
Mayo Clinic HOUSES Program services include:

  • HOUSES Index. Provides individual-level socioeconomic measure at the time of interest.
  • Area Deprivation Index (ADI). Gives aggregate measure for rankings of neighborhoods by socioeconomic disadvantage in a region of interest.
  • Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) classification. RUCA codes provide a breakdown of county-level metropolitan and micropolitan areas — population density, urbanization and daily commuting — to identify urban cores and adjacent territory that is economically integrated with those cores.
  • Urban and rural by census. Offers delineation of geographic areas, identifying both individual urban areas and the rural areas of the nation.
  • Estimation of distance from study subject to a reference place. Furnishes distance from a specific address to a point of interest, such as the distance from a patient's home to the hospital.
  • Geo reports. Enable pinpointing event locations of interest on a map and overlaying other events of interest over HOUSES Index distribution.

Watch a video explaining how to use the HOUSES Index:

Mayo Clinic Houses

A How-To Video for HOUSES Cloud Users

Slide 1: Getting started

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Log in with your username and password

Accounts created by the HOUSES program

Slide 2: Getting started

Screen showing login screen that says "Sign in to your account" with the user name and password fields.

HOUSES Cloud is HIPPA-compliant – all data in transit and rest is encrypted

Slide 3: Single address search

Submit search

Instructions telling user to choose the year from the drop-down menu.

The year 2021 is selected and highlighted in red.

Slide 4: HOUSES Dashboard showing Success! Your HOUSES report is ready to view or download.

Additional indexing criteria are available by clicking on the arrows in the upper righthand corner that are circled in red.

Slide 5: Shows the HOUSES dashboard stating that additional services selected are automatically shown on your HOUSES report.

Index types are shown in the righthand column showing the user how to select variable types of HOUSES index types by check marking the fields for types and additional services. Search results are shown on the button highlighted by a red box.

Slide 6: HOUSES dashboard showing you can choose a search type of free-form or components. You can also generate a report for a large number of addresses at one. Click the three lines in the upper righthand corner of the page. This menu is highlighted in red. Instructions tell the user "Move your cursor over "search" and then click "bulk." The functionality is demonstrated as the user selects "Search" and then "Bulk" on the popout menu.

Slide 7: To upload a list of addresses from a CSV file, click Browse files, which is shown on the screen and then circled in red. Another set of instructions says "Load the CSV file from your computer."

Slide 8: Text slide stating "The address information in the CSV file can be organized in two different ways. Let's look at each one."

Slide 9: Screen shot "This is the component form. Component form is the preferred format. Each part of the address is grouped into a separate column."

Slide 10: Screen shot "This format is free form. All the components of each address are grouped into a single column."

Slide 11: Screen shot of form to submit bulk data submission with instructions “Once the file uploaded, click 'Next,' which is circled in red.

Slide 12: Screen shot of format details with instructions "Select the year and click "Next." Enter year field shows 2021 and is circled in red. "Next" is also circled in red.

Slide 13: Reference address is shown as optional with instructions "Enter the reference address." Example reference address auto fills "200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905." Click "Next" which is circled in red.

Slide 14: Shows "My datasets," with instructions, "The program may take some time to complete your report, depending on the number of entries in your dataset."

Slide 15: Screen refreshes with the word "SUCCESS" circled in red. Text says "When your report is finished, you see "SUCCESS" in the status column."

Slide 16: Down arrow on right hand side of screen is circled in red indicating how you download your report.

Slide 17: If you have questions or to set-up an account, please contact