$846,000 revenue generated, 1.8 million subjects, 66 outcomes, 112 projects, 50 publications, 16 grants funded


Mayo Clinic HOUSES Program and Mayo Clinic collaborative projects include:

Artificial intelligence algorithms

  • Community pediatrics and adolescent medicine. Asthma exacerbation and prognosis.
  • Gastroenterology. Early identification of celiac disease.
  • Family medicine. Depression triage.

Retrospective studies

  • Mayo Clinic Biobank. Accidental falls, selection bias and survey discrepancy rate.
  • Rochester Epidemiology Project. Multimorbidity and aging.
  • Community pediatric and adolescent medicine. Health disparities, obesity, dyslipidemia and concussion.
  • Primary care internal medicine. Multimorbidity, drug-gene pairing mismatch, diabetes, breast cancer screening, discharge to nursing home and diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy.
  • Pulmonary and critical care. End-of-life care, influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations, and smoking cessation.
  • Neurology. Stroke and glioma.
  • Family medicine. Vitamin D, depression, HPV, osteoporotic fracture, diabetes and readmission.
  • Anesthesiology. Cognitive function and neuropsychological and behavioral outcomes.
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation. Traumatic brain injury.
  • Project-specific. Myocardial infarction, rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid.

Prospective studies

  • Anesthesiology. Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) study.
  • Bioinformatics. Asthma characterization using natural language processing.
  • Allergy. Pneumococcal vaccine (PPSV23) response.
  • Internal medicine.
    • Development of a composite sociodemographic risk index.
    • Age-related changes in steroid metabolome.
    • Acculturation and breast cancer screening among Asian Americans.
  • Department of Medicine. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) study, steroid metabolism and Fostering African American Improvement in Total Health (FAITH!) heart-health study.

Interventional studies

  • Outreach for flu vaccine.
  • Outreach for COVID-19 vaccine.

External collaborative projects

  • Minnesota Department of Health. Air pollution and asthma outcome.
  • Sanford Children's Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Asthma control status.
  • County and city governments. Ramsey County, Dodge County, Goodhue County, Wabasha County, Hennepin County, City of Minneapolis.
  • Boston Children's Hospital. Autism spectrum disorder.
  • Yale Health. Family-Specific Genetic Variants Contributing to Asthma Susceptibility (FAstGen) study.