Faculty and Staff

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  1. Blocker, Renaldo C. Ph.D.
    1. Blocker.Renaldo@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Health Care Systems Engineering
    3. Publications
  2. Fortune Ngufor, Emma Ph.D.
    1. Fortune.Emma@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    3. Assistant Professor of Health Care Systems Engineering
    4. Publications
  3. Hallbeck, Susan Ph.D.
    1. Hallbeck.Susan@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Health Care Systems Engineering
    3. Publications
  4. Jahanian, Omid Ph.D.
    1. Jahanian.Omid@mayo.edu
  5. Kim, Joe Y M
    1. Kim.Joseph@mayo.edu
  6. Tetteh, Emmanuel Ph.D.
    1. Tetteh.Emmanuel@mayo.edu
  7. Van Straaten, Meegan G. P.T.
    1. VanStraaten.Meegan@mayo.edu
  8. Wang, Kirk M.S.
    1. Wang.Tianke@mayo.edu