V-FUCHS for Fuchs' Dystrophy

The information provided here supplements an article published in the journal Ophthalmology (Vol 125, Issue 12), "Patient-Reported Visual Disability in Fuchs' Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Measured by the Visual Function and Corneal Health Status (V-FUCHS) Instrument."

The V-FUCHS instrument/questionnaire is a 15 item self-administered assessment that measures visual disability and has been specifically validated for Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). The V-FUCHS instrument is available for licensing for use in clinical practice and research. V-FUCHS meets Rasch model expectations and a conversion tool is available from the authors to easily determine linear logit scores. To inquire about a license, contact MayoClinicVentures@mayo.edu.


Katrin Wacker, M.D., Keith H. Baratz, M.D., William M. Bourne, M.D., Sanjay V. Patel, M.D., FRCOphth.


The article describes the validation of a new patient-reported outcome questionnaire for FECD — one of the most common indications for corneal transplantation. As surgical methods for treating the disease and their outcomes have improved, the threshold for intervention has decreased. In addition, new therapies are being developed aimed at intervening earlier in the course of the disease. A visual disability assessment could therefore provide a meaningful patient-reported outcome measure of current and new treatments.

V-FUCHS is valid and reliable for assessing visual disability in FECD. The instrument allows for standardized, comprehensive, and rapid assessment of disease-specific visual disability, and may be useful in clinical practice and research as a patient-reported outcome measure.


For more information, article reprints, a scoring conversion tool spreadsheet, or if you are interested in translating this instrument, please contact the author: