Ovarian Cancer SPORE

    The Mayo Clinic Ovarian Cancer SPORE supports and conducts interdisciplinary preclinical and clinical research aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer and related cancers, including fallopian tube cancer and primary peritoneal cancer. 

    Our investigators are urgently conducting research and clinical trials to advance scientific understanding about ovarian cancer, which often goes undetected until it has spread within the pelvis and abdomen and is more difficult to treat.

    Translational research

    Investigators for the Ovarian Cancer SPORE focus their efforts on three major translational research projects. Within these projects, they are studying DNA topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) inhibitors, PARP inhibitors, ATR inhibitors, the use of natural killer (NK) cells as an adoptive cellular therapy for cancer, and the administration of a vaccine to prevent ovarian cancer recurrence in an effort to address unmet patient needs.

    The SPORE applies an interdisciplinary approach to meet our objectives for research. Our investigators work together as a team to meet the goals of the SPORE, leveraging expertise in basic research, population science and clinical investigation. We also work with investigators from SPOREs and ovarian cancer research groups at other institutions in a collaborative effort to improve therapeutic outcomes.

    Within the SPORE, four cores support all aspects of our research efforts, including leadership, specimens, statistical collaboration and research models.

    The SPORE also has two funding programs. These programs provide pilot project research funding and career development support to investigators, including new investigators and seasoned investigators who want to redirect their work to ovarian cancer.

    NCI funding

    The Ovarian Cancer SPORE is part of the Advanced Clinical Trials and Translational Sciences Program, a formal research program within Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

    The SPORE is funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which awarded Mayo Clinic a five-year, $9.3 million grant in September 2021. A SPORE, or Specialized Program of Research Excellence, is the cornerstone of the NCI's efforts to promote collaborative, interdisciplinary translational research.

    Principal investigator

    The principal investigator for the Mayo Clinic Ovarian Cancer SPORE is Scott H. Kaufmann, M.D., Ph.D.

    Contact us

    Scott H. Kaufmann, M.D., Ph.D.
    Principal Investigator
    Mayo Clinic
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
    Email: kaufmann.scott@mayo.edu

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