Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Sirukumab in Participants With RA Completing Studies CNTO136ARA3002 or CNTO136ARA3003
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of CNTO 136 (sirukumab) in participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who are unresponsive to treatment with modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) or anti-TNF alpha agents.
Strategy to Prevent the Onset of Clinically-Apparent Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine if hydroxychloroquine is safe and effective for the prevention of a future onset of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in individuals who have elevations of an autoantibody, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP).
A Study to to Determine the Impact of a Mobile Health Application on Rheumatoid Arthritis Shared Decision Making
Rochester, MN
The primary objective of this study is to determine the impact of ArthritisPower™ integration into the clinical evaluation of patients with RA on the primary endpoint of clinical improvement as defined by the continuous change in the Clinical Disease Activity Index.
Optimizing the Management of Flares in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine how best to monitor for flares in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
A Study to Evaluate Response Markers to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
Study objective: Define pharmacogenomics markers and clinical phenotype features associated with response to RA treatments. Using electronical medical records data and a blood draw with DNA for genotyping from prospectively recruited patients seen in rheumatology clinic (n=100), we will identify genomic markers and leading phenotype features of responders to routinely used anti-rheumatic medications at 3 and 6 months of treatment based on disease activity score with 28-joint count (DAS28), accounting for socioeconomic factors, comorbidities, RA characteristics and prior anti-rheumatic medication use. We hypothesize that: Patients responding to antirheumatic medication(s) and their combinations share similar phenotype and/or genomic markers.
A Study of the Effect of Intestine Bacteria on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to understand how bacteria in the intestines interact with the inflammation process in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Somatic Mutation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of the study is to determine whether somatic mutations in T cells contribute to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
A Multi-center Study a Single IV Infusion of Allogeneic MPCs in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Incomplete Response to at Least One TNF Alpha Inhibitor
Rochester, MN
Study is a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, dose escalating study. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and feasibility of a single intravenous infusion of allogeneic mesenchymal precursor cells (MPCs) compared to placebo at 12 weeks post-infusion in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who have received methotrexate +/- other DMARDs for at least 6 months prior to screening and who have had an incomplete response to at least one TNF-alpha inhibitor.
A Study of RoActemra/Actemra (Tocilizumab) in Comparison to Etanercept in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
Rochester, MN
This randomized, open-label, parallel-group, multicenter study will evaluate the rate of cardiovascular events of RoActemra/Actemra (tocilizumab) in comparison to etanercept in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patients will be randomized to receive 8 mg/kg RoActemra/Actemra intravenously every 4 weeks or 50 mg etane rcept subcutaneously weekly. The anticipated time on study drug is up to 5 years.
Etiologies of Patient-Provider Discordance in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to explicate factors contributing to inadequate improvement in physical function and health-related quality of life despite appropriate disease-modifying treatment in persons with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and inflammatory arthritis (IA) who meet 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria for RA. To do this, this study focuses on the contract of discordance, whereby the patient judges her/his disease to be either more or less active than the rheumatologist. The positive impact of this award is anticipated to be the development of a clinical framework and approach to managing the various causes of inadequate clinical improvement, ultimately improving patient-physician communication and ...
Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
Objective: Identify a microbial biomarker signature that is predictive of treatment response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Rochester, MN
The overall objective of this study is to examine if the strategy starting of the addition of a tsDMARD, oral targeted molecule medications will lead to greater improvement in HAQ compared with the alternate approach of the addition of a non-TNF-biologic.
A Study Comparing the Safety of Tofacitinib versus Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this post-marketing study is to compare the safety of tofacitinib versus tumor necrosis factor inhibitor with respect to major cardiovascular adverse events and malignancies, excluding non-melanoma skin cancers, when given to subjects with rheumatoid arthritis. Other safety events, including non-melanoma skin cancers, hepatic events, infections, and effectiveness parameters will be collected and evaluated in the study.
A Study of CNTO 136 (Sirukumab), a Human Anti-IL-6 Monoclonal Antibody, Administered Subcutaneously, in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Despite Anti-TNF-Alpha Therapy (SIRROUND-T)
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of sirukumab as measured by the reduction of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients with active RA who are unresponsive or intolerant to treatment with anti-TNF-alpha agents.
A Study to Perform Synovial Biopsies on Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to get synovial tissue from patients with rheumatoid arthritis by minimally invasive ultrasound guided biopsy, for the purpose of identifying the processes that are responsible for the cause of the disease.
A Study to Evaluate Inflammation of the Heart Muscle Tissue in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients have a higher prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis than the general population. In addition, they experience higher rates of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). There is evidence that myocardial mechanics and left ventricular diastolic function are more abnormal in the RA population and these changes occur earlier than in the general population. Recently a study suggested that RA patient have abnormal myocardial inflammation during a disease flare and that this is improved with anti-inflammatory treatment. Our study is aimed at describing the prevalence of myocardial inflammation in patients during active RA disease flares and comparing ...
A Study to Evaluate Utilizing MRI for Earlier Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The primary purpose of this study is to describe the utilization and findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hands and feet in patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (based on the ACR 1987 or 2010 classification criteria) compared to the findings seen in patients with seropositive disease (RF or ACPA positive).
Ultrasound Evaluation of Synovitis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this pilot study is to analyze the effectiveness of a new ultrasound microvessel imaging technology for evaluation of synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
A Study to Evaluate Response to Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to collect clinical and biological measures to develop an Artificial Intelligence based algorithm and clinical decision support tool to predict the 12-week response to adalimumab, a tumor necrosis factor receptor antagonist in adults with a clinical diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
The Mayo Clinic Early Arthritis Cohort Study
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to establish a cohort of clinical and biological samples of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis like undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis in order to address multiple critical barriers that exist to improved outcomes for patients with RA and other chronic inflammatory arthritides, including: (1) gaps in understanding disease mechanisms; (2) the lack of highly useful diagnostic and prognostic tools; and (3) the unavailability of personalized, targeted therapies for patients with early inflammatory arthritis.
A Study to Understand the Extent of Routine Cardiovascular Screening in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to understand the extent of routine cardiovascular screening in patients with rheumatoid arthritis to improve management of their cardiovascular disease and optimize cardiovascular preventive strategies for this group of patients.
Observational Study of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases: The CARRA Registry
Rochester, MN
Continuation of the CARRA Registry as described in the protocol will support data collection on patients with pediatric-onset rheumatic diseases. The CARRA Registry will form the basis for future CARRA studies. In particular, this observational registry will be used to answer pressing questions about therapeutics used to treat pediatric rheumatic diseases, including safety questions.
Phase ll Study of Pirfenidone in Patients With RAILD
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to to assess the safety and tolerability of pirfenidone 2403 mg/day for the treatment of RA-associated interstitial lung disease.
A Study to Identify Biomarkers in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to establish the immunometabolic profile of T cells isolated from patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis/Interstitial Lung Disease (RA/ILD), to identify distinguishing features in the metabolic status of T cells from RA patients with and without ILD, and to explore the use of immunometabolic determinants as a biomarker in RA patients with and without ILD.
Shared Biorepository for the Investigation of Inflammatory Arthritis at Mayo Clinic and University of Massachusetts
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to establish a comparator cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and other spondyloarthropathies. We will collect demographic information, historical information about diagnosis and past treatment, and clinical, radiographic, and laboratory data on each patient using standardized data collection forms. We will also collect blood and synovial tissue samples from each patient. This will provide data and material for clinical and translational research to address questions related to the fundamental differences between the spondyloarthropathies and inflammatory arthritis relating to the response of bone to chronic inflammation. We intend to enroll sequential ...
A Study of Whole Blood-based Blood Biomarker (i.e., cytokine) that May Predict Status and Severity of Diseases
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to see if whole blood-based blood biomarker (i.e., cytokine) predicts status and severity of diseases such as asthma, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Exploring the Role of B-cell Activating Factor Receptor (BAFFR)-based Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR T) in BAFFR-expressing B-cell Hematologic Malignancies and Autoimmune Rheumatologic Disorders
Jacksonville, FL
The purposes of this study are to explore the therapeutic efficacy of BAFFR-CAR T cells in BAFFR-expressing B-cell hematologic malignancies including large B-cell, mantle cell and follicular lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-cell ALL) using primary tumor and/or patient derived xenograft models, and to explore the therapeutic efficacy of BAFFR-CAR T cells in autoimmune rheumatologic diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis using primary samples and/or patient derived xenograft models.