How do I interact with OR-Stretch?
You or a member of your surgical team will log in with the surgeon's email address, prior or at the beginning of the procedure. During surgery, a nonsterile person may push the Go button to start the stretching break and snooze the alarm when needed.
Where is the OR-Stretch web app located?
The web app can be found at
The OR computer or an iPad can be used to run OR-Stretch.
How do I log in?
Enter into the web browser, or access is available through the Mayo Dock for Mayo Clinic sites; fill out the surgeon's email address when prompted.
Can someone else log in for me?
Yes, anyone can log in for you with your email address.
Is it safe?
The stretches are safe to perform, but if engaging in any of these movements causes pain, stop immediately.
Will the web app interfere with other technology in the OR?
The OR-Stretch alarm is a harp sound, which is different from other sounds in the OR. You should use a separate browser for OR-Stretch from the browser used for medical records.
What if I am having technical difficulties?