reaction-on-a-chip: Microfluidic co-cultures to study stem cell fate selection during liver injury. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6:35077.
  56. Haque A, Gheibi P, Gao Y, Foster E, Son KJ, You J, Stybayeva G, Patel D, Revzin A. Cell biology is different in small volumes: Endogenous signals shape phenotype of primary hepatocytes cultured in microfluidic channels. Scientific Reports.2016;6:33980.
  57. Madrigal JL, Stilhano RS, Siltanen C, Tanaka K, Rezvani SN, Morgan RP, Revzin A, Han SW, Silva EA. Microfluidic generation of alginate microgels for the controlled delivery of lentivectors. Journal of Materials Chemistry B.2016;4:(43):6989-6999.
  58. Guild J, Haque Am Gheibi P, Gao Y, Son K, Foster E, Dumont S, Revzin A. Embryonic stem cells cultured in microchambers take control of their own fate by producing endogenous LIF Stem Cells.2016;34(6)1501-1512.
  59. Siltanen C, Maliheh Y, Haque A, You J, Lowen J, Revzin A. Microfluidic fabrication of bioactive microgels for rapid formtaion and enhanced differentiation of stem cell spheroids Acta Biomaterialia.2016;34()125-132.
  60. Zhou Q, Rahimian A, Son K, Shin DS, Patel T, Revzin A. Development of an aptasensor for electrochemical detection of exosomes. Methods. 2016 Mar 15; 97:88-93 Epub 2015 Oct 21
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  61. Shin D-S, Matharu Z, You J, Siltanen C, Vu T, Raghumathan VK, Stybayeva G, Hill AE, Revzin A. Sensing conductive hydrogels for rapid detection of cytokines in blood Advanced Healthcare Materials.2016;5(6)659-664.
  62. Gao Y, Broussard G, Haque A, Revzin A, Tian L. Functional imaging of neuron-astrocyte interactions in a compartmentalized microfluidic device Microsystems and Nanoengineering.2016;2()15045.
  63. Son KJ, Rahimian A, Shin DS, Siltanen C, Patel T, Revzin A. Microfluidic compartments with sensing microbeads for dynamic monitoring of cytokine and exosome release from single cells. Analyst. 2016 Jan 21; 141 (2):679-88
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  64. Liu Y, Liu Y, Matharu Z, Rahimian A, Revzin A. Detecting multiple cell-secreted cytokines from the same aptamer-functionalized electrode Biosensors and Bioelectronics.2015;64()43-50.
  65. Son K, Shin D-S, Kwa T, You J, Gao Y, Revzin A. Microsystem integrating photodegradable hydrogel microstructures and reconfigurable microfluidics for single cell analysis and retrieval Lab on a Chip.2015;15:(3):637-641.
  66. You J, Raghunathan VK, Son K, Patel D, Haque A, Murphy C, Revzin A. The impact of topographic cues, heparin hydrogel microstructures and encapsulated fibroblasts on phenotype of primary hepatocytes ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.2015;7(23)12299-12308.
  67. Foster E, You J, Siltanen C, Patel D, Haque A, Anderson L, Revzin A. Heparin hydrogel sandwich cultures of primary hepatocytes European Polymers Journal.2015;72()726-735.
  68. Zhou Q, Son K, Liu Y, Revzin A. Biosensors for cell analysis Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering.2015;17()165-190.
  69. Patel D, Haque A, Gao Y, Revzin A. Using reconfigurable microfluidics to study the role of HGF in autocrine and paracrine signaling of hepatocytes Integrative Biology.2015;7()815-824.
  70. Patel D, Gao Y, Son K, Siltanen C, Neve RM, Ferrara K, Revzin A. Microfluidic co-cultures with hydrogel-based ligand trap to study paracrine signals giving rise to cancer drug resistance Lab on a Chip.2015;24:4614-4624.
  71. Vu T, Rahimian A, Stybayeva G, Gao Y, Kwa T, Van de Water J, Revzin A. Reconfigurable microfluidic device with integrated antibody arrays for capture, multiplexed stimuation, and cytokine profiling of human monocytes Biomicrofluidics.2015;4()044115.
  72. You J, Haque A, Shin DS, Son KJ, Siltanen C, Revzin A. Bioactive photodegradable hydrogel for cultivation and retrieval of embryonic stem cells Advanced Functional Materials.2015;25()4650-4656.
  73. Karabekian Z, Ding H, Stybayeva G, Ivanova I, Muselimyan N, Haque A, Revzin A, Sarvazyan N. HLA Class I depleted hESC as a source of hypoimmunogenic cells for tissue enginering applications Tissue Engineering Part A.2015;21()2559-2571.
  74. Psarra E, Foster E, Konig U, You J, Ueda Y, Eichhorn KJ, Muller M, Stamm M, Revzin A, Ulmann P. Growth factor-bearing polymer brushes - Versatile bioactive substrates influencing cell response Biomacromolecules.2015;16()3530-3542.
  75. Zhou Q, Patel D, Kwa T, Haque A, Matharu Z, Stybayeva G, Gao Y, Diehl AM, Revzin A. Liver injury-on-a-chip: microfluidic co-cultures with integrated biosensors for monitoring liver cell signaling during injury Lab on a Chip.2015;23:4467-4478.
  76. Gao Y, Zhou P, Ma X, Tschudy-Seney B, Chen J, Magner NL, Revzin A, Nolta JA, Zern MA, Duan Y. Ethanol negatively regulates hepatic differentiation of hESC by inhibition of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in vitro PLoS One.2014;9(11)e112698.
  77. Zhao S, Chen A, Revzin A, Pan T. Stereomask lithography for multi-protein patterning Methods in Cell Biology. 2014; 119:175-192.
  78. You J, Shin D, Revzin A. Development of micropatterned cell-sensing surfaces Methods in Cell Biology.2014;121()75-90.
  79. Gao Y, Zhou Q, Matharu Z, Liu Y, Kwa T, Revzin A. A mathematical method for extracting cell secretion rate from affinity biosensors continuously monitoring cell activity Biomicrofluidics.2014;8()021501.
  80. Shin D, You J, Rahimian A, Vu T, Siltanen C, Ehsanipour A, Stybayeva G, Sutcliffe J, Revzin A. Photodegradable hydrogels for capture, detection, and release of live cells Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2014;53()8221-8224.
  81. Matharu Z, Patel D, Gao Y, Haque A, Zhou Q, Revzin A. Detecting TGF-B release from liver cells using an aptasensor integrated with microfluids Analytical Chemistry.2014;86()8865-8872.
  82. Ghaedi M, Duan Y, Zern MA, Revzin A. Hepatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells on growth factor-containing surfaces Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2014; 8:886-895.
  83. You J, Shin D-S, Patel D, Gao Y, Revzin A. Multi-layered heparin hydrogel microwells for cultivation of primary hepatocytes Advanced Healthcare Materials.2014;3(1)126-132.
  84. Kwa T, Zhou Q, Gao Y, Rahimian A, Revzin A. Reconfigurable microfluidics with integrated aptasensors for monitoring intercellular communication Lab on Chip.2014;14:1695-1704.
  85. Patel D, Jones CN, Haque A, Vu T, Revzin A. Controlling local hepatic phenotype expression with growth factor encoded surfaces Integrative Biology.2014;6()44-52.
  86. Zhou Q, Kwa T, Gao Y, Liu Y, Revzin A. On-chip regeneration of aptasensors for monitoring cell secretion Lab on Chip.2014;14()276-279.
  87. Shin DS, Liu Y, Gao Y, Kwa T, Matharu Z, Revzin A. Micropatterned surfaces functionalized with electroactive peptides for detecting protease release from cells Analytical Chemistry.2013;85()220-227.
  88. Matharu Z, Enomoto J, Revzin A. Electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide release from alcohol-injured hepatocytes with miniature enzyme-based electrodes Analytical Chemistry.2013;85()935-939.
  89. Chen A, Tam V, Stybayeva G, Pan T, Revzin A. Reconfigurable microfluicics combined with antibody microarrays for enhanced detection of T-cell secreted cytokines Biomicrofluidics.2013;7()024105.
  90. Liu Y, Zhou Q, Revzin A. Aptamer based electrochemical biosensor for detection of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in whole blood Analyst.2013;138()4321.
  91. Enomoto J, Matharu Z, Revzin A. Electrochemical biosensors for on-chip detection of oxidative stress from cells Methods in Enzymology: Hydrogen Peroxide and Cell Signaling: Part A.2013;526()107-121.
  92. Kirsch J, Siltanen C, Zhou Q, Revzin A, Simonian A. Biosensor technology: Recent advances in threat agent detection and medicine Chemical Society Reviews.2013;42()8733-8768.
  93. Siltanen C, Shin D, Sutcliffe J, Revzin A. Micropatterned photodegradable hydrogels for sorting of beads and cells Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2013;52()9224-9228.
  94. You JM, Park SA, Shin DS, Patel D, Raghunathan VK, Murphy CJ, Revzin A. Mechanical properties of heparin hydrogel affect phenotype of primary hepatocytes Tissue Engineering.2013;19()2655-2663.
  95. Son K, Shin D-S, Kwa T, Gao Y, Revzin A. Micropatterned sensing hydrogels integrated with reconfigurable microfluidics for detecting protease release from cells Analytical Chemistry.2013;85(24)11893-11901.
  96. Shah SS, Kim M, Chen L-J, Foster E, Tam V, Verkhoturov SV, Schweikert EA, Revzin A. Electrochemical release of cell-carrying hydrogel microstructures from ITO electrodes Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.2012;402()1847-1856.
  97. Revzin A, Maverakis E, Chang H-C. Biosensors for immune cell analysis Biomicrofluidics.2012;6()021301-13 (perspective article).
  98. Seo JH, Shin DS, Mukundan P, Revzin A. Attachment of hydrogel microstructures and proteins to glass via thiol-terminated silanes Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.2012;98()1-6.
  99. Liu Y, Kwa T, Revzin A. Simultaneous detection of cell-secreted IFN-y and TNF-a using aptamer-modified electrodes Biomaterials.2012;33()7347-7355.
  100. Liu Y, Howland M, Simonian A, Revzin A. Affinity and enzyme-based biosensors: Recent advances and emerging applications in cell/tissue analysis and point of care testing Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.2012;404(4)1181-1196.
  101. Silangcruz J, Liu Y, Tuleuova N, Revzin A. Capture of CD4 T-cells on aptamer modified glass surfaces Langmuir.2012;28()12544-12549.
  102. Jeddi I, Revzin A. Sensing cell secreted molecules Bioanalytical Reviews.2012;4()87-95.
  103. Kim MS, Stybayeva G, Lee JY, Revzin A, Segal DJ. A zinc finger protein array for the visual detection of specific DNA sequences for diagnostic applications Nucleic Acids Res. 2011.
  104. Zhao S, Chen A, Revzin A, Pan T. Stereomask lithography (SML): a universal multi-object micro-patterning technique for biological applications Lab Chip.2011;11()224-230.
  105. Kim MS, Stybayeva G, Lee JY, Revzin A, Segal D. A zinc finger protein array for visual detecion of pathogen-specific DNA sequences Nucleic Acids Research.2011;39()e29.
  106. Shah SS, Kim M, Tae G, Revzin A. Micropatterning of bioactive heparin-based hydrogels Soft Matter.2011;7()3133-3140.
  107. Ghaedi M, Tuleuova N, Zern M, Wu J, Revzin A. Bottom-up signaling from HFG-containing surfaces promtes hepatic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2011;407()295-300.
  108. Seo JH, Chen L-J, Verkhoturov S, Schweiker E, Revzin A. The use of glass substrates with bi-functional silanes for designing micropatterned cell-secreted cytokine immunoassays Biomaterials.2011;32()5478-5488.
  109. Pedrosa V, Yan J, Simonian A, Revzin A. Micropatterned nanocomposite hydrogels for biosensing applications Electroanalysis. 2011; 5:1142-1149.
  110. Chen LJ, Shah SS, Silnagzruz J, Verkhoturov SV, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. Characterization and quantification of nanparticle-antibody conjugates on cells using C60 ToF SIMS in the event-by-event bombardment/detection module International Journal of Mass Spectrometry.2011;2-3()97-102.
  111. Yan J, Pedrosa V, Enomoto J, Simonian A, Revzin A. Electrochemical biosensors for on-chip detection of oxidative stress from immune cells Biomicrofluidics.2011;5()032008.
  112. Kuczenski RS, Revzin A, Chang H-C. Dielectrophoretic microfluidic device for high-throughput sorting of Escherichia coli from blood Biomicrofluidics. 2011; 5:032005.
  113. Shin DS, Seo HJ, Sutcliffe JL, Revzin A. Photolabile micropatterned surfaces for cell capture and release Chemical Communications.2011;47()11942-11944.
  114. Chen L-J, Seo JH, Verkhoturov SV, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. Quantitative label-free characterization of avidin-biotin biotin assembly on silanized glass Analytical Chemistry.2011;83()7173-7178.
  115. Liu Y, Yan J, Howland M, Kwa T, Revzin A. Micropatterned aptasensors for continuous monitoring of cytokine release from human leukocytes Analytical Chemistry.2011;83()8286-8289.
  116. Ding Y, Garland S, Howland M, Revzin A, Pan T. Universal nanopatternable interfacial bonding Advanced Materials.2011;23()5551-5556.
  117. Kim M, Lee JY, Jones CN, Revzin A, Tae G. Heparin-based hydrogel as a matrix for encapsulation and cultivation of primary hepatocytes Biomaterials.2010;31()3596-3603.
  118. Tuleuova N, Jones CN, Yan J, Ramanculov E, Yokobyashi Y, Revzin A. Development of an aptamer beacon for detection of interferon-gamma Annalytical Chemistry. 2010; 82:1851-1857.
  119. Yan J, Pedrosa V, Simonian AL, Revzin A. Immobilizing enzymes onto electrode arrays by hydrogel photolithography to fabricate multi-analyte electrochemical biosensors ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2010;2()748-755.
  120. Chen L-J, Shah SS, Verkhoturov S, Revzin A, Schweikert EA. Characterization and quantification of biological micropatterns using Cluster-SIMS Surface and Interface Analysis.2010;().
  121. Stybayeva G, Mudanyali O, Seo S, Silangcruz J, Macal M, Ramanculov E, Dandekar S, Erlinger A, Ozcan A, Revzin A. Lensfree holographic imaging of antibody microarrays for high-throughput detection of leukocyte numbers and function Analytical Chemistry.2010;82()3736-3744.
  122. Jones CN, Tuleuova N, Lee JY, Ramanculov E, Reddi AH, Zern MA, Revzin A. Cultivating hepatocytes on printed arrarys of HGF and BMP7 to characterize protective effects of these growth factors during in vitro alcohol injury Biomaterials.2010;31()5936-5944.
  123. Stybayeva G, Karaeva M, Ramanculov E, Simonian AL, Revzin A. Detecting interferon-gamma release from human CD4 T-cells using surface plasmon resonance Colloids and Surfaces.2010;80()251-255.
  124. Liu Y, Tuleuova N, Ramanculov E, Revzin A. Aptamer-based electrochemical biosensor for interferon gamma detection Analytical Chemistry.2010;82()8131-8136.
  125. Tuleuova N, Lee JY, Zern MA, Revzin A. Using growth factor arrays and micropatterned co-cultures to induce hepatic differentiation of embryonic stem cells Biomaterials.2010;31()9221-9231.
  126. Tuleuova N, Revzin A. Micropatterning of aptamer beacons to create cytokine sensing surfaces Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering.2010;3()337-344 (journal cover).
  127. Cong H, Revzin A, Pan T. Non-adhesive PEG hydrogel nanostructures for self-assembly of highly ordered colloids Nanotechnology.2009;20()075307.
  128. Stybayeva G, Zhu H, Ramanculov E, Dandekar S, George M, Revzin A. Micropatterned co-cultures of T-lymphocytes and epithelial cells as a model of mucosal immune system Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2009;380()575-580.
  129. Lee JY, Shah S, Yan J, Howland M, Parikh A, Pan T, Revzin A. Integrating sensing hydrogel microstructures into micropatterned hepatocellular co-cultures Langmuir.2009;25()3880-3886.
  130. Yan J, Sun Y, Zhu H, Marcu L, Revzin A. Enzyme-containing hydrogel micropatterns serving a dual purpose for cell sequestration and metabolite detection Biosensors & Bioelectronics.2009;24()2604-2610.
  131. Jones CN, Tuleuova N, Lee JY, Reddi AH, Zern MA, Revzin A. Cultivating liver cells on printed arrays of hepatocyte growth factor Biomaterials.2009;30()3733-3741.
  132. Lee JY, Tuleuova N, Jones CN, Ramanculov E, Zern MA, Revzin A. Directing hepatic differentiation of embryonic stem cells with protein microarray-based co-cultures Integrative Biology.2009;1()460-468 (journal cover).
  133. Kim M, Lee JY, Shah SS, Tae G, Revzin A. On-cue detachment of hydrogels and cells from optically transparent electrodes Chemical Communications.2009;39()5865-5867.
  134. Zhu H, Stybayeva G, Silancruz J, yan J, Ramanculov E, Dandekar S, George MD, Revzin A. Detecting cytokine release from single T-cells Analytical Chemistry.2009;81()8150-8158.
  135. Shah S, Howland M, Chen L, Silangcruz J, Verkhoturov S, Schweikert E, Parikh A, Revzin A. Micropatterning of proteins and mammalian cells on indium tin oxide ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2009;1()2592-2601.
  136. Zhu H, Macal M, George MD, Dandekar S, Revzin A. A miniature cytometry platform for capture and characterization of T-lymphocytes from human blood Analytica Chimica Acta.2008;608()186-196.
  137. Lee JY, Shah SS, Zimmer C, Liu G-Y, Revzin A. Use of photolithography to encode cell adhesive domains into protein microarrays Langmuir.2008;24()2232-2239.
  138. Zhu H, Yan J, Revzin A. Catch and release cell sorting: Electrochemical desorption of T-cell from anibody-modified microelectrodes Colloid and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.2008;54()250-258.
  139. Shah SS, Lee JY, Verkhoturov S, Tuleuova N, Schweikert EA, Revzin A. Exercising spatiotemporal control over cell attachment with optically transparent microelectrodes Langmuir.2008;24()6837-6844.
  140. Jones C, Lee JY, Zhu H, Stybayeva G, Zern MA, Revzin A. Multifunctional protein microarrays for cultivation of cells and immunodetection of secreted cellular products Analytical Chemistry.2008;80()6351-6357.
  141. Tuleuova N, Revzin A, Yokobayashi Y. Modulating endogenous gene expression of mammalian cells via small molecule-RNA interactions Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2008;376()169-173.
  142. Shah S, Zhu H, Yan J, Verkhoturov S, Revzin A. Designing electroactive biointerface for spatiotemporal control of cell attachment and release Electrochemical Society Transactions.2008;13()17-25.
  143. Zhu H, Stybayeva G, Macal M, Dandekar S, George M, Revzin A. A microdevice for multiplexed detection of T-cell-secreted cytokines Lab on a Chip.2008;8()2197-2205.
  144. Shah SS, Revzin A. Patterning cells on optically transparent indium tin oxide electrodes Journal of Visualized Experiments.2007;7:e259, doi:10.3791/259 (invited paper).
  145. Sekine K, Revzin A, Tompkins RG, Toner M. Isolating multiple phenotypically pure leukocyte subsets from whole blood on antibody-decorated poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel Journal of Immunological Methods.2006;313()96-109.
  146. Balasubramanian S, Revzin A, Simonian A. Electrochemical desorption of proteins from gold electrode surface Electroanalysis.2006;18()1885-1892.
  147. Lee JY, Jones C, Zern MA, Revzin A. Analysis of local tissue-specific gene expression in cellular micropatterns Analytical Chemistry.2006;78()8305-8312.
  148. Revzin A, Sekine K, Sin A, Tompkins RG, Toner M. Development of a microfabricated cytometry platform for characterization and sorting of individual leukocytes Lab on a Chip.2005;5()30-37.
  149. Sin A, Murthy SK, Revzin A, Tompkins RG, Toner M. Enrichment using antibody coated microfluidic chambers in shear flow: Model mixtures of human lymphocytes Biotechnology & Bioengineering.2005;91()816-826.
  150. Revzin A, Rajagopalan P, Tilles AW, Berthiaume F, Yarmush ML, Toner M. Designing a hepatocellular microenvironment with protein microarraying and poly(ethylene glycol) photolithography Langmuir.2004;20()2999-3005.
  151. Koh W, Revzin A, Simonian A, Reeves T, Pishko MV. Control of mammalian and bacterial cell adhesion on substrates micropatterned with poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels Biomedical Microdevices. 2003; 5:11-19.
  152. Revzin A, Tompkins RG, Toner M. Surface engineering with poly(ethylene glycol) photolithography to create high-density cell arrays on glass Langmuir.2003;19()9855-9862.
  153. Pishko MV, Revzin A, Simonian AL. Mass transfer in amperometric biosensors based on nanocomposite thin films of redox polymers and oxidoreductases Sensors.2002;2()79-90 (invited paper).
  154. Revzin AF, Sirkar K, Pishko MV. Glucose, lactate, and pyruvate biosensor arrays based on redox polymer/oxidoreductase nanocomposite thin films deposited on photolithographcially patterned gold electrodes Sensors & Actuators.2002;81()359-368.
  155. Koh W, Revzin A, Pishko MV. Use of poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel microstructures for cell encapsulation Langmuir.2002;18()2459-2462.
  156. Revzin A, Simonian AL, Wild JR, Pishko MV. Characterization of oxidoreductase-redox polymer electrostatic film assembly on gold by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared-external reflection spectroscopy Analytica Chimica Acta. 2002; 466:201-212.
  157. Revzin A, Russell RJ, Hile DD, Koh W, Mellott MB, Pishko MV. Fabrication of poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel microstructures using photolithography Langmuir.2001;17:5440-5447 (cover).
  158. Sirkar K, Revzin A, Pishko MV. Glucose and lactate biosensors based on redox polymer/oxidoreductase nanocomposite thin films Analytical Chemistry.2000;72()2930-2936.