Contact Our Team

The Mayo Clinic Brain Tumor Patient-Derived Xenograft National Resource, which is part of the Translational Neuro-Oncology Lab, provides access to a panel of highly characterized brain tumor patient-derived xenografts (PDXs). Contact us to request PDX samples or for more information about our services, techniques and material transfer agreements.

For general inquiries, contact:

  • Jann N. Sarkaria, M.D.
  • Mayo Clinic Brain Tumor PDX National Resource
  • Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratory
  • Mayo Clinic
  • 200 First St. SW
    Guggenheim Building
    Sixth Floor, Room 32
  • Rochester, MN 55905
  • Email:

Our team

    Dani M. Burgenske, Ph.D.

  • Principal Research Technologist
  • In vivo experimental manager and industry collaborations
  • Data and Website Manager
  • Email:

    Zeng Hu, Ph.D.

  • PDX Colony Manager
  • Sample Shipment Coordinator
  • Email:

    Ann C. Tuma

  • In Vitro Cell Line Manager
  • Data and Website Manager
  • Email: