Mood disorders

Displaying 19 studies

  • A Study to Compare Medical and Non-Medical Coping on Functional Outcomes and Caregiver Burden Among Liver Transplant Patients Jacksonville, FL

    The purpose of this study is to compare functional improvement and caregiver burden pre- and post-liver transplant (LT) in four patient and patient’s primary caregiver dyads, grouped, based on presence or absence of mood symptoms pre-LT.

  • Mood Stabilizer Pharmacogenomics Biobank (MoStGen) Austin, MN; Rochester, MN; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Mankato, MN

    The purpose of this study is to create a larger database and bio-repository to examine pharmacogenomics in patients with BD type I and type II treated with mood stabilizing anticonvulsants, atypical antipsychotics and antidepressant medications. 

  • A Study to Determine the Effect of Natural Light in the Work Space on Performance, Sleepiness, and Mood Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of natural light exposure or lack of exposure in the work-space on physician cognitive and physical performance, subjective sleepiness, and mood.

  • Caregiver Registry Rochester, MN

    Currently transplant caregivers are viewed as healthy volunteers caring for patients following heart or lung transplant. However research has revealed that thoracic transplant caregivers have increased mood disorders, distress, and high caregiver burden, especially while caring for patients on the organ transplant waiting list. By monitoring caregiver traits and behaviors we will be better able to provide care and services for CG to improve both CG and patient outcomes.

  • A Study of State-Specific Blood Marker Investigation in Bipolar and Schizoaffective Disorder Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to find out if some patients with mood symptoms have antibodies (part of the immune system) that affect the brain, and could possibly play a role in the development of mood symptoms. We also want to find out if these immune markers change once your mood normalizes.

  • A Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Genetic Variation Treatment Algorithm Versus Treatment As Usual for Management Of Depression Rochester, MN; Austin, MN

    The overall goal of this investigator-initiated trial is to evaluate the treatment outcome of depression utilizing platform algorithm products that can allow rapid identification of pharmacokinetic (PK) and/or pharmacodynamic (PD) genomic variation. This new technology may have the potential to optimize treatment selection by improving response, minimizing unfavorable adverse events / side effects and increasing treatment adherence.

  • Ketamine Associated ACC GABA and Glutamate Change and Depression Remission Rochester, MN

    This feasibility study aims to better understand the neurobiology of major depression and how ketamine may therapeutically impact brain function. This research may provide important insights into the mechanism of ketamine response, thus, potentially increasing the likelihood of successful treatment interventions and decrease the number of ineffective treatments and/or risk for serious side effects.

  • A Study of Anxiety and Depression Influence Voiding Outcomes after Pelvic Surgery Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The purpose of this study is to identify pre-operative emotional factors that may affect surgical outcomes and how a multidisciplinary approach may improve success after urologic surgery for voiding dysfunction. 

  • Bipolar Depression Before and After Lamotrigine Treatment With Lamictal® Rochester, MN

    This study will compare glutamate and other neurometabolites measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in bipolar I and II patients currently depressed with age-matched healthy controls. The study will also compare 1H-MRS of bipolar I and II patients before and after taking a 12-week course of lamotrigine. This study requires 8 visits over a 12 week period. These visits need to occur at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

  • A Study of Brain Chemistry in Depressed Patients Compared to Healthy Patients Who are not Depressed Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to study brain chemistry in depressed patients compared to healthy patients who are not depressed.

  • A Study to Evaluate Women's Birth Experience and Postpartum Mental Health Outcomes Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to implement a facilitated peer support group for women that have experienced an unexpected birth process in the last 12 months. 

  • 16-week Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Lamotrigine vs. Fluoxetine for Bipolar Depression Rochester, MN; Austin, MN

    The FLAME Study is a 16-week clinical trial to study treatment with lamotrigine or fluoxetine in bipolar I, II and bipolar schizoaffective depressed adults. The purpose of the trial is to have a better understanding of whether individuals with a particular gene type and other inherited biological markers will have a good response to fluoxetine or lamotrigine, or alternatively, would be more likely to have side effects to this medication.

  • Study to Distinguish Mood Disorders Rochester, MN

    The goal of this proposed study is to examine the genetic signature of the validated proteomic signature (model) based on a panel of serum proteomic markers that discriminates different mood disorders.

  • Effect of Lithium Versus Placebo in Adults With Treatment-Resistant Depression Who Are Receiving Ketamine Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this research study is to compare the antidepressant effect of lithium versus placebo in adults receiving ketamine. Lithium is available commercially for depression; ketamine is available commercially and can help the symptoms of depression; however, it has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this use. The FDA has allowed the use of this drug in this research study.

  • Improving Care for Adolescents Aged 12-17 in Primary Care with Clinical Symptoms of Depression La Crosse, WI

    The purpose of this study is to:

    1. Increase screening of adolescents for symptoms of depression in primary care La Crosse, WI clinics using the PHQ9M screening tool.Screening to occur at all well child visits and all subsequent visits for adolescents with Depression on their problem list.Clinics to include Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Family Health, Center for Womens Health.
    2. Develop a clear care pathway for adolescents identified with clinically meaningful symptoms of depression through increased screening, referral and treatment options.  Pathway may include psychoeducational materials (multimedia options), intake paperwork and process for Department of Behavioral Health locally, and ...

  • A Registry for the Evaluation of the Safety of Sertraline for Pediatric Use Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term impact of treatment with sertraline on aspects of cognitive, emotional and physical development and maturation at puberty, in pediatric subjects ages 6 to 16 years (inclusive) with a diagnosis of anxiety disorder, depressive disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.

  • Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) Integrated Into Treatment of Major Depression Austin, MN; Rochester, MN

    The investigators are doing this research study to find out if the Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) therapy will help subjects with their major depression treatment.

  • A Study of the Frequency and Severity of Emotional and Cognitive Symptoms Following ICU Care Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to measure the frequency and severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and cognitive impairment following dismissal from the ICU and three months later. This study also seeks to identify which of the multiple ICUs at Mayo Clinic yields the highest incidence of post-intensive care syndrome so that a future study designed to provide a therapeutic intervention can be implemented in those areas with the greatest potential.

  • Systemic Inflammation Related to Mood Disorders Rochester, MN

    The overall goal is to better understand the underlying pathophysiology of mood disorders and bipolar disorders in particular. We aim to investigate whether the subclinical atherosclerotic and inflammatory markers differ between patients with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and psychiatric non-mood disorders and healthy subjects.


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