Clinical and Economic Evaluation Pre-Consultation Checklist

Thank you for your interest in working with the Clinical and Economic Evaluation Program team in the Mayo Clinic Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery.

To help us provide efficient and effective assistance as we review your consultation request, please provide the following contextual information in your email:

  • Research question. What is the question you are trying to answer with this economic evaluation project?
  • Contribution to the literature. Why is this project important?
  • Previous studies. Have there been any economic evaluation studies done addressing your research question?
  • Data sources. What data sources do you propose to use in the study? If proposed sources aren't publicly available, will you be able to gain access for the purposes of this evaluation? Will the data come from a parallel prospective trial?
  • Study Sample. Please describe your study sample. For Mayo Clinic studies, please specify which Mayo locations you will include in the study sample.
  • Previous reviews. Has there been a review of the literature?
  • Resources. During your initial consultation, we'll discuss charge-backs and other costs. Please consider what funding sources will be charged for analyses and determine if you have study staff available to assist.
  • Timeline. Do you have a time frame or deadline?
  • Abstract. Do you have a particular conference abstract submission goal?
  • Manuscript. Will any peer-reviewed publications be part of this work? If so, please describe your dissemination plan, including publications both before and after the study is completed.

After reviewing the checklist and compiling your answers, email the Clinical and Economic Evaluation Program at to request a consultation.