The following is a list of recent citations from studies that have been supported by Mayo Clinic's Biomechanics Core. The list represents the wide range of capabilities of the core's team including basic load-to-failure testing, impact testing, kinematic analysis, and design of original testing equipment and methods.
- Moon JG, Shukla DR, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Stem length and neck resection on fixation strength of press-fit radial head prosthesis: An in vitro model. The Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume). 2019;44:1098.
- Hwang JT, Kim Y, Shields MN, Bachman DR, Berglund LJ, Fitzsimmons AT, Fitzsimmons JS, O'Driscoll SW. Effects of axial forearm instability on force transmission across the elbow. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2019;28:170.
- Bachman DR, Park S, Thaveepunsan S, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Joint contact changes with undersized prosthetic radial heads. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2018;32:e440.
- Ramazanian T, Muller-Lebschi JA, Chuang MY, Vaichinger AM, Fitzsimmons JS, O'Driscoll SW. Effect of radiocapitellar Achilles disc arthroplasty on coronoid and capitellar contact pressures after radial head excision. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2018;27:1785.
- Bellato E, Fitzsimmons JS, Kim Y, Bachman DR. Berglund LJ, Hooke AW, O'Driscoll SW. Articular contact area and pressure in posteromedial rotatory instability of the elbow. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2018;100:e34.
- Bi C, Thoreson AR, Zhao C. The effects of lyophilization on flexural stiffness of extrasynovial and intrasynovial tendon. Journal of Biomechanics. 2018;76:229.
- Farr JN, Xu M, Weivoda MM, Monroe DG, Fraser DG, Onken JL, Negley BA, Sfeir JG, Ogrodnik MB, Hachfeld CM, LeBrasseur NK, Drake MT, Pignolo RJ, Pirtskhalava T, Tchkonia T., Oursler M. J., Kirkland JL, Khosla S. Targeting cellular senescence prevents age-related bone loss in mice. Nature Medicine. 2017;23:1072.
- Hooke AW, Pettersson K, Sagerfors M, An KN, Rizzo M. An anatomic and kinematic analysis of a new total wrist arthroplasty design. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2015;4:121.
- Hwang JT, Shields MN, Berglund LJ, Hooke AW, Fitzsimmons JS, O'Driscoll SW. The role of the posterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament in posteromedial rotatory instability of the elbow. The Bone & Joint Journal. 2018;100-B:1060.
- Jorgensen JK, Thoreson AR, Stuart MB, Loyd A, Smith AM, Twardowski C, Gaz DV, Hollman JH, Krause DA, An KN, Stuart MJ. Interpreting oblique impact data from an accelerometer-instrumented ice hockey helmet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. 2017;231:307.
- Kakar S, Greene RM, Hewett T, Thoreson AR, Hooke AW, Elhassan BT. The effect of proximal hamate osteotomy on carpal kinematics for reconstruction of proximal pole scaphoid nonunion with avascular necrosis. Hand (New York, NY). 2018:1558944718793175.
- Liu Q, Yu Y, Reisdorf RL, Qi J, Lu CK, Berglund LJ, Amadio PC, Moran SL, Steinmann SP, An KN, Gingery A, Zhao C. Engineered tendon-fibrocartilage-bone composite and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell sheet augmentation promotes rotator cuff healing in a non-weight-bearing canine model. Biomaterials. 2019;192:189.
- Reina N, Trousdale WH, Salib CG, Evertz LQ, Berglund LJ, van Wijnen AJ, Hewett TE, Berry CE, Berry DJ, Morrey ME, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Abdel MP. Validation of a dynamic joint contracture measuring device in a live rabbit model of arthrofibrosis. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2018; 36:2186.
- Schmidt-Malan SM, Greenwood-Quaintance KE, Berglund LJ, Mandrekar J, Patel R. Oritavancin polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)-compressive strength testing and in vitro elution. Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research. 2019;14:43.