
    The Multiple Myeloma SPORE has two funding programs to support translational research and rising investigators.

    Developmental Research Program

    The Developmental Research Program supports innovative, scientifically sound research projects that focus on any area related to translational research in multiple myeloma. 

    Funding through this program stimulates developmental research that incorporates techniques and theoretical approaches that may not have been previously used in myeloma research. This allows the program to provide a mechanism by which the SPORE can increase the number of scientists and clinical investigators who are committed to translational research on myeloma. 

    The Developmental Research Program: 

    • Encourages developing suitable research projects. 
    • Coordinates project review and selection. 
    • Makes funding recommendations to the SPORE's Executive Committee. 
    • Monitors research progress.

    Career Enhancement Program

    The Career Enhancement Program supports and mentors rising investigators at the junior faculty level so that they can become outstanding translational investigators with a main focus on multiple myeloma. 

    Each investigator selected for a research project is provided with two years of salary support. Each is expected to spend those two years engaged in translational research on multiple myeloma under the guidance of a suitable mentor.

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