Faculty and Staff

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  1. Arteaga, Grace M. M.D.
    1. Arteaga.Grace@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Pediatrics
    3. Assistant Professor of Physiology
    4. Publications
  2. Aytekin, Betul
    1. Aytekin.Betul@mayo.edu
  3. Bailey, Jeffrey P. M.A.
    1. Bailey.Jeffrey@mayo.edu
  4. Brandenburg, Joline E. M.D.
    1. Brandenburg.Joline@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Pediatrics
    3. Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    4. Publications
  5. Brown, Alyssa D.
    1. Brown.Alyssa@mayo.edu
  6. Brozovich, Frank V. M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Brozovich.Frank@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Medicine
    3. Professor of Physiology
    4. Publications
  7. Dasgupta, Debanjali Ph.D.
    1. Dasgupta.Debanjali@mayo.edu
  8. Delmotte, Philippe Ph.D.
    1. Delmotte.Philippe@mayo.edu
  9. Fang, Yun-Hua
    1. Fang.Yun-Hua@mayo.edu
  10. Gransee, Heather M. Ph.D.
    1. Gransee.Heather2@mayo.edu
  11. Han, Young S. S. Ph.D.
    1. Han.Young@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Physiology
    3. Publications
  12. Hellyer, Nathan J. Ph.D., M.S.
    1. Hellyer.Nathan@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
  13. Hernandez-Vizcarrondo, Genesis A.
    1. HernandezVizcarrondo.Genesis@mayo.edu
  14. Khurram, Obaid Ph.D.
    1. Khurram.Obaid@mayo.edu
  15. Kingsley-Berg, Shirley M. CCRP
    1. KingsleyBerg.shirley@mayo.edu
  16. Macken, Rebecca L.
    1. macken.rebecca@mayo.edu
  17. Mahadev Bhat, Sanjana Ph.D.
    1. MahadevBhat.Sanjana@mayo.edu
  18. Mantilla, Carlos B. M.D., Ph.D.
    1. mantilla.carlos@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Anesthesiology
    3. Professor of Physiology
    4. Publications
  19. Moses, Emily S.
    1. Moses.Emily@mayo.edu
  20. Pareja Cajiao, Miguel
    1. ParejaCajiao.Miguel@mayo.edu
  21. Rana, Sabhya
    1. Rana.Sabhya@mayo.edu
  22. Reynolds, Carmen J. Ph.D.
    1. Reynolds.Carmen@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Physiology
  23. Schanche, Torstein L. M.D.
    1. Schanche.Torstein@mayo.edu
  24. Sieck, Gary C. Ph.D.
    1. Professor of Anesthesiology
    2. Professor of Physiology
    3. Publications
  25. Zhan, Wen-Zhi M.D.
    1. zhan.wenzhi@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Physiology
    3. Publications