A Study to Understand How the Inner Ear Balance Works and Develop a Tool to help Identify Inner Ear Balance Disorders
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to help us better understand how the inner ear balance works as well as develop a new tool to help better identify inner ear of balance disorders.
A Study to Evaluate Ability of Hearing Aids and Wearable Sensors to Detect Falls
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Livio© hearing aids and Apple Watch© to detect falls when subjects with normal/abnormal vestibular function experience controlled, postural disturbances on a treadmill. We will also assess the interaction mechanism of vestibulocolic and vestibulospinal reflex in fall prevention.
A Study to Evaluate Nasal Vestibulitis Symptoms in Patients Undergoing Systemic Antineoplastic Therapy
Rochester, MN; Mankato, MN; Albert Lea, MN; Austin, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate treatment-emergent nasal vestibulitis symptoms in patients undergoing systemic antineoplastic therapy.
A Study to Develop a Vestibular and Balance Function Measure (VBFM) Tool
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is develop a tool called the Vestibular and Balance Function Measure (VBFM) to evaluate vertigo, dizziness, or balance problems that affect patients; ability to perform tasks and participate in activities.
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Tumor Samples from Patients with Vestibular Schwannomas
Rochester, MN
The goal of this study is to correlate protein content in vestibular schwannomas and cerebrospinal fluid to patient outcomes, imaging findings, and other relevant clinical endpoints in patients who presented with both this tumor type and hydrocephalus.
A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Doppler Ultrasound of Large Arterial Systems of the Brain as Vascular Involvement Markers in Presbyacusis and Presbyvestibulopathy
Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to benchmark the feasibility of carotid artery biomechanical analysis and vertebral-basilar Transcranial Doppler (TCD) as markers of vascular involvement in presbyacusis and presbyvestibulopathy.
A Study of Factors That Predispose, Promote, and Perpetuate Post-Traumatic Dizziness
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether recent, groundbreaking discoveries about key pathophysiologic processes that drive chronic dizziness in patients without traumatic brain injury (TBI9,10) are applicable to patients with post-mTBI vestibular disability. We expect the results of this project to have practical clinical and research applications, providing novel data for two future steps: