Surgical outcomes research fellows program

The Surgical Outcomes Research Fellows Program invites select surgical residents interested in research to become Surgical Outcomes Research Fellows. These fellows take one or two years away from clinical training to receive mentoring in health services research from Elizabeth B. Habermann, Ph.D., and a team of clinical mentors appropriate to each fellow's area of interest.

Past fellows have published dozens of peer-reviewed publications, spoken internationally and nationally, and worked toward their shared goal of becoming academic surgeons.

Current fellows

In 2024, the Surgical Outcomes Research Fellows Program welcomed Matthew T. Parrish, M.D., for a one-year fellowship. Dr. Parrish is focused on improving outcomes and experience for pediatric surgery patients. His clinical mentor is Stephanie F. Polites, M.D., M.P.H., the program's first fellow and a long-time center collaborator.

In 2023, Chelsea L. Powell, M.D., began two years of thoracic surgery research as part of the Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) Program. Dennis Wigle, M.D., Ph.D., and Sahar Saddoughi, M.D., Ph.D., are providing clinical mentorship. A portion of Dr. Powell's time will be dedicated to surgical health services research, mentored by Dr. Habermann.

Surgical Outcomes Research Fellows Program alumni

Past fellows are listed below, along with their years in the Surgical Outcomes Research Fellows Program. Each fellow's specialty in the program is listed, although many go on to acquire additional certifications. Each fellow's name is linked to a Mayo Clinic profile or directly to a publications list.