
Many critical discoveries in medicine originate from curiosity-driven basic research. Recognizing this, Mayo Clinic features an exceptionally rich mixture of highly integrated basic, translational and clinical research programs.

A collaborative environment to share resources and ideas

While each Mayo Clinic investigator has a competitively funded independent laboratory, active collaborations with other research groups within the institution and other research centers are a hallmark of Mayo Clinic research.

Access to clinical data for translational research

Researchers have access to clinical data from more than 6 million patient histories, providing an invaluable resource in translational research.

Centralized research resource coordination

Research resources are coordinated through Mayo Clinic's centralized Research Services, so science can proceed quickly and efficiently. Individual labs and investigators need not spend precious research time with administrative activities. Investigators can focus their efforts on research programs and training.

Scientific publication services

The Section of Scientific Publications — an in-house editorial office for Mayo Clinic scientific publications — advises and assists postdoctoral fellows with all stages of writing and publishing.

Core research facilities

A major strength supporting research at Mayo Clinic is a set of more than 30 state-of-the-art core facilities subsidized by institutional funding.

Strategic priorities

Mayo Clinic has evaluated its role in the biomedical research community and committed substantial resources to several centers that span both research and clinical practice:

These centers are built in part on the model of actively engaging basic research scientists, clinical scientists, engineers, computer scientists and bioinformaticians who share similar research goals as an integrated team. Students and postdoctoral research fellows can learn firsthand how to engage larger research teams to achieve their scientific goals.

International trainee support

The International Personnel Office (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network) provides the highest caliber of visa and immigration law services to the institution and its international physicians, scientists, allied health professionals, students, residents and fellows. It fosters global educational and scientific exchange and optimizes Mayo Clinic's ability to attract the best and the brightest personnel from around the world.

Funding opportunities

Mayo Clinic has several programs in place to fund research education:

  • Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS). CCaTS supports a wide range of consultative resources, facilities and funding opportunities related to clinical research.
  • Edward C. Kendall Research Fellowship in Biochemistry Award. This competitive fellowship, which supports up to two years of research training in basic science, is intended to be a catalyst for the selected fellow to obtain extramural funding and reach his or her next career development milestones.
  • Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP). PREP encourages individuals from underrepresented groups or from a disadvantaged background who hold a recent baccalaureate degree in a biomedically relevant area of study to pursue a research doctorate.
  • Research training programs. Multiple National Institutes of Health-supported research training programs are available to predoctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows.
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). The SURF program, sponsored by Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, offers a great way for young scientists to build their skills or test their inclinations toward research.

Mayo Research Fellows' Association

Mayo Research Fellows' Association is dedicated to creating an interdisciplinary network of research scientists in order to provide leadership and professional development for young and emerging scientists at Mayo Clinic.