
  1. Fahrenholtz SJ, Zhou Y, Sensakovic WF. Frequency and impact of incorrect data when assessing MR safety for patients with active implants. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2025 Mar-Apr; 54 (2):132-136 Epub 2024 Oct 03
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  2. Cramer J, Ikuta I, Zhou Y. How to Implement Clinical 7T MRI-Practical Considerations and Experience with Ultra-High-Field MRI. Bioengineering (Basel). 2024 Dec 5; 11 (12) Epub 2024 Dec 05
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  3. Shiroishi MS, Erickson BJ, Hu LS, Barboriak DP, Becerra L, Bell LC, Boss MA, Boxerman JL, Cen S, Cimino L, Fan Z, Keenan KE, Kirsch JE, Ameli N, Nazemi S, Quarles CC, Rosen MA, Rodriguez L, Schmainda KM, Zahlmann G, Zhou Y, Obuchowski N, Wu O, RSNA QIBA Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Biomarker Committee. The QIBA Profile for Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers for Assessing Gliomas. Radiology. 2024 Dec; 313 (3):e232555
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  4. Hu LS, D'Angelo F, Weiskittel TM, Caruso FP, Fortin Ensign SP, Blomquist MR, Flick MJ, Wang L, Sereduk CP, Meng-Lin K, De Leon G, Nespodzany A, Urcuyo JC, Gonzales AC, Curtin L, Lewis EM, Singleton KW, Dondlinger T, Anil A, Semmineh NB, Noviello T, Patel RA, Wang P, Wang J, Eschbacher JM, Hawkins-Daarud A, Jackson PR, Grunfeld IS, Elrod C, Mazza GL, McGee SC, Paulson L, Clark-Swanson K, Lassiter-Morris Y, Smith KA, Nakaji P, Bendok BR, Zimmerman RS, Krishna C, Patra DP, Patel NP, Lyons M, Neal M, Donev K, Mrugala MM, Porter AB, Beeman SC, Jensen TR, Schmainda KM, Zhou Y, Baxter LC, Plaisier CL, Li J, Li H, Lasorella A, Quarles CC, Swanson KR, Ceccarelli M, Iavarone A, Tran NL. Integrated molecular and multiparametric MRI mapping of high-grade glioma identifies regional biologic signatures. Nat Commun. 2023 Sep 28; 14 (1):6066 Epub 2023 Sept 28
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  5. Baxter LC, Limback-Stokin M, Patten KJ, Arreola AC, Locke DEC, Hu L, Zhou Y, Caselli RJ. Hippocampal connectivity and memory decline in cognitively intact APOE epsilon4 carriers. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Sep; 19 (9):3806-3814 Epub 2023 Mar 12
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  6. Xu N, Zhou Y, Patel A, Zhang N, Liu Y. Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis beyond Clinical Features: A Bio-marker using Topological Machine Learning of Resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Neuroscience. 2023 Jan 15; 509:43-50 Epub 2022 Nov 24
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  7. Shah J, Gao F, Li B, Ghisays V, Luo J, Chen Y, Lee W, Zhou Y, Benzinger TLS, Reiman EM, Chen K, Su Y, Wu T. Deep residual inception encoder-decoder network for amyloid PET harmonization. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Dec; 18 (12):2448-2457 Epub 2022 Feb 09
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  8. Patel BK, Pepin K, Brandt KR, Mazza GL, Pockaj BA, Chen J, Zhou Y, Northfelt DW, Anderson K, Kling JM, Vachon CM, Swanson KR, Nikkhah M, Ehman R. Association of breast cancer risk, density, and stiffness: global tissue stiffness on breast MR elastography (MRE). Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2022 Jul; 194 (1):79-89 Epub 2022 Apr 30
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  9. Patra DP, Welz ME, Turcotte EL, Pandey R, Vij K, Daly M, Rabon M, Korszen S, Zhou Y, Halpin B, Marchese ML, Syal A, Krishna C, Bendok BR. Real-Time MRI-Guided Stereotactic Aspiration of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma: A Preclinical Feasibility Study. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2022 Feb 1; 22 (2):80-86
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  10. Sensakovic WF, Carnahan MB, Czaplicki CD, Fahrenholtz S, Panda A, Zhou Y, Pavlicek W, Patel B. Contrast-enhanced Mammography: How Does It Work? Radiographics. 2021 May-Jun; 41 (3):829-839 Epub 2021 Apr 09
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  11. Patel BK, Samreen N, Zhou Y, Chen J, Brandt K, Ehman R, Pepin K. MR Elastography of the Breast: Evolution of Technique, Case Examples, and Future Directions. Clin Breast Cancer. 2021 Feb; 21 (1):e102-e111 Epub 2020 Aug 13
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  12. Pavlicek W, Sensakovic WF, Zhou Y, Paden RG, Panda A, Hines J, Naidu SG, Oklu R. Sample content of kinesthetic educational training: Reducing scattered X-ray exposures to interventional physician operators of fluoroscopy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2020 Jul; 21 (7):196-208 Epub 2019 Dec 30
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  13. Bell LC, Semmineh N, An H, Eldeniz C, Wahl R, Schmainda KM, Prah MA, Erickson BJ, Korfiatis P, Wu C, Sorace AG, Yankeelov TE, Rutledge N, Chenevert TL, Malyarenko D, Liu Y, Brenner A, Hu LS, Zhou Y, Boxerman JL, Yen YF, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Beers AL, Muzi M, Madhuranthakam AJ, Pinho M, Johnson B, Quarles CC. Evaluating the Use of rCBV as a Tumor Grade and Treatment Response Classifier Across NCI Quantitative Imaging Network Sites: Part II of the DSC-MRI Digital Reference Object (DRO) Challenge. Tomography. 2020 Jun; 6 (2):203-208
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  14. Sensakovic WF, Paden RG, Pavlicek W, Bancroft LW, Zhou Y. Protocol Optimization in the Era of Informatics. J Am Coll Radiol. 2019 Aug; 16 (8):1121-1122 Epub 2019 May 06
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  15. Jamison DK, Yang AF, Arsanjani R, Zhou Y, Yang M. Left Ventricular Assist Device-Associated Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Recognition of an Iatrogenic Etiology on (99m)Tc-Tagged Red Blood Cell Scintigraphy. J Nucl Med Technol. 2019 Jun; 47 (2):169-170 Epub 2019 Jan 29
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  16. Schmainda KM, Prah MA, Hu LS, Quarles CC, Semmineh N, Rand SD, Connelly JM, Anderies B, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Logan B, Stokes A, Baird G, Boxerman JL. Moving Toward a Consensus DSC-MRI Protocol: Validation of a Low-Flip Angle Single-Dose Option as a Reference Standard for Brain Tumors. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Apr; 40 (4):626-633 Epub 2019 Mar 28
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  17. Bell LC, Semmineh N, An H, Eldeniz C, Wahl R, Schmainda KM, Prah MA, Erickson BJ, Korfiatis P, Wu C, Sorace AG, Yankeelov TE, Rutledge N, Chenevert TL, Malyarenko D, Liu Y, Brenner A, Hu LS, Zhou Y, Boxerman JL, Yen YF, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Beers AL, Muzi M, Madhuranthakam AJ, Pinho M, Johnson B, Quarles CC. Evaluating Multisite rCBV Consistency from DSC-MRI Imaging Protocols and Postprocessing Software Across the NCI Quantitative Imaging Network Sites Using a Digital Reference Object (DRO). Tomography. 2019 Mar; 5(1):110-117.
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  18. Yang M, Zhou Y, Hoxworth JM, Porter AB, Roarke MC. Hybrid whole body (18)F-FDG PET/MR in evaluation of plexiform neurofibromatosis type 1. Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol (Engl Ed). 2018 Jul - Aug; 37 (4):261-263 Epub 2017 Aug 10
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  19. Bapat R, Narayana PA, Zhou Y, Parikh NA. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy at term-equivalent age in extremely preterm infants: association with cognitive and language development Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Jul; 51(1):53-9.
  20. Zhou Y, Narayana PA, Kumaravel M, Athar P, Patel VS, Sheikh KA. High resolution diffusion tensor imaging of human nerves in forearm J Magn Reson Imaging.2014;39(6)1374-83.
  21. Narayana PA, Zhou Y, Hasan KM, Datta S, Sun X, Wolinsky JS. Hypoperfusion and T1-hypointense lesions in white matter in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler.2014;20(3)365-73.
  22. Pogribna U, Yu X, Burson K, Zhou Y, Lasky RE, Narayana PA, Parikh NA. Perinatal clinical antecedents of white matter microstructural abnormalities on diffusion tensor imaging in extremely preterm infants PLoS One.2013;8(8)e72974.
  23. Tefera GB, Zhou Y, Juneja V, Narayana PA. Evaluation of fiber tracking from subsampled q-space data in diffusion spectrum imaging Magn Reson Imaging.2013;31(6)820-6.
  24. Zhou Y, Kumaravel M, Patel VS, Sheikh KA, Narayana PA. Diffusion tensor imaging of forearm nerves in humans J Magn Reson Imaging.2012;36(4)920-7.
  25. Colorado RA, Shukla K, Zhou Y, Wolinsky JS, Narayana PA. Multi-task functional MRI in multiple sclerosis patients without clinical disability Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 2; 59(1):573-81.
  26. Zhou W, Hou P, Zhou Y, Chen D. Reduced recruitment of orbitofrontal cortex to human social chemosensory cues in social anxiety Neuroimage.2011;55(3).
  27. Hui C, Zhou Y, Narayana P. A fast algorithm for calculation of inhomogeneity gradient in magnetic resonance imaging data J Magn Reson Imaging. 2010 Nov; 32(5):1197-1208.
  28. Chen J, Zhou Y, Ghalsasi I, Rusakova I, Salama K. Study of columnar defect formation in MOD YBCO film using chemical doping. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2009 Jun; 19(3):3254-7.
  29. Ghalsasi S, Zhou YX, Chen J, Lv B, Salama K. MOD multi-layer YBCO films on single-crystal substrate. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2008 Mar 6; 21(4):045015.
  30. Zhou YX, Ghalsasi S, Rusakova I, Salama K. Flux pinning in MOD YBCO films by chemical doping. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2007 Aug 23; 20(9):S147.
  31. Ghalsasi SV, Zhou YX, Rusakova I, Sun YY, Salama K. Enhancement of current carrying capability in MOD-processed YBCO films using chemical doping. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2007 Jun; 17(2):3343-6.
  32. Zhou YX, Ghalsasi SV, Hanna M, Tang ZJ, Meng RL, Salama K. Fabrication of cube-textured Ni-9%atW substrate for YBCO superconducting wires using powder metallurgy. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2007 Jun; 17(2):3428-31.
  33. Ma J, Son JB, Zhou Y, Le-Petross H, Choi H. A fast spin echo triple echo Dixon (fTED) technique for efficient T2-weighted water Magnetic Resonance in Medicine .2007;58()103-9.
  34. Hanna M, Fang H, Zhou YX, Alessandrini M, Putman PT, Salama K. Mechanical properties of superconducting MgB2 wire. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007; 181:44-7.
  35. Zeng J, Ignatiev A, Zhou Y, Salama K. A single oxide buffer layer on a cube-textured Ni substrate for the development of YBCO coated conductors by photo-assisted MOCVD. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2006 Jun 12; 19(8):772.
  36. Alessandrini M, Fang H, Hanna M, Putman P, Zhou YX, Salama K. The potential application of MgB2 superconducting magnets in space. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2006 Jun; 16(2):1442-44.
  37. Zhou YX, Scruggs S, Salama K. Effects of ionic doping on superconducting properties of melt textured YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-d (M = Co, Ni, Zn or Ga) large grains. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2006 May 4; 19(7):S556.
  38. Li F, Vipulanadan C, Zhou YX, Salama K. NanoscaleY2BaCuO5 particles for producing melt-textured YBCO large grains. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2006 Apr 26; 19(6):589-95.
  39. Scruggs SJ, Putman PT, Zhou YX, Fang H, Salama K. Hot seeding using large Y-123 seeds. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2006 Apr 11; 19(7):s451-4.
  40. Scruggs SJ, Putman PT, Zhou YX, Fang H, Salma K. Growth techniques for monolithic YBCO solenoidal magnets. Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications. 2006; 445-448(1-2):312-6.
  41. Alessandrini M, Fang H, Hanna M, Putman P, Zhou YX, Salama K. High critical current of Ti-sheathed MgB2 wires for AC and weight-critical applications. Supercond. Sci. Technol.. 2006 Jan; 19(1):129-32.
  42. Putman PT, Scruggs SJ, Zhou YX, Fang H, Salama K. Accuracy requirements for cannon-launched space missions. 10th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operation in Challenging Environments and Second NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration. 2006.
  43. Salama K, Zhou YX, Hanna M, Alessandrini M, Putman PT, Fang H. Electromechanical properties of superconducting MgB2 wire. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2005 Nov 7; 18(12):S369-72.
  44. Zhou YX, Zhang X, Fang H, Putman PT, Salama K. Development of single solution buffer layers on textured Ni substrate for HTS coated conductors. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2005 Jun 13; 15(2):2711-4.
  45. Fang H, Gijavanekar P, Zhou YX, Liang G, Putman PT, Salama K. High critical current of Cu-sheathed MgB2 wire at 20 K. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2005 Jun; 15(2):3215-8.
  46. Putman P, Zhou Y, Salama K, Robertson T, Bond DD. Superconductor permanent magnets for advanced propulsion applications. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2005; 746(1):1282-1289.
  47. Zhou YX, Naguib RA, Ghalsasi S, Salama K. Development of metallic textured substrates for coated conductors using powder metallurgy. Proceeding of International Workshop on Coated Conductors Applications - CCA2005. 2005.
  48. Zhou YX, Ghalsasi S, Scruggs S, Zhang X, Fang H, Putman PT, Salama K. Simplify coated conductors architecture by exploring multi-functional buffer materials using MOD process. Proceedings of International Workshop on Coated Conductors Applications CCA2005. 2005.
  49. Putman PT, Zhou YX, Fang H, Klawitter A, Salama K. Application of melt-textured YBCO to electromagnetic launchers. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2005; 18(2005):S6.
  50. Zhou YX, Sun L, Chen X, Fang H, Putman PT, Salama K. The manufacturing of an electroplated Ni layer on textured Cu substrate for Cu-based HTS coated conductors. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 2004 Nov 16; 18(2005):107-111.
  51. Zhou YX, Naguib R, Fang H, Salama K. Development of cube textured Ni-W alloy tapes using powder metallurgy along with high energy ball milling for HTS coated conductors. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2004 Jun 2; 17(7):947.
  52. Fang H, Xue YY, Zhou YX, Baikalov A, Salama K. Densification of MgB2 cores in iron-clad tapes. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2004 May 25; 17(7):L27.
  53. Fang H, Putman PT, Padmanabhan S, Zhou YX, Salama K. Transport critical current o Fe-sheathed MgB2 coils. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2004 Mar 19; 17(4):717.
  54. Fang H, Gijavanekar P, Zhou YX, Putman PT, Salama K. Development of Fe-sheathed MgB2 wires and tapes for electric power applications. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.. 2004; 15:3200-3.
  55. Fang H, Zhou YX, Ravi-Chandar K, Salama K. On the study of the liquid infiltration and seeded growth process. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2003 Dec 10; 17(2):269.
  56. Zhou YX, Bhuiyan S, Scruggs S, Fang H, Salama K. Role of mechanical deformation in the texturing of coated conductor composites. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2003 Aug 8; 16(9):1077.
  57. Zhou YX, Bhuyan S, Scruggs S, Fang H, Mironova M, Salama K. Strontium titanate buffer layers deposited on rolled Ni substrates with metal organic deposition. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2003 Jul 9; 16(8):901.
  58. Fang H, Padmanbhan S, Zhou Y, Putman P. High Ic in iron-clad MgB2 tape. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2003 Jul; 13(2):3207-9.
  59. Fang H, Zhou Y. High critical current density in iron-clad MgB2 tapes. Applied Physics Letters. 2003 Jun; 82(23):4113-5.
  60. Fang H, Claycomb JR, Zhou YX, Putman PT, Padmanabhan S, Miller JH, Ravi-Chandar K, Salama K. Melt-textured YBCO superconducting tube for magnetic shielding. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity. 2003 Jun; 13(2):3103-5.
  61. Zhou YX, Rizwan T, Salama K. Growth of cube-textured nickel substrates for HTS coated conductors. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2003 Jun; 13(2):2703-6.
  62. Zhou YX, Fang H, Balachandran U, Salama K. Enhancement of superconducting properties of textured YBCO using double seeded technique. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2003 Jun; 13(2):3072-5.
  63. Zhou YX, Bhuiyan S, Fang H, Salama K. Chemically coated buffer layers deposited on rolled Ni substrates for HTS coated conductors. Ceram. Transactions. 2003; 149:51.
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  65. Zhou YX, Lo W, Tang TB, Salama K. Enhancement in transport properties of seeded melt-textured YBCO by Cu-site doping. Superconductor Science and Technology. 2002; 15(5):722-6.
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