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Building Translational Science through an Online Social Media Community: A Partnership between Minnesota Communities and the CTSA Community Engagement Programs at Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to develop and pilot a novel community-engaged communication network statewide in Minnesota through social media; to assess community knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of ongoing and completed research, and to increase access to information about and participation in research.
Facebook Intervention for Preventing Opioid Relapse among American Indian Women: Wiidookaage'win Pilot Preparatory Study (Aim 2)
Eau Claire, Wis.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a 3-month, moderated, private, tailored Facebook group intervention to support recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD) among American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women in Minnesota using a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Metabolism-informed Care to Aid Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking (QUIT): Phase A - Optimizing Design and Participation (QUIT)
Rochester, Minn.
This present effort is the first step of a larger study. We are limiting the scope this AAIRB application to only the first step. The goal of the overall research study is to examine the acceptability and feasibility of using NMR to inform selection of pharmacologic treatment to increase smoking abstinence among ANAI people.
The aim of this IRB application (Aim 1a) is to refine a metabolism-informed pharmacologic intervention to optimize design and participation of a future pilot.
We will use a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach with ANAI customer-owners, providers, and leaders to refine intervention materials and protocols used by Wells et al. for use in an ANAI clinical environment. By eliciting feedback on the acceptability and feasibility of components of the intervention through interviews, we will be able to refine the design of the intervention and future pilot.
Then, in a future AAIRB application, we will use rapid-cycle methods to beta-test the intervention with 10 customer-owners to further optimize the intervention (Aim 1b). In a third and final AAIRB application pertaining to this study, we will assess the refined intervention in a single-arm pilot (Aim 2). The current IRB application (Aim 1a) is only to conduct interviews to refine an NMR intervention and pilot design.
Social Media Intervention to Promote Smoking Treatment Utilization and Cessation among Alaska Native Smokers
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to develop and pilot test a culturally relevant, Facebook delivered intervention to promote smoking treatment uptake and cessation among Alaska Native (AN) smokers.
Learn more about this study.
Closed for Enrollment
Alaska Native Family-Based, Financial Incentives Intervention for Smoking Cessation
Rochester, Minn.
The objective of the proposed study is to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of a culturally adapted, ANAI family-based incentives intervention for smoking cessation.
Assessing Tobacco Use and Treatment Preferences Among Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation Employees (Wellness)
Rochester, Minn.
The aims of this study are 1) To assess the prevalence of tobacco use and cessation treatment preferences among YKHC employees, 2) To assess employee's current levels of perceived stress, engagement in physical activity, and feelings of resiliency to inform future tobacco cessation interventions, and to examine the relationship between these factors and tobacco use, and 3) To assess YKHC employees' perceptions and opinions of the hospital's current workplace tobacco policy and expansion of these regulations to all YKHC properties.
Biomarker Feedback to Motivate Tobacco Cessation in Pregnant Alaska Native Women: Phase 1 (MAW)
Rochester, Minn.
Use of tobacco is very high among Alaska Native women. The investigators are conducting a three phase study. The first phase will examine biomarkers of tobacco exposure in pregnant women and their newborns. The second phase is a qualitative study to translate the biomarker findings into intervention messages. The third phase is a pilot of the biomarker feedback intervention compared with a control condition.
Community Intervention to Reduce Tobacco Use Among Alaska Native Pregnant Women (Sisters)
Rochester, Minn.
In the southwest region of Alaska where the project takes place, 79% of Alaska Native women smoke cigarettes or use smokeless tobacco (ST) during pregnancy. In addition, pregnancy appears to be a high risk period for initiation of tobacco use, primarily ST, among women reporting no use of tobacco 3 months before pregnancy. Intervention efforts targeting the entire community, not only pregnant women, to address social norms about tobacco use may be effective. Thus, the investigators will evaluate the efficacy of a novel, multi-component, theory-based intervention for reducing tobacco use during pregnancy, incorporating both individually targeted and community level components delivered by female elders "Native Sisters." The intervention builds on effective community and individual-based approaches for tobacco cessation and lay health advisor approaches for cancer prevention among Native American women. As part of the intervention, a social marketing campaign including digital stories and other small media will be developed with community feedback. Individually targeted components will be six 30-40 minute telephone or home-based peer counseling sessions with pregnant women.
Facebook Intervention for Preventing Opioid Relapse Among American Indian Women: Wiidookaage’win Pilot Preparatory Study (Aim 1)
Rochester, Minn.,
Eau Claire, Wis.
The purpose of this study is to develop a culturally relevant Facebook intervention for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women in Minnesota recovering from illicit opioid use. The study will consist of three phases: (1) qualitative interviews, (2) intervention content refinement and a moderator exchange (i.e., bi-directional sharing of knowledge between intervention moderators and trainers), and (3) a beta-testing period. A study-specific Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed whose members contributed to the study protocol and will continue to provide guidance and input on the study implementation and dissemination. At the advice of the CAC, a Native Elder woman named the study. Wiidookaage’win is an Ojibwe word that means “the place for help and time for helping,” and reflects healing and community. We expect the participatory approach to treatment development will result in a social media intervention with cultural relevance for Native women to maintain recovery from opioid use.
Family Cancer Literacy to Promote Mammography Screening among Navajo Women
Rochester, Minn.
The no show rate for mammography screening is high among Navajo women. One barrier to preventive screening is a lack of cancer literacy including low knowledge and cultural attitudes (e.g., fatalism) about screening. The investigators will examine the potential feasibility and acceptability of a cancer literacy intervention for families of Navajo women who have no showed for three consecutive times to mammography screening who have never or rarely been screened in the past.
Increasing Digital Equity and Access Among Rural Patients (IDEA) Study (IDEA)
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this trial is to assess the impact of access to technology and/or coaching support on participation in and response to a behavioral health program for smoking cessation among rural Midwest Mayo Clinic patients.
Pilot Study Phase - Nonsmoker Interventions to Increase Use of Quitline Services Among Racially Diverse Low Income Smokers
Rochester, Minn.
This pilot study is being done to adapt an effective 1 session phone coaching intervention for nonsmoking support persons to a low income population. This study will also pilot new intervention components including text messaging and health incentives. The goal of the intervention is for support persons to prompt their smoker to use quitline services. To see if these methods are effective, smokers in this study will be asked to complete assessments about their quit attempts and smoking status. The study will also evaluate if the smokers use quitline services or not. The preliminary findings will be used to provide data for an R01 NIH grant submission.
Receptivity of a Robotic Human Exercise Trainer Among an Adolescent Community-based Population: Pilot Survey Study
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to:
Aim 1. To assess the receptivity of the robotic human trainer technology for potential delivery of exercise coaching.
Aim 2. To explore differences on receptivity of the robotic human trainer technology by sex, age, smoking status, perceived weight.
Aim 3. In addition to the survey, we will obtain qualitative feedback through focus groups on receptivity and potential deployment of the technology for exercise coaching among adolescents.
Supervised, Vigorous Intensity Exercise Intervention for Depressed Female Smokers
Rochester, Minn.
In this project the investigators will develop and pilot test a supervised, vigorous intensity exercise intervention for depressed female smokers. If the pilot intervention is successful, the investigators will have a blueprint for a large randomized controlled trial. The long term objective is to develop interventions for depressed women that will ultimately reduce their risk of tobacco-caused disease and mortality.