
Rochester, Minnesota




Matthew J. Maurer, M.S., who also holds a Doctor of Medical Science degree, is the lead faculty statistician for the lymphoma disease group at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Maurer's primary research interest is the evaluation of clinical endpoints and development of prognostic models and decision tools. He has over two decades of collaborative statistical experience across a broad range of research studies, as well as clinical trials.

Focus areas

  • Independent research program. Dr. Maurer's independent research program focuses on improving research efficiency and patient outcomes in lymphoma. He does this by identifying and evaluating clinically relevant outcomes and studying clinical endpoints. Dr. Maurer also develops risk prediction models and data-driven clinical tools for predicting therapy selection. He improves clinical trial design and interpretation of clinical trial results. His research findings include the evaluation of event-free survival at 24 months as a clinical endpoint in slow-growing and aggressive lymphomas. He identifies the clinical importance of the number of days between diagnosing and treating aggressive lymphoma. He develops prognostic indices and decision tools in front-line and relapse, refractory lymphoma settings, which can be found on the Mayo Clinic QHS Apps Home Page and the Calculate by QxMD website.
  • Lymphoma Molecular Epidemiology Resource (MER) and Lymphoma Epidemiology of Outcomes (LEO) cohort studies. The MER and LEO cohorts are multi-institutional forward-looking epidemiology registries of people newly diagnosed with lymphoma. The cohorts are funded by the National Cancer Institute and have enrolled and followed more than 15,000 people with lymphoma since 2002. Dr. Maurer oversees the data center for MER and LEO and directs the examination of numerous studies that use MER and LEO data.
  • New endpoints and prognostic models for lymphoma. Through collaboration with national and international research groups, Dr. Maurer seeks to improve the health outcomes of people with lymphoma. He leads and contributes to research focused on evaluating patterns of clinical outcomes and identification of unmet needs across a variety of lymphoma subtypes and clinical developments. He has developed and contributed to multiple clinical risk models based on these observations.

Significance to patient care

Dr. Maurer's aim is to improve outcomes for people by using observational and clinical trial data. He develops and evaluates clinical endpoints for disease outcomes in clinical trials, biological studies, real-world evidence and observational studies of lymphoma. He develops risk models, nomograms and electronic applications to aid clinicians and people in risk assessment and prognosis evaluation. He strives to improve clinical trial design and evaluation of trial outcomes.

Professional highlights

  • Co-investigator, statistics and informatics core of the Lymphoma Epidemiology of Outcomes cohort study, 2021-2026.
  • Co-director, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core, University of Iowa/Mayo Clinic Lymphoma Specialized Programs of Research Excellence, 2021.
  • Member, American Society of Hematology Clinical Research Training Institute, 2020-2021.
  • Member, scientific research mentoring program, Lymphoma Research Foundation, 2020.


Primary Appointment

  1. Associate Consultant II, Division of Clinical Trials and Biostatistics, Department of Quantitative Health Sciences

Administrative Appointment

  1. Associate Consultant II-Research, Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine

Academic Rank

  1. Associate Professor of Medicine
  2. Associate Professor of Biostatistics


  1. ScD - Medicine Aalborg University
  2. MS - Statistics Iowa State University
  3. BA - Mathematics Saint John's University

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