
Rochester, Minnesota


Gulati.Rajiv@mayo.edu Clinical Profile


The research interests of Rajiv Gulati, M.D., Ph.D., include spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), nonatherosclerotic coronary disease, percutaneous coronary intervention, clinical outcomes research and epidemiology of myocardial infarction (MI).

Focus areas

  • SCAD. Dr. Gulati is a pioneer researcher in this area. He demonstrated SCAD as an underrecognized cause of myocardial infarction in young people, discovered associations (including fibromuscular dysplasia) with this condition and helped describe the impact of differential treatments through observational research. His ongoing endeavors include studies to understand SCAD mechanisms at a cellular level as well as mechanisms initiation and extension.
  • MI epidemiology. Dr. Gulati has established a 15-year clinical database of all patients in Olmsted County, Minnesota, who have experienced MI or myocardial injury as indicated by a troponin-positive event. Several studies are underway, including those exploring a deeper understanding of the causes of MI in young people, outcomes after type II MI and impact of pharmacotherapies on type II MI prognosis.

Significance to patient care

There is currently no proven treatment for SCAD. A deeper understanding of SCAD phenotypes and mechanisms will help yield strategies that may limit the impact of SCAD or reduce risk of recurrence. Understanding the causes of MI in young people through evaluation of an Olmsted County population will help individualize disease-specific treatment pathways.

Professional highlights

  • Associate editor, Cardiovascular Interventions, 2018-present
  • Editorial board member, Eboards, 2014-present


Primary Appointment

  1. Consultant, Division of Interventional Cardiology and Ischemic Heart Disease, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine

Administrative Appointment

  1. Chair, Division of Interventional Cardiology and Ischemic Heart Disease, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine

Academic Rank

  1. Professor of Medicine


  1. Fellow - Interventional Cardiology Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. PhD University of Birmingham, UK
  3. Specialist Registrar - Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
  4. PhD University of Birmingham, UK
  5. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  6. Specialist Registrar - Cardiology University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
  7. Senior House Officer - Internal Medicine University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
  8. House Officer - Internal Medicine and General Surgery University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
  9. MB ChB University of Birmingham Medical School
  10. BSc (Hons) - Physiology, Intercalated University of Birmingham, UK

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