Featured conditions Brain tumor, breast cancer, colon cancer, congenital heart disease, heart arrhythmia. See more conditions.
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Fang-Shu Ou, Ph.D., is a biostatistician at Mayo Clinic who specializes in clinical trials and survival analysis for cancer. She also is a faculty statistician for the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, leading several gastrointestinal phase 3 clinical trials that aim to improve patient care. Dr. Ou is also the group statistician for Academic and Community Cancer Research United, which provides clinical trial opportunities to the community. Her research interest is in survival analysis, with the goal of developing new statistical methods for clinical trial design and analysis and assimilating these new methods into practice.
Dr. Ou focuses on conducting statistical research on topics arising from collaborative studies to advance the design and conduct of clinical trials. Dr. Ou hopes that her methodological research and her work on phase 3 clinical trials will identify better cancer treatments to improve patient care.
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