
CCaTS laboratories make technologies easily accessible to researchers and provide for efficient use of resources. They also provide technical expertise to researchers so that they can develop new methods to meet study requirements. Lab directors are leaders in their fields and are themselves seasoned investigators.

CCaTS laboratories include:

In addition, Mayo Core Resources also provide CCaTS researchers with access to mass spectrometry techniques through the Metabolomics Core and support for and immunochemical, chemistry and immune testing via the Immunochemical Core.

Since 1971, Mayo's core laboratories (previously supported by the General Clinical Research Center [GCRC] grant from NIH) have been the site of countless groundbreaking discoveries, forming the backbone of our clinical research efforts.

Example of such discoveries include:

The use of the measles virus to kill cancer cells (research led by Stephen J. Russell, M.D., Ph.D.) The design of classrooms and workspaces that incorporate activity and exercise to fight obesity (research led by James A. Levine, M.D., Ph.D.) Development of sophisticated tools to measure bone loss and bone density and new treatments for osteoporosis in women (research led by B. Lawrence Riggs, Jr., M.D., Sundeep Khosla, M.D. and others).