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Clinical Studies


  • Discovering Digital Biomarkers Linked to Opioid Use Disorder Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this pilot project is to identify digital biomarkers associated with opioid withdrawal severity and buprenorphine response (withdrawal relief).  

  • Opioid and Multiple Addictions (OMA) Biobank (OMA) Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to establish an opioid and multiple addiction (OMA) biobank that creates a comprehensive standard patient phenotype using standardized subjective assessments and objective behavioral measurements for future research. 

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Closed for Enrollment

  • Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacometabolomics of Acamprosate Treatment Outcome Rochester, Minn., Albert Lea, Minn.

    The purpose of this project is to identify biomarkers by discovery of genomic and metabolomic markers associated with response to acamprosate treatment. To achieve this we will use “pharmacometabolomics-informed pharmacogenomics” such as generation a panel of iPSCs (stem cells) to discover biomarkers.  A new prospective randomized placebo-controlled trial of 3 month long treatment with acamprosate/placebo will provide new biospecimens, in addition to previously collected biospecimens, to enable the search for genetic and metabolomic biomarkers associated with sobriety or relapse in participants of this new study.
