
The goal of Dr. Pang's research in the Computer-Aided Molecular Design Laboratory is to find proactive ways to prevent diseases, rather than treating them reactively.

Research in Dr. Pang's laboratory is focused on:

  • Advancement of cancer immunotherapies
  • New treatments for autoimmune diseases
  • Prevention of mosquito-borne diseases


Dr. Pang's Computer-Aided Molecular Design Lab is affiliated with several Mayo Clinic research areas:

About Dr. Pang

Yuan-Ping Pang, Ph.D., is a professor of biophysics and pharmacology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science in Rochester, Minnesota. A consultant in molecular pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, he also holds joint appointments in physiology and biomedical engineering as well as health sciences research. His research focuses on advancing artificial intelligence methods for biomedical research and increasing fundamental knowledge of amidation, autocatalysis and the origin of life.